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“Ling Quan?”

The old brows frowned, “Is it one of those two Gu Clan Venerable?”

I shook my head and told the situation of Ling Quan in general. He looked very angry, but after listening to it, he felt strange. It was just a 5-Star Dou Zong Gu Clan junior, even if 7-Star Dou Zong broke out battle strength, can you still exhibit such tricks?

I said with a sneer: “Lao, this method does not require the cultivation base to be high. The requirement is that the Secret Skill is sufficiently subtle, and the Gu Clan clan also has a long inheritance. There are many Secret Skills in the clan, and Ling Quan can learn. It’s not surprising that a secret skill like this is so great.”

Tao Lao still insists on his own opinion, strangely said: “Can’t it be those two Gu Clan Venerable shots? Old man thinks that their shots have higher probability, a 5-Star Dou Zong, even if he comes from Gu Clan It’s also impossible that the old man can’t perceive.”

I laughed dumbly, and old people didn’t know the doorway. It’s not surprising to say this kind of layman’s word. I and the two Gu Clan black robe Venerable have no personal enmity. If they both shoot me, unless Yes…

Xun’er’s order? !

The smile on my face suddenly froze, and the brows were frowned, thinking about this possibility, maybe Xun’er?

I met her at the beginning. At that time, Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan just got out of marriage, and Xiao Mei and I were just engaged. I also went shopping with Wu Yan City and Xiao Yan and Xun’er together. , This turned out to be almost ten years ago!

For ten years, my relationship with Xun’er has been tepid, and it’s not good to talk about, but there has never been a conflict. Except for Ling Ying’s slander without any evidence, Xun’er not at all reasons Kill me…

“What did you think of?”

Lao saw that I was suddenly in a state of contemplation. After a while, Unable to Bear asked aloud, “Little Child Ye, what happened to you and Gu Clan? Won’t it bother them, you have to be careful Come on, why don’t you just come to Soul Palace?”

I frowned, looked towards Xiao Yi Xian slightly after shaking my head, and the tone was low, “Xiao Yi Xian, do you think Xiao Xun Er had just shot me?”

Xiao Yi Xian was slightly stunned. She was used to not thinking when she was around me. I will consider many things. She only needs to follow me and watch me do it.

At the moment, when faced with a rare inquiry from me, Xiao Yi Xian knew that I was in a difficult situation, and the two willows frowned tightly, and fell into deep thought.

The authorities are obsessed, the bystanders are clear, I am in the situation, there may not be Xiao Yi Xian to see clearly, not to mention Xiao Yi Xian is a very smart girl, but has been silently with me all the time, willing to act as a foil, to converge for me Own rays of light.

The light in the vast black mist is dim, gloomy and weird. Although I know that there will be no danger, I still feel a little uncomfortable after a long time. Just when I thought about making some movement, Xiao Yi Xian finally spoke. .

“Xiao Er has to kill you for at least two reasons.”

Two? !

Xiao Yi Xian scared me as soon as she opened her mouth. In my opinion, Xiao Xun Er had at least half a reason to kill me, but why did she see two reasons? Is this a woman? Loved love…

“Xiao Xun Er does not care about you, only Xiao Yan, so Xiao Xun Er will kill you only because of Xiao Yan.”

Xiao Yi Xian glanced at the gloomy, not a good person, the Palace Master, explaining: “Nalan Ye you have a connection with the old Lao, Ling Ying Although there is no evidence, Xiao Xun Er only cares about Xiao Yan , Don’t care about you.”

“The so-called Ning credibility is what it is, untrustworthy is what it is, rather than killing a thousand people by mistake, and not letting one go…Xun’er To ensure the safety of Xiao Yan, it is likely to start against you!”

I heard it. I would rather kill a thousand people by mistake instead of letting go of one? Xun’er has always been a kind and gentle girl in my eyes. He has never done anything bad, will he do such things as traitors?

“Well, Xun’er and I have known each other for almost ten years, because Ling Ying’s few words of catching the wind and the shadow, without evidence, Xun’er will kill me Old Friend?” I can’t believe it.

Xiao Yi Xian’s eyes are indifferent, “Xiao Yan and I have known each other for many years…If he is against you, I will kill him without hesitation.”


I swallowed a sip. Xiao Yi Xian’s sentence is more useful than any evidence. It seems that I still don’t understand women, so I shouldn’t use my own thinking to figure out what this group of women are thinking!

“What about another reason?”

“Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran are married.”

Xiao Yi Xian’s tone is still so bland, it seems to be insignificant to say Xiao Yan’s words, not worthy of any guilt, a pair of dark and deep eyes closely watching me, it seems to contain many things that are difficult to tell .

“Xiao Yan will tell Xiao Xun Er that Xiao Xun Er may be very angry. As the younger brother of Nalan Yanran, she is likely to anger you, even…”

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi Xian first surprised herself, and her face suddenly became extremely pale. I anxiously said: “What will happen?”

Xiao Yi Xian breathes deeply, he pressed down the restlessness and panic in his heart very hard, and said with a slight trembling voice: “Even, you are not alone, Xiao Xun Er has sent someone to the Nalan Empire secretly, will Nalan Yanran, And all the people of Nalan Clan will be killed!”

“No way, Xun’er, she wouldn’t do it so hard?”

A smile on my face was uglier than crying. Xun’er had accepted Cai Lin’s existence before. She didn’t shout and kill Cai Lin. She couldn’t bear Nalan Yanran?

But Nalan Yanran and Cai Lin are a little different. Compared with Cai Lin, Xun’er and Xiao Yan are a pair, Xun’er and Xiao Yan are childhood sweethearts, Xun’er is a palace, and Cai Lin is just third party.

Compared with Nalan Yanran, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran are married by fingertips, even though Xun’er and Xiao Yan childhood sweethearts are no better than Nalan Yanran, they are just a little three who are involved in their relationship…

Xun’er, as a main palace, can tolerate Cai Lin as a third party, but when she is a third year, can she still accept the main palace of Nalan Yanran?

An unspeakable fear surged from the bottom of my heart, which made me breathless, Sister Yanran, Old Master, and my cheap parents, the little girl who shoots, and a fresh silhouette of each and everyone in I appeared in front of my eyes, and then suddenly covered with a layer of blood light, the corpses of the white Nalan Imperial Palace ran across the field…

They will all fall under Gu Clan’s butcher’s knife? !

“Damn damn it!”

I whispered and couldn’t accept this thing. I’ve been here for almost a decade and I have received very high acceptance of Nalan Clan. I really treat them as family members, and they are absolutely not allowed to be Xiao Xun Er massacre…

Especially I am also on the Must Kill List!

Xiao Yi Xian complexion slightly changed, secretly blamed myself for having nothing to say, and stepped forward to hold my hand tightly and comfortably: “Nalan Ye, this is just my guess, don’t take it seriously, maybe it’s not the case at all. .”

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