
You can search for “My name is Nalan Ye,” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

When Zhou Chuan finished drinking his tea, it was dark outside. The talks of Star Meteor Pavilion, Burning Flame Valley, and Poison Sect Three Sects went from morning to night, and they talked for a whole day!

Moreover, this is only a rough idea, and we will continue to discuss some details in the next few days. Therefore, everyone did not discuss overnight, but chose to adjourn the meeting and continue the discussion tomorrow morning.

A group of people came out of the great hall one after another. On the corridor outside the hall stood two figures, one man and one woman, Lan Yan and Lu Yue.

The two of them were called by Tang Zhen before. Unfortunately, after some discussions, neither of them was selected. Instead, the little-known Zhou Chuan was picked by Tang Zhen and made a Venerable Yao disciple.

Lan Yan’s handsome face is exceptionally heavy. He has the highest Alchemy technique grade among the finalists. He was the most likely to win. However, he escaped the final scene because of the Glacier Valley attack, which led to the Medicinal Pill.

A group of elders walked out of the great hall. Lan Yan quickly found his Teacher, walked quickly over, and stopped talking. His Teacher gave him an angry look, knowing what he wanted to ask.

“Zhou Chuan has already worshipped Venerable Yao as his teacher, and Venerable Yao has also accepted Zhou Chuan!”

The overall situation has been set, and the last fluke is gone. Lan Yan’s face suddenly became ugly, and shouted unwillingly: “Teacher, this is not fair. That guy Zhou Chuan is just a Tier Four Alchemist. I am Tier Five Alchemist. Why? It’s him who worships Venerable Yao as his teacher. It’s not fair!”

Lan Yan’s shouting was extremely abrupt in the night, and the nearby Burning Flame Valley elders looked at them, either expressionless, or watching the excitement, and even taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Not every Burning Flame Valley elder has an Alchemist disciple, even if it does, either because it is too old, or because it is too young, or because of the innate talent Ping Ping, in the end only Lan Yan and Lu Yue Two people are the most suitable.

But who would have thought that the two people who thought they were in their hands would be robbed of a spot by a dark horse named Zhou Chuan. Not only did they lose a great opportunity, they also lost their face.

Lan Yan Teacher looked at a Burning Flame Valley elder watching the liveliness nearby. He felt a little bit uncomfortable and shouted: “This matter was set by the Valley Master. How can you be impudent here! Unfair? Zhou Chuan Can stay and continue refining pills, why can’t you stay?”

A few words, Lan Yan Teacher didn’t have the face to stay any longer, pulling the person away by the Lan Yan collar, and leaving here as if to escape.

Lu Yue watched this scene, and stood in front of her Teacher with a wry smile, lowering her head not to face Teacher’s accusing eyes.

Lu Yue Teacher is a woman. She did not scold Lu Yue, but sighed, “Why did you speak for Zhou Chuan when the Valley Master asked him?”

“Zhou Chuan is just a common disciple, and there is no elder on his head to speak for him. As long as you deny it, or even shirk, you can make the Valley Master choose another match for the teacher and Lanyan Teacher. When the time comes, Zhouchuan, a Tier Four Alchemist, how can you compare with your Tier Five Alchemist?”

“Maybe you are the one who worships Venerable Yao as a teacher at this time!”

Lu Yue’s teacher hate iron for not becoming steel looked at her own discipline, and she saw that Lu Yue dropped her head lower, her hands and ten fingers tangled together, she didn’t know how to answer.

She was just speaking frankly at the time, and she still remembers clearly that when Glacier Valley and Soul Palace were attacked, there was chaos inside the mountain gate, but Zhouchuan Junior Brother still concentrated attention completely to refine the Medicinal Pill, and the calm infection If she lost her, she also gritted her teeth and continued to refine…

Although the refining failed in the end.

Teacher is for her good, but Lu Yue felt that Zhou Chuan Junior Brother worked so hard, and he should be given the reward of worshiping Venerable Yao as a teacher.

“Teacher, my Burning Flame Valley inheritance has been thousands of years, and there are countless sages. My cultivation in Burning Flame Valley is the same. Do I have to worship Venerable Yao as a teacher to become a talent?”

Lu Yue squeezed a smile at the Teacher, but the smile was a little sad in the cold moonlight.

Lu Yue Teacher sighed slightly, her eyes sharpened suddenly, “Yue Er, which Zhou Chuan do you like?”

Lu Yue’s face panicked, and subconsciously denied: “No, there is no Teacher. Zhou Chuan Junior Brother and I didn’t know each other before. We only met in the Alchemist competition. We didn’t even have a few days.”

“In fact, it is nothing to like Zhou Chuan. He is now Venerable Yao’s discipline. You are with him, which is of great benefit to you.”

Where can Lu Yue Teacher still fail to see her own discipline? Reached out and touched her head, “You have grown up, and the road is your own choice. How you go on depends on your own choice.”

With a sigh, Lu Yue Teacher flew away by herself, leaving only Lu Yue standing alone in the corridor. Looking around, she instantly found Zhou Chuan in the crowd.

The little Junior Brother, who doesn’t seem to be very eye-catching, turned out to be extremely conspicuous at the moment. Right next to Valley Master and Huo Er Young Miss, Valley Master seemed to be talking to Zhou Chuan, smiling, even though Lu Yue’s Teacher It’s elder, and she rarely sees such a kind and kind Valley Master.

“Sure enough, Zhouchuan Junior Brother is different from before.”

Lu Yue’s expression could not tell whether it was envy or disappointment. Maybe both. After all, she might have been a teacher of Venerable Yao and stood beside the Valley Master listening to her teachings. She herself pushed the possibility away.

Tang Zhen and Zhou Chuan don’t share a common language, they just urged a few words, and they waved back Zhou Chuan. The latter retired. The cultivation base is too low and he will not fly, so he can only walk back to his dormitory on the ground. .

Stature hidden in the night, Zhou Chuan looked back at Tang Huo Er for a few times, but saw that the other party did not look towards him at all, but because his departure seemed to be liberated, he bounced and walked to the Nalan Ye. The action is brisk.

“Huo Er Senior Sister, how can you do this!”

Zhou Chuan gritted his teeth secretly, his face a bit sullen, and at this moment, a shout suddenly occurred next to him, which frightened him, and suddenly turned his head to look, but saw that it was a woman in a red dress…


Zhou Chuan was excited at the beginning, but after seeing the people through the moonlight, he said with some disappointment: It turned out to be Senior Sister Yue Lu. “

Lu Yue did not hear the disappointment in Zhou Chuan’s tone. When she saw Zhou Chuan again, she was a little embarrassed. She didn’t know what to say. After thinking about it, she said, “Congratulations to Junior Brother Zhou Chuan, you have adopted Venerable Yao as a teacher. From now on You and us are different.”

“Senior Sister Yue jesting, what’s the difference.”

Zhou Chuan squeezed out a smile, still thinking of his Huo Er Senior Sister, talking to Lu Yue in a different way.



Zhou Chuan is indeed not as beautiful as others think. I really think that by worshiping Venerable Yao as a teacher, I can get a lot of benefits at once?

Think too much!

Old Yao looked up at the bright moonlight, and said dissatisfied: “This Nalan Ye is really getting more and more rampant. Where did Zhou Chuan provoke him and let him drink cold tea!”

Xiao Yan who followed behind was embarrassed and laughed. In fact, he also saw Zhou Chuan unhappy. Originally, Old Yao had only his discipline, but now there is another Zhou Chuan, which is like trying to divide his most precious things into half. No one can bear it to others.

“Teacher, I don’t think Nalan Ye is malicious. Everyone is a brother. Drink with wine and tea. Isn’t that good.”

Xiao Yan hit a haha, Old Yao looked back at him, did not say anything, just sighed in the heart, of course he noticed that Xiao Yan was dissatisfied with Zhou Chuan, he did not want to get close to this Junior Brother, even with Nalan Ye bullied Zhou Chuan together.

He doesn’t say much about this kind of thing. The palms and backs of the hands are all fleshy. What’s more, he and Xiao Yan have a closer relationship than Zhou Chuan who just harvested. As long as Xiao Yan doesn’t treat Zhou Chuan too much, just bully him. two……

Take it as a self-tempering to Zhou Chuan. If you don’t think about it, you won’t be a weapon.

The night is getting dark. After saying goodbye to Tang Huo Er, today Venerable Feng will also live in Burning Flame Valley. Mu Qing Luan impossible will live in a courtyard with me again, so I reluctantly bid farewell to me and follow Venerable Feng is gone.

Only Xiao Yi Xian and Zi Yan were left beside me. Walking to the courtyard where we temporarily settled, strolling under the moonlight, Xiao Yi Xian stroked the green silk in front of his forehead and asked, “You seem to Aiming at Zhou Chuan?”

I’m frowned, “It’s not that I’m targeting him, but that he is hostile to me, but I tried him a few times, and I didn’t understand why he was hostile to me.”

Xiao Yi Xian was a little surprised. Zhou Chuan’s hostility towards me was not obvious, and it disappeared very quickly. Other than me, a keen party with five senses, no one else probably noticed it.

Thinking that Zhou Chuan might be bad for me, Xiao Yi Xian’s eyes became cold, and he lowered his voice and said, “Zhou Chuan is just Da Dou Shi. Killing him is easy. There will be no noise. Do you want to…”


I looked at Xiao Yi Xian in amazement, feeling quite moved in my heart, shook my head slightly, and said meaningfully: “After all, he is already Old Yao’s discipline, let’s take a look.”

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