
You can search “My name is Nalan Ye” on Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Burning Flame Valley shouted killing voices inside and outside, everyone was fighting desperately, either you will die or i will die, but in this battlefield of foul wind and bloody rain, there was a corner that was particularly strange.

A black clothed black hair youth carrying a large black iron ruler was torn together with a white clothed white haired old man, and there was a purple skirt just beside the fierce battlefield. The woman stood quietly, and the starry, clear starry eyes moved back and forth with the black clothed black hair youth without blinking.

Then, not far from the purple skirt woman behind, there is a black robe Venerable standing in the sky, hands folded in big sleeves, silently guarding this purple skirt.

Furthermore, there is a purple black robe serving a man gnashing teeth further away, “Damn, damn, trifling a 1-star Dou Zong’s scum, even bothering Young Miss to guard himself? It’s useless waste, I must kill you!”

Ling Quan looked at the battle between the two valleys, and the blood rain kept falling. There was a smile of evil charm in the corner of my mouth. I suddenly found that there is nothing wrong with Burning Flame Valley. It’s very confusing here. , Young Miss simply discovered.

It’s just that Young Miss has been standing next to that cheap seed, and there is no chance to do anything. Ling Quan’s face is full of impure birds.

Xun’er flew not far away from Xiao Yan, quietly watching him fight fiercely with the Glacier Valley 3-Star Dou Zong, Xiao Yan had rich combat experience, now he had Heavy Xuan Ruler in his hand, agile stature, and that Glacier Valley Elder was circling around without falling the wind.

“Xiao Yan big brother is really powerful, can fight two stars in Dou Zong realm, it is too difficult for Dou Zhe without Dou Di Bloodline!”

Xun’er beautiful eye circulates, smiles indifferently and looks at Xiao Yan, this smile makes the two valley disciplines who accidentally flew to this corner look dumbfounded, and then people in the Glacier Valley will be too late to react Nan Lao slapped him casually, and no one could bother her.

The fierce rupture came from Xun’er. She was clearly in this bloody battlefield, but she seemed to be detached from this battlefield. No one could touch her, and no one could be injured or killed. Her heart is like a black clothed black hair youth. If not, she will fly back to the sky at any time.

“Nalan Ye ……”

Xun’er murmured and looked away at the battlefield where the fighting was extremely fierce. The Soul Palace 7-Star Dou Zong battle strength was extremely powerful. With the beckoned, it was all majestic, and the black mist filled, Nalan Ye is like a worm in a violent storm, and may die at any time.

“Hehe, if you don’t have the ability, you dare to be brave, don’t look at your cultivation base, and dare to play against 7-Star Dou Zong?”

Xun’er sneered coldly, but seemed to be unaware, Xiao Yan and Glacier Valley 3-Star Dou Zong were two stars away from the cultivation base, Nalan Ye and Soul Palace 7-Star Dou Zong were also two points away Star cultivation base……

The gap is obviously the same, why Xiao Yan is brave and powerful, Nalan Ye becomes act recklessly?

Xun’er looked at the battlefield from afar, her hands fell naturally, and suddenly, her eyes lit up, and her jade-like hands choked out a strange secret art quietly, and a strange power spread out.

Nan Lao seemed to perceive something, looked up at the air without any traces, and then continued to concentrate on protecting the purple skirt.



When I heard the words of Palace Master, I was ashamed. No, why are you always thinking of killing Xun’er? She is just a girl Ah!

I am impossible to agree with this idea. Although Xun’er has some doubts about me, she is the only bridge between me and Gu Clan. Once Xun’er dies, Gu Clan of aloof and remote who wants to ignore me is an outside ant ?

Unable to establish contact with Gu Clan, this is definitely a big failure. Hun Clan is extremely strong among the ancient eight tribes, such as Yao Clan, Ling Clan, Shi Clan, etc. have already declined, and they are not Hun Clan opponents at all. Only Gu Clan can barely compete with the huge monster Hun Clan!

“Lao Lao, Xun’er is just a junior. It’s no use killing her. Besides, such a cute girl, are you willing to start?”

I muttered a few words, and suddenly remembered something, said with a smile: “Oh, old man, after I broke the Temple of the Dead Soul last time, I found a lot of good things, some of which are for Soul Palace people. Medicinal Pill, weapons, Dou Technique, Secret Skill, now I will give you?”

“Are you interested in that little girl?”

Palace Master sees me to maintain Xun’er, disable to bear tune said with a smile, but the little girl is indeed beautiful, with a purple skirt fluttering, like nine Celestial Immortal female born, he has not seen in his life Having passed such a beautiful woman, even the white skirt Xiao Yi Xian that followed me was slightly worse.

I laughed bitterly, I don’t know how to respond, and just kept silent, Spiritual Strength dived into a Storage Ring in my arms, and began to detect the things that were scraped from the dead Soul Palace… I haven’t had time for these things. after another.

In Storage Ring, there are many types of treasures, most of which are resources that Dou Zhe can use universally, but there are also some things that exude a spooky and strange breath. At first glance, they are dedicated to Soul Palace people. If others dare to use them indiscriminately, fear Was backlash!

“Old Lao, cover up for me one or two.”

Palace Master nodded, jié jié laughed strangely, “Junior, die!” With a big wave of his hand, the dense black mist around his body condensed into a cone of thorns, blasting at me, sky-splitting sound bursts .

I just wanted to flash away and suddenly, suddenly, a force from nowhere came to me, imprisoning me, the whole person’s movements were stagnant, it was too late to avoid, and was directly attacked by Custodian Wu this move in!


Suffering a heavy blow on my chest, my face instantly changes was extremely pale, a mouthful of blood spurted, the whole person flew out, a severe pain came from my chest, it is estimated that one or two ribs were broken!

“Nalan Ye!”

Xiao Yi Xian, who was entangled by a Glacier Valley elder in the distance, has been following me. At the moment, I was injured and my face suddenly turned white. Glacier Valley elder, who was wrapped around me, was forced to retreat. , Turned and galloped towards me.

That mysterious power has disappeared and is fleeting. If it was not the pain in my chest that reminded me that I was actually injured, I thought it was an illusion!

Any Dou Technique and Secret Skill have traces, but the mysterious power that imprisoned me just now, I didn’t even notice the slightest message. Where did it come from? Left or right? Who launched the attack? Glacier Valley or Soul Palace?

That mysterious power is like appearing out of thin air. For me, I can’t trace the source, and I can’t know who attacked me!

Looking anxiously to all around, around heaven and earth, above heaven under earth silhouettes everywhere, shouting and fighting sounds everywhere, I looked at each and everyone, but I couldn’t find out which bastard sneak attack Me!

Xiao Yi Xian flew anxiously towards me, but it was too late. The spine in my chest suddenly exploded, turning into countless thick black mist that enveloped me. Yi Xian is isolated.

Xun’er is not far away from Xiao Yan, and the smile on his face is extremely charming.

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