
You can search for “My name is Nalan Ye” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

More than a dozen Alchemist emotions suddenly rose up. Originally it was just idle and boring in Burning Flame Valley. Seeing the excitement here, didn’t expect actually saw the discipline of the legendary Venerable Yao?

This hilarious value!

Grandmaster Huan is as excited as Xiao Master. As Pill Tower Guest Official elder, they are probably among the people who know Venerable Yao the most and also know how powerful Venerable Yao is and how terrifying it is.

The two led a dozen Alchemist, each and everyone glanced around Xiao Yan for a while, just like visiting a giant panda, let alone Xiao Yan, we all feel weird on the side.

Yes, with them, don’t want to continue eating this meal!

I clapped my hands and asked the maidservants in the courtyard to remove the wine and dishes, and put on snacks, fruits, preserves, tea, and a good banquet, forcibly changed by them to…

Tea party.

“It turned out to be Your Excellency Xiao Yan, really disrespectful and disrespectful.”

“Looking like a talented person, Honorable Xiao Yan is a disciplinary of Venerable Yao, the younger generations will surpass us in time!”

“I don’t know what kind of Alchemist His Excellency Xiao Yan is? The old man recently encountered an Alchemy problem, the nature of dragon and vine…”

A dozen Alchemist sat down in the courtyard, mostly white-haired old man, and a small part of middle-aged man. At this moment, people say that there are people in the altar, some people are pleased, some are praised, some are not convinced, they are holding guns and sticks I want to try the foundation of Xiao Yan, the “Venerable Yao disciple”, to see if it is a “famous teacher and low apprentice”.

Xiao Yan coldly smiled, Dou Qi dispelled the drunkenness within the body in his luck, recovered his spirit, and no longer said anything stupid such as “my son has a name”, talked directly to the provocative Alchemist .

Xiao Yan has been directed by Old Yao. It is not covered in the Alchemy way. Not only can he refining pills, but also has a lot of research on pharmacology. At this moment, I think a little, and in a few words, the provocative Alchemist suddenly enlightened in the past , Showing shame.

Grandmaster Huan and Xiao Master saw this, looked at each other, and were unable to bear to throw a few questions. The Xiao Yan visitors refused to communicate with these Alchemists and sat in the courtyard to face Tang Zhen. More than a dozen Alchemist came, there is a kind of high-spirited and vigorous, pointing the trend!

I am dumbfounded, this tea party seems to have changed again…


I heard it all confused. I was Alchemist in a flash. According to Pill Recipe refining pills, I will. As for the medicinal ingredients in this Pill Recipe, why should they be so matched?

Where do I know!

“Xiao Yi Xian, do you understand what they are saying?” I moved to Xiao Yi Xian and asked in a low voice.

“Of course understand.”

Xiao Yi Xian looked strange and looked back towards me. When I saw me, my eyes were dazed. Everyone was so stupid, “puchi” laughed out loud, and understood that it turned out that I couldn’t understand it myself!

“Nalan Ye, shall I explain it to you?”

“Don’t use it!”

I hurriedly waved my hands and looked at the Alchemists discussed in a frenzy. I couldn’t help but sigh. I really liked it everywhere. Yesterday, this group of Alchemists were not so enthusiastic about me.

My eyes flickered, and suddenly I stretched my arms around Xiao Yi Xian’s waist and pulled her back into my arms. This action suddenly surprised Xiao Yi Xian, thinking what my animalistic big hair wanted to do, Will push me away, but…

I just whisper something to her.

My mouth is next to Xiao Yi Xian’s ear and whispered: “Xiao Yi Xian, can you direct their topic to Dou Dan? Let them have a fight with Xiao Yan?”

Xiao Yi Xian strangely said: “What do you want to do?”

“Hehe, don’t do anything, just ask them for a little help.”

I grin, advanced-level Alchemist is rare, at this moment Tang Zhen is bringing together so many Alchemists together, not letting them do something, is it right?

Xiao Yi Xian listened to me. Unable to bear glared at me, sexy bearing and charming temperament, “Nalan Ye, you are so bad!”

“Which is broken? Go ahead!”

I smirked and got up and left the courtyard. Anyway, nobody cares about me now, and Xiao Yi Xian kicked the forehead blue silk, and began to intervene in the discussion of a group of Alchemist. Tao also has a say.

A group of old fellows started to be shocked again. Didn’t expect the little girl in the unremarkable white dress, who has such a profound medicine attainment!

Grandmaster Huan unable to bear asked: “Are girls also the disciples of Venerable Yao?”

Xiao Yi Xian smiled lightly, “The drug paths are endless, the so-called Venerable Yao, but only a small success in the drug path, how can it represent the entire drug path?”

This is very clear. Xiao Yi Xian is not a disciplinary of Venerable Yao, and he provoked Venerable Yao at the beginning, and felt that Venerable Yao was not a real thing. This immediately brought a group of Alchemists in the courtyard to discuss. Some people were in favor and some were against it.

So at the end, the quarrel naturally evolved into–Dou Dan!

Dou Dan is to Alchemist, just like a duel is to Dou Zhe. In the case of not fighting each other, the best way is to see the real chapter on hand.

“You guys, since you want to fight Dan, I have three Tier Seven Medicinal Pill Pill Recipes here, why not choose one to refine it?”

Xiao Yi Xian took out three Pill Recipes, nothing else, it was the “three Tier Seven”-the Pill Recipe of Qingfeng Mingyue Dan, Dushan Wushen Dan, Liumai Tiao and Dan.

It turns out that Nalan Ye turned out to be the name of Dou Dan, and let this group of Alchemist give him refining pills in vain, which is really bad!



On the side of Nalan Ye’s discussion in a frenzy, the discussions on the Burning Flame Valley also came to an end. The matter of saving the Venerable Yao was important. Tang Zhen still had a long discussion with the elders in the valley. Determined the way, decided to save.

In the black volcanic stone palace hall, a group of Burning Flame Valley elders dispersed one after another, leaving only a few people in the great hall.

Elder Chi Hou said: “Valley Master, just now Yuan elder made a point. It’s better to teach fish than to fish. The five refining pills promised by Nalan Ye are good, but they will be gone after five. , I would like to invite Venerable Yao to make Medicinal Pill for Burning Flame Valley for me, and the price will not be small!”

Tang Zhen nodded is indeed the reason. Not to mention the Alchemy Grandmaster at the level of Venerable Yao, the price of asking the elders from Pill Tower to make him the Burning Flame Valley master has some pain.

Although every Dou Zong can refining pills, refining pills also need talent, which is like everyone can cook, but some people don’t eat dogs, but some are full of color and fragrance…

Not every chef is from New Oriental!

Elder Chi Hou glanced at Tang Huo Er next to his eyes, said with a smile: “Valley Master, now Nalan Ye is asking for us, we should add another condition to let Venerable Yao accept Huo Er Young Miss as a disciple! “

“Huo Er Young Miss is extremely talented and smart, with Venerable Yao teaching. In the future, the student may surpasses the master. I will refining pills in Burning Flame Valley. I don’t need to ask for Venerable Yao. Find Huo Er Young. Miss is that.”

Tang Huo Er’s eyes flickered slightly, not because of Venerable Yao, but just thinking… If he can worship Venerable Yao as a teacher, he can always be with the big brother in the future?

Tang Zhen pondered for a moment, but slowly shook his head, “Huo Er is the future owner of Burning Flame Valley. It is not appropriate to worship an outsider as a teacher. If Venerable Yao forced Huo Er to do something in the name of master and disciple, it would be detrimental to Burning Flame Valley. What to do?”

For example, Venerable Yao let Tang Huo Er fight against Soul Palace. Where is Burning Flame Valley’s opponent? Tang Huo Er has gone, it is to drag Burning Flame Valley to the death, otherwise it is deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors, both ends can not be good!

“But this is a good idea, Chihuo. Go back and hand in the planning book. We can get an Alchemist game in Tanai. We can pick a talent with Alchemist talent from Tanani and send it to Venerable Yao.” Tang Zhen indifferently said.

Elder Chi Hou is dumbfounded and swears at the eloquent “Yuan elder” in his heart. It is clearly you who came up with the idea. Why should I write the planning book?

the past few days I’m afraid I can’t sleep, I hope my hair is fine.

Suddenly, a Burning Flame Valley disciple came in and saluted, “Institute Valley Master, Nalan Young Master asked for advice outside the hall.”

“Oh, what is this kid doing again?”

Tang Zhen froze and waved: “Let him come in.”

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