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Private and public. After being a good Alliance Chief of the Great Love League, and finding a development opportunity for the Great Love League, I wrote that share by me stroke by stroke, which can be called the “flower of treasure”. Carefully put away the roster, and start a private cultivation.

I have taken the “black pottery urn”. The pottery urn is about the height of an adult’s knees. The whole body is pitch black. As long as you get close, you can feel the chill from it.

Open the lid and fish out a soul like a fish. This person has blood red eyes and blue fangs. He angrily roared at me: “Roar roar roar, how dare you imprison your crazy-eyed man, don’t hesitate to let me go,” Otherwise, I will kill you, uncle!”

I looked at him coldly, “Quiet, you have been sentenced to death by me.”

“Boy, I’m going to chop off your hand and stuff it in your mouth!”

My face turned dark, “Trifling a Dou Huang, dare to impudent in front of this Dou Zong? There are many ways to die, do you want to choose the most painful way to die?”

“Pretty boy, I want to blow your ass!”

“Mom’s mental retardation!”

I am really unable to bear, and cursed in a low voice. This guy doesn’t know what’s going on. Maybe it’s been tossed by Soul Palace. It seems that Soul has some problems and his mind is disturbed, except for screaming. , Normal communication is no longer possible.

I no longer pay attention to him, I have already learned the Dou technique of “Soul Explosion”. At this moment, pinching the technique with both hands, pinching out one after another dazzling secret art, suddenly I clearly sense the changes in my soul .

Some Spiritual Strength gathered together and regrouped in a strange way to form a “soul seed”.

“go! “

As soon as my right hand pointed at the mentally retarded, the “soul seed” in the soul suddenly came out, left me, and floated towards the mentally retarded soul who was still yelling, just as soon as I touched it, it instantly blended into his body in soul.

I’m relaxed, this trick can be used in battle, which means that the “soul seed” can break through the opponent’s Dou Qi defense, fleshy body defense, and keep intruding into the opponent’s soul.

At this moment, this mentally retarded soul body is controlled by me. The equivalent to is standing in front of me naked, naked, without any defense, and it is normal to succeed once.

“I just don’t know how far this seed can grow? Will it just germinate, or grow into a grass, or grow into a big tree?”

These three different forms represent the three small realms of “Soul Blast”. Only when the seed grows into a big tree will it bear the “soul fruit”, and all this depends on the one I condensed.” “Soul seed” doesn’t give much strength.

“Hope the seed is okay.”

I prayed silently, thoughts move, soul seeds began to absorb the spiritual strength of the mentally retarded soul body, “rooted”, and then “germinated”, little by little thrived, and my tightly hanging heart gradually loosened Come.

However, next moment, mutation occurs suddenly! The “grass” grew bigger and bigger, but it didn’t turn into a “tree” and began to condense the “fruit”, but continued to grow, eventually breaking the mentally retarded soul.


The whole soul exploded like a balloon, creating a wave of air, blowing my hair wildly, and the “grass” that grew out of the next moment also exploded, dissipating into light spots in the sky.

“How could this be?”

I looked dumbfounded, unable to bear extend the hand, touching the cracked light spot, which contained strong Spiritual Strength, but it was extremely complicated, Dou Zhe couldn’t absorb it at all, otherwise I would probably be with this The soul body becomes mentally retarded.

“There is a problem here. Soul Blast has three small realms, but to be precise, there are only two. The first stage is the seed growth, and the latter stage is the condensed fruit… There is a key node in the middle. If you don’t master this node, The seed will continue to grow, and the soul will be exploded alive and will not condense and bear fruit!”

After frowning and thinking for a while, I finally found the problem. I quickly picked up the black iron piece and looked at it carefully. At the same time, I began to recall and review the changes in the situation.

I have to say that the Spiritual Strength of Dou Zong powerhouse is extremely strong. In addition, I have been paying attention to the “soul seed” situation just now. Looking back at this moment, I want to show it like a movie. Every frame is clearly visible and I haven’t let it go. Any detail.

Combining the densely packed text and rune on the black iron sheet, I quickly found out the symptom, deduced it several times in the heart, and took out a soul body again after confirming that there was no problem.

The mentally retarded soul body used to be Dou Huang cultivation base, it was a pity that it was so wasted, this time I picked a Dou Ling soul body, the one with the weakest Spiritual Strength in the black pottery urn.

“It will definitely succeed!”

I took a deep breath, repeated the previous action, planted a soul seed into this Dou Ling soul body, absorbed the Spiritual Strength, and then the seed germinated and grew.

This time I always pay attention. When the seed grows to a certain time, the secret art of my hands changes several times, one after another secret art with different functions is hit on the seed, and its growth ceases and changes to condensation. “Soul fruit”.

This is a slow process. I waited patiently for a full quarter of an hour before the “soul fruit” grew to the size of a ping-pong ball. With a “bang”, the soul body and the “trunk” disappeared. Only the milk-white “soul fruit” that looked very holy and pure was suspended in front of me.

My eyes were extremely complicated. I stared at it for a long time, deeply sighed, and then reached out to hold this hard-won “soul fruit”, and after careful inspection found that it should be harmless, I opened my mouth and swallowed it.

melts in the mouth, there is no smell, and it instantly disperses into a group of Spiritual Strength, penetrates my fleshy body and blends into my soul.

The pleasure of hard to describe came from deep in the soul. My whole body was refreshed. My hair and hair were about to stand up. I was immersed in the pleasure of hard to describe. Unable to bear sent out from my mouth. The heavy gasp feels more refreshing than Xiao Yi Xian biting me with that ruddy and attractive little mouth!

After a while, the pleasure suddenly faded, making me feel a sense of sorrow, wishing to do it again…

“Not good!”

I squeezed my thigh hard, and I barely woke up in the severe pain. The secretly thought was not good. I thought that the soul fruit was harmless, but I didn’t expect it to be harmless to the fleshy body and soul, but this That kind of feeling is very addictive. Once you lose your mind, the consequences may be extremely serious!

“hehe, fortunately, I slept with Xiao Yi Xian yesterday. It is sage time, and I am immune to this pleasure.”

I laughed fortunately, and then felt the Spiritual Strength a little bit, and was shocked to find that my Spiritual Strength was even stronger!

I am 5-Star Dou Zong, and I am born with a strong Spiritual Strength. It is extremely difficult to make my soul with such a strong foundation stronger. But now it only takes me less than two quarters of an hour. done?

This “Soul Explosion” Secret Skill is too strong, it is simply a stunt of the cultivation soul, I really don’t know where Han Xue got it!

“This is just a Dou Ling soul body. There are 40-50 soul bodies in the black pottery urn that are vicious and murderous and set on fire. Many of them are Dou Wang Dou Huang. The Spiritual Strength is stronger. The effect must be better!”

My heart is very hot, Spiritual Strength enhancement not only can cultivation “Heavenly Dragon”, it is definitely a great thing, not worse than Dou Qi realm.

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