Xiao Xun Er’s face is dumbfounded, what’s the matter with brown sugar water? Immediately, my face was cold, seeing me as Dou Zong cultivation base, my heart peng peng jumped up, nervous and cold shouted:

“Nalan Ye, why are you here? Xiao Yan brother? How did you treat him? I warn you, if you dare to move Xiao Yan brother a hair, I will make you regret coming to this World!”

I am confused, what are you talking about? Xiao Yan and I are in a camp with you! For a moment, I asked: “Xun’er younger sister, are there any misunderstandings between us?”

Xiao Xun Er said amazingly, “You have joined Soul Palace.”

My heart stagnate for a moment, and there is a feeling of suffocation in my head. Gu Clan’s intelligence system is so horrible that even the top secret information of Me and the Palace Master have been detected? !

Soon I shook my head slightly, if Gu Clan really knew about me and the Palace Master, Xun’er would not say that I joined Soul Palace…

Because I really did not join.

“Xun’er younger sister, what are you talking about, I’m okay to join Soul Palace. What are you doing? That group of guys commiting any imaginable misdeed, how can I Nalan Ye be with my peers?!” Denied.

However, a little Dou Huang flew out from the opposite side, oh no, it was an old Dou Huang, 9-Star Peak Dou Huang cultivation base, wearing a black robe, his face was aging and his hair was gray.

No one else is Ling Ying!

“Nalan Ye, old man in Jia Ma Empire, saw you colluding with the people of Soul Palace, do you still want to quibble?”

Ling Ying fluttered his wings, and a pair of black Dou Qi wings fluttered behind slowly, but he saw that I didn’t need the wings of Dou Qi, and when the volleying foot stood in midair, his pupils fiercely flinched and showed his eyes. terrified look.

He is a man of Gu Clan, but he has been cultivated for more than 100 years, and still stays at the Dou Huang level. He cannot enter the Dou Zong realm, but I am a trifling ant in a northwest wild country. With Dou Zong powerhouse, this is less than 30 years old, right?


Ling Ying’s eyes flashed a full of jealousy, “Nalan Ye, if you are not a surrender to Soul Palace, you trifling people in a wild country, how could there be such a cultivation base?”

I was shocked, clenching one’s teeth and said: “Ling Ying, it turns out to be you!”

I said why Xun’er’s attitude is so cold, not to touch the head, at least when I meet, should I call Big Brother Ye? It turned out that this Ling Ying was fooling, but he dared to defame my innocence!

I used Green Lotus Core Flame to do a deal with Xun’er. As one of the conditions, Ling Ying needs to be guarded by me. One “Tier Seven Breaking Zong Pill” as compensation.

Unfortunately, in less than a year, I was almost killed under the Refining Qi tower in Tianhan, and Ling Ying followed Xun’er back to Central Plains, and the escort could not be done.

didn’t expect Today, Ling Ying actually ran out to be a demon!

“Old Ling, I am now Dou Zong, but I respect you, so I yell at you Old Ling, but you can’t defame me out of thin air?”

I looked at Ling Ying with cold eyes, and my voice was cold, “You said I colluded with Soul Palace, can you have evidence?”

Ling Ying was taken aback, how could he have any evidence? He also vaguely noticed, not at all any evidence.

“hmph, Nalan Ye, you can’t look down on yourself too much. Will the old man smear you? Does the old man need to smear you?”

Ling Ying coldly snorted, turn around and bow down to the ancient Xun’er arch, respectful language, “Young Miss, old man’s words and sentences are true, this collusion between the people of Jia Ma Empire and Soul Palace is the old man’s own eyes As you can see, there will be absolutely no mistakes!”

“It turned out to be Soul Palace?!”

Purple black robe served as a man, that is, Ling Quan taking advantage of our conversation, the injury was slightly relieved, and now he looked at me with a heavy face.

Before I was seriously injured, and even almost died, thanks to Xiao Xun Er, he suddenly came to save his life…

Such awkward scene was actually seen by Xun’er Young Miss, so damn it!

“Soul Palace bitch, take your life!”

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