
You can search “My name is Nalan Ye” on Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In the courtyard restaurant where I stayed temporarily, Mu Qing Luan and I have come back. We are sitting around a round table with Xiao Yi Xian and Zi Yan and eating breakfast made by Xiao Yi Xian. The taste is very good and I am already deep. The true story.

Luluo, a young woman in a green skirt, stood beside me with a tired face, and a lot of volcanic ash fell on her dress. She was to report with me about what happened last night. She was caught by Burning Flame Valley to repair the volcano. One repair was all night. Until now it’s daytime to come back to rest.

“Thanks for your hard work, take it and eat it.”

I personally filled Luluo with a bowl of porridge, handed it to her, and immediately moved her to the ground, holding this bowl of ordinary porridge with no spiritual qi in both hands, tears in her eyes Rolling.

“Thanks to Zuoshi for your love, Luluo is not hard!”

There is no seat for her on the table, Luluo walked to the corner of the restaurant, holding this small bowl of porridge in both hands, and drinking excitedly, not because of this simple bowl of porridge, but because of my attitude.

“Today is a bowl of porridge, tomorrow may be the antidote, Lulu, your hard work is useful, it won’t be long before you can get rid of the poison and regain freedom!”

Luluo secretly encouraged herself and drank the bowl of porridge with her head up…

Still hungry.

Such a small bowl of porridge is not hungry at all. Luluo feels her belly is screaming gu gu. When she was hesitant to add another bowl, she saw that a black-robed youth suddenly entered the selection. Strode towards the restaurant, his face sinking like water.

“Impudent, Zuo Shi, Sect Master are here, who dares to trespass here, and not quickly retreat!”

The stature of Luluo came to the middle of the restaurant door and stopped in front of the black-robed youth.

Xiao Yan squinted slightly, glanced at the rice bowl in Luluo’s hand, coldly snorted, and saw that she passed her directly without looking at her, and strode into the restaurant.

Luluo was furious, how dare a 1-star Dou Zong trifling ignore her? He wanted to act on Xiao Yan, but a word suddenly came out in the restaurant, saving her life.

“This is my third brother, Luluo, I still don’t want to leave.”

Luluo was taken aback and looked at Xiao Yan in surprise. He was actually Zuo Shi’s big brother? No wonder the cultivation base is so inferior and dare to be so arrogant.

It’s just that there is no such easy-going and friendly Zuo Shi. Although it is the big brother of Zuo Shi, it is not as good as Zuo Shi Yuan! Luluo shook her head slightly and looked at Xiao Yan with a sneer.

“Third brother, it’s just right for you to come, get in your seat quickly and taste the craftsmanship of Xiao Yi Xian.”

I got up to say with a smile, but the others didn’t respond. Zi Yan ate his head and Mu Qing Luan had no impression of this “Xiao Yan Junior Brother”. Xiao Yi Xian headed towards Xiao Yan slightly nod, even if he hit Hello.

Xiao Yan did not look towards others, and walked quickly to me, looking anxious, “Nalan Ye, Xun’er is gone!”

“Yes, Xun’er just left. I sent her off before.”

I replied casually, but carefully looked at Xiao Yan’s face and said in surprise: “Brother, don’t you live with Xun’er? Did you just know?”

Xiao Yan’s face was a little awkward, “I…I just woke up.”

“Nalan Ye, I did what you said last night, why did Xun’er leave early this morning? You didn’t tell me about this!”

Xiao Yan was a little angry. Before he figured out what was going on, he was still unwilling. He chased for a while in the direction of Xun’er’s departure. However, he never saw Xun’er and the others, so he had to fight. Back home, came to me for accountability.

My face is strange, “Xun’er, she obviously decided to leave temporarily, how can I get it? And Xun’er was originally out here to practice, even if I don’t leave today, I will definitely return to the tribe in a few days. Inside, impossible has been stuck outside.”

I sighed and took Xiao Yan to the corner of the restaurant. I looked at Xiao Yi Xian and Mu Qing Luan. Zi Yan, they lowered their voices and said to Xiao Yan’s ear:

“Brother, I know Xun’er’s leaving makes you very uncomfortable, but you blame me is useless. In the final analysis, you are too weak. If you want to see Xun’er again, you have to work hard to cultivate. “

The anger on Xiao Yan’s face gradually subsided, but it was still a little unwilling and muttered: “If I don’t do what you say, Xun’er and I can stay together for a few more days.”

I laughed and reached out and patted Xiao Yan on the shoulder, “If the two feelings are long, why are they in the morning and evening?”

Xiao Yan froze, staring at me for a long time, and gradually came back to his senses. There was no confusion and resentment on his face, and some were just a weather-beaten young face.

“Well, Tang Zhen still owes me a copy of Skyfire Three Mysterious Change, I will go to him and ask for it!”

Xiao Yan smiled at me, refused my invitation to have breakfast, turned around and walked out of the restaurant towards Meteor, asked Tang Zhen to ask for “Skyfire Three Mysterious Change”, after learning this Secret Skill, his battle strength will take another step.

“Xun’er, you wait, I will definitely go to Gu Clan to find you.” Xiao Yan looked up to the east and murmured.

After Xiao Yan goes far, Xiao Yi Xian asks me: “Are you all right?”


When hehe smiled, I could hold Xun’er, let alone a Xiao Yan? He is really funny, his wife ran and came to me for accountability, but it wasn’t me who took your wife away.

As for the danger, I must say that Impossible and Xiao Yan said, otherwise I heard that I threatened Xun’er with him. Xiao Yan had to turn my face with me. How can a brother be more intimate than a woman?

“If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the sky…”

At the round table, Mu Qing said something lightly, and his face was full of exclamation, “Senior Brother Ye, did you write this poem yourself? It’s so beautiful, so artistic!”

Zi Yan is still burying his head and eating. Xiao Yan didn’t even look up when he came and looked at it. At this moment, the atmosphere in the restaurant was a little bit wrong. Looking up at all around, he smacked his mouth, and it was a little unknown.

But Lulu is an acquaintance, and after hearing this poem had a feeling in the heart, a thirty-year-old young woman’s plump face reveals a trace of recollection, and finally turns into a sigh.

Looking up in the middle of the restaurant, the very young left envoy discovered that the left envoy was really powerful. Not only did he have a high cultivation base, good temperament, but he also wrote poetry.

“hehe, casually speaking, it is not true.”

I laughed a few times, strong wind scattering the last clouds, after eating breakfast, the entire group came out of the courtyard, and I went to Tang Zhen again to discuss the formation of the alliance.



After a busy night of work, the interior of Burning Flame Valley finally settled down, all post-war matters were properly handled, order began to recover, and everything was going in a good direction.

Burning Flame Valley Many of the disciplines that have been busy all night have gone to rest, but many elders cannot rest, and have gathered in the Great Hall of the Burning Flame Valley.

The people in the same hall, as well as the people on my side and the Star Meteor Pavilion, Xiao Yi Xian and Zi Yan sitting beside me, Mu Qing Luan returned to Venerable Feng behind and stood obediently.

Old Yao, who only has the soul body, is also in the table. A dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse. At any rate, it’s the Venerable Yao who was once famous all over the world. The seat is second only to Tang Zhen and Venerable Feng. A group of Burning Flame Valley and Star Meteor Pavilion elders are all high. As for anyone who is dissatisfied? This is not my concern.

I got up from my seat and came to the middle of the great hall. I looked around all around and decided to act as the moderator of this meeting and control the rhythm of the whole meeting so that I could better control the scene.

“Tang Lao, Old Feng, Old Yao, Xiao Yi Xian, and all of you elders, today we Three Sects are gathered together very much. Everyone knows what we want to come by. We are going to form an alliance with each other and fight against Soul Palace. Infringement!”


Suddenly, my words were interrupted, and Elder Chi Hou looked towards Xiao Yi Xian with a weird face, “Nalan Young Master, you said Three Sects? Couldn’t it be the Poison Sect of Miss Xiao Yi Xian? Right?”

I gave him a strange look, “Of course, Poison Sect is an independent Sect, and the strength is not weak, including Xiao Yi Xian Sect Master, nine of my Dou Zong powerhouse, enough to join our alliance.”

Elder Chi Hou’s mouth twitched. He still remembers that just yesterday, I collected eight Dou Zong prisoners into Poison Sect… So these nine Dou Zong powerhouses, in fact, only Xiao Yi Xian knew Dou Zong before yesterday. ?

Even Elder Chi Hou is a little skeptical. Was this Poison Sect something that I came out casually yesterday? There was no such Sect before, or the whole Sect was Xiao Yi Xian as a Sect Master?

“Nalan Young Master, this is not appropriate, Poison Sect… We are allied to be able to help each other, not to add a burden to ourselves. Burning Flame Valley and Star Meteor Pavilion are both big Sects and have enough ability to watch each other. But this Poison Sect…it doesn’t even have a mountain gate, right?”

My face turned dark, said solemnly: “Elder Chi Hou, I guarantee with my reputation that Poison Sect definitely has a mountain gate!”

Well, it’s just in the northwestern territory. It’s not far away, just a few million li away, and it takes about less than a day to fly at Dou Di.

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