Seeing this scene, the Favors in the great hall are different. Some people are happy and some are worried. The Han Jin who recommended Zhou Chuan to Tang Zhen smiled with his beard. Zhou Chuan was recommended by him. He is more or less Zhou Chuan. Chuan is half a Teacher, and with the light of this half disciple, he will be able to excite himself in Burning Flame Valley in the future!

The two teachers of Lan Yan and Lu Yue had dark faces and looked at Han Jin coldly. If it weren’t for the troublesome old fellow, they would be their discipline who worshipped Venerable Yao as a teacher.

I drank tea with Xiao Yi Xian, Zi Yan, Mu Qing Luan, Tang Huo Er, watching Zhou Chuan apprentice coldly, fish leaping over the dragon gate? The wave of leeks becomes the wave?

It’s just a joke in my eyes!

Old Yao can do everything by pressing it, let alone one of Old Yao’s discipline? After apprenticeship, if you are quiet and quiet, I don’t want to pay attention to him, but if I dare to do things…

More people are complimenting. Burning Flame Valley and Star Meteor Pavilion elder are not stingy with compliments, not only to please Venerable Yao, but also to leave a good impression on this new discipline.

“haha, Zhou Chuan can worship Venerable Yao as a teacher. This is also the glory of my Burning Flame Valley. It is really gratifying!”

“Yeah, the old man had already noticed that Zhou Chuan’s head is full, and he planned to use more temper tempers as a discipline. He didn’t expect him to have this chance.”

“This child has the Teacher of Venerable Yao, and the future is destined to be out of the ordinary!”

“Haha, I am afraid that it will not take ten years. This child will be famous for Central Plain, eclipsing countless medicine geniuses!”

“Maybe he can win the Pill Competition. Venerable Yao was once the Pill Competition champion. If the master and disciple are both Pill Competition champions, it would be a good story to pass it out!”

Sentences of praise are endless. Old Yao seems to have forgotten that he was almost forced to death before. He lightly stroked his beard and smiled at Zhou Chuan, and said kindly: “Zhou Chuan, from now on you will be the third of my Yao Chen Disciple is up, get up.”

Listening to the admiration of all around, Zhou Chuan was a little intoxicated. This is a feeling he has never experienced before. He has always been a little transparent in Burning Flame Valley. No one cares about his little discipline, but now?

How many once unattainable Dou Zong powerhouses in the great hall are watching him, and how many elders are praising him? Even the Tang Zhen Valley Master of the Venerable cultivation base is laughing at him, as if encouraging him!

Zhou Chuan suddenly felt a little airy, feeling that he was different from before. From then on, he is no longer the little discipline that everyone can drink, but a genius like Huo Er Senior Sister, aloof and remote, even It is the peerless genius that those elders also want to flatter!

He will be famous for Central Plain, he will become the champion of Pill Competition, he will be famous all over the world, even Huo Er Senior Sister will change his mind, smile and please take the initiative to throw into his arms!

Standing up and looking towards Old Yao again, Zhou Chuan saw something different from before. Before, he only felt that the star above Venerable Yao’s head was as tall as a giant and unattainable.

But now he sees the fragility of the old man. There is no fleshy body, only a bleak soul body. His temples are white and his face is old, as if a gust of wind can blow away his soul body. .

“He can replace it!”

Looking at Venerable Yao who was in the dying year of the wind, a single thought suddenly popped out of Zhou Chuan’s mind.

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