
You can search for “My name is Nalan Ye” on Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In the dark great hall, the Palace Master and Kang Sha are still yelling and blaming each other. I sit cross-legged in the medical Immortal Cauldron. I don’t hear anything outside the window, just staring at the medicinal cauldron. Silently suspended python pill.

“Really, it is actually true, Medicinal Pill is gaining popularity, quality is improving…”

I whispered, the shock in my heart was beyond words, and I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Why did this Medicinal Pill absorb “popularity”?

Why does this Medicinal Pill improve its quality after absorbing “popularity”?

Is it because it was refined with “human fire” and “humanitarian domain”, contaminated with “humane breath”?

If you don’t understand, if you don’t understand, you can only spell it once!

I looked up sharply, looked towards the still arguing Palace Master and Kang Sha, and suddenly smiled, “Have you heard a word?”

“What is it?”

Everyone in the hall looked Qi Qi, Palace Master is unknown. Therefore, Kang Sha and Li Qing are alert, afraid that I will make some moths.

“Heaven and Earth is right!”

I sang loudly, pinched the tactics in both hands, Dou Qi was in circulation, the black cloak hunting on his body rang, everyone in the hall suddenly opened his eyes, I don’t know what I want to do?

“Medicinal Pill has been refined, and he is useless in what he does! This is like a piece of porcelain. It can easily change its shape when the clay embryo is burned, but how can it be changed after it has been burned into porcelain?”

Li Qing gritted his teeth and stared at the Medicinal Pill in the medical Immortal Cauldron, but he couldn’t see it at all, and the invisible traces of “popularity” flooded into it under my control!

“Popularity”, illusory, even Dou Zong powerhouse cannot “see” it.

“Since you want to absorb popularity, I will let you suck enough!”

I secretly gritted my teeth and exhibited the “red dust billowing” which has not been used for a long time. There are not many people in the Ximing Temple, but there are also hundreds of people. It is equivalent to a small village and there are many “popularities” in the air.

As soon as I cast a spell, I almost summoned the “popularity” in the entire Ximingren Temple, and the “Bangya Pill” is also like a bottomless pit. Swallowed, breath gradually improved.

“Look at the sky, red in the robbery cloud has become more!”

The Palace Master shouted loudly. He was the first to discover. The rest of the temple looked up. The stone palace couldn’t stop everyone’s eyes. Everyone saw this scene.

Red becomes more, which means that the Dan Tribulation is changing from “Three-color Dan Tribulation” to “Four-color Dan Tribulation”!

“How come, this is impossible!”

Li Qing’s eyes showed some blood, state seems crazy, Medicinal Pill refining was finished, and it was carved on an already-fired “porcelain”. This is not an impossible thing at all!

He stared at the cloud in the sky, suddenly shouted, “Stopped, red’s expansion stopped, did not reach the point of Sisi Danjie, did not reach Sisi Danjie!”

Li Qing was very excited, jié jié laughed, looked towards my madness, a small man intoxicated by success looks like, “It’s up to you to make Tier Seven four-color Medicinal Pill?!”

I brows slightly wrinkle, looked up at the cloud on the top of my head, and looked down towards Ding Nei Medicinal Pill, inexplicably, I can feel this python fetal dan…

Not full.

There are only a few hundred people in the Ximing Temple, and the accumulated popularity has been exhausted by me, and all of them have been injected into the Medicinal Pill. It is still not enough, and it is still a while!

“Hehe, since you are not full, then add a little more.”

I grinned at Li Qing, flipped my hands to pick up a few Storage Rings from my body, took out the “popularity” stored in it, and injected a brain into the python dan, suddenly the clouds in the sky changed again, countless Heaven and Earth The energy poured into it, the area of ​​the robbery cloud suddenly expanded, and red Rayman was enough to resist the court with the other three colors.

Four-color Dan Tribulation!

The vast expanse of heavenly power is shrouded down, and everyone in the hall suddenly understands that this is really a four-color Dan Tribulation.

The smile on Li Qing’s face froze, and he stared dullly at the four-color Dan Tribulation. Dao Xin lost his heart. Kang Sha saw the appearance of the disciples, displeased coldly snorted.

“Fear of something, the formidable power of the four-color Dan Tribulation is powerful. Magpie Custodian and he are a trifling 1-star Dou Zong. It is impossible for him to pass by, fearing that he will die directly under Dan Tribulation!”

“Sometimes, too evil is not necessarily a good thing…” Kang Sha glanced at me, his eyes cold and deep.

Li Qing came back to his senses, his head is nondded like a pile driver, “Four-color Dan Tribulation, formidable power is the strongest when 4-Star Dou Zong, I may not be able to get through, he is a 1-star Dou Zong, you must die!”

I looked at these two strangely. I didn’t understand what they were whispering about, wasn’t it just a Dan Tribulation, and it wasn’t Heavenly Tribulation…

Immortal Cauldron, I shouted aloud: “Teacher, don’t shoot at this time, when will you wait?”

Palace Master was stunned. I didn’t understand what to do. I looked angry and laughed. He made a look at him. The Pall Palace Master immediately understood that there was no response between Kangsha and Liqing master and disciple. When he came over, he had left the great hall. He threw himself against the tribulation thunder that he split off and rushed straight into the sky, hong long long counted down, and scattered the four-color Dan Tribulation directly.

The end of the Dan Tribulation, the clouds open and the fog is scattered, the Palace Master with a flick of sleeve, falling down from the sky, face Serene, a world-expert look.

Four-color Dan Tribulation is really nothing in front of 7-Star Dou Zong.

Kang Sha and Li Qing master and disciple are stupid in this cloud-like operation, can it be like this?

“You, you cheat!” Li Qing shouted with a sharp voice.

My two fingers pinched the still hot python, Dan, and put away the doctor Immortal Cauldron. He stood up and looked at Li Qing strangely, “I cheated? Then you talk about it, I violated Dou Dan’s Which rule?”

“You, you…”

Li Qing stammered, speechless, and Dou Dan were on a temporary basis. There are just a few rules. I really didn’t say that outsiders are not allowed to help with the Dan robbery.

Alchemist is not good at fighting. When continent has a lot of Alchemist refining pills, when he encounters the Dan Tribulation, he asks others to help him to resist. This is the convention.

Kang Sha can’t stand it anymore, heavy with a face on his face, “Magpie Custodian, Dou Dan is a matter between you and Qing’er, you let the Palace Master Master protect you from Dan robbery, outsiders intervene in Dou Dan, two people Doudan became a three-person Doudan, is this not cheating?”

The Palace Master Shi Shiran walked in from outside the temple, trifling the four-color Dan robbery, which was enough for him to warm up, “Kang Sha, you are less bullshit here, Doudan is more like refining pills, not more than Dandu robbery, I made the Tier Seven four-color Medicinal Pill from my discipline, and your discipline is the Tier Seven three-color……”

“This battle of Dan, my discipline won!”

Kang Shayin sneered, “Heaven and Earth descended the Dan Tribulation, just to prevent the birth of Medicinal Pill. If you don’t intervene in the Dan Tribulation, the Magus Custodian impossible stops Heavenly Tribulation, when the time comes when his Medicinal Pill will be destroyed in Heavenly Under Tribulation… That is that the Magpie Custodian refining failed, and no Medicinal Pill was refined. In this competition, Qing’er won!”

I raised my eyebrows, didn’t expect this guy to have no shame so much, he was actually catching this loophole, it was just unbearable!

I reached out and stopped the Palace Master who was going to quarrel with him again. I took a step, the stature was buried under the cloak, and the hoarse voice sounded, “Kangsha Deputy Palace Master, you said that my Teacher has intervened. Dou Dan of Li Qing?”

Kang Sha looked at me coldly, too lazy to speak, wasn’t it obvious?

“Kangsha Deputy Palace Master, everything must be ruled!”

My coldly smiled, “You should still remember Doudan’s rules, whoever refines first fails and loses, who refines first succeeds and wins, and if they refine successfully, the quality of Medicinal Pill who refines is even better. High, who wins.”

Kang Sha didn’t understand what I wanted to say, slightly frowned, or nodded. It was indeed this rule.

I smiled, “Kangsha Deputy Palace Master knows, what does it mean that Dan Tribulation is down?”

Kang Sha’s face fell, and he couldn’t hold back, “Say what you want to say, don’t bend around here!”

I looked around the people in the temple, face was hidden under the cloak, and they couldn’t see my face, “Dan Jie lowered, it means that my refining pills are over.”

“After refining pills, Doudan will naturally end.”

“Li Qing is the three-color Medicinal Pill of Tier Seven, and I am the four-color of Tier Seven, so the result is obvious, I won the Dou Dan!”

“As for what Kangsha Deputy Palace Master said, get involved in Dou Dan, jié jié, Dou Dan has ended, and where did he get involved?”

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