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I watched Luo Zhen vigilantly, Spiritual Strength quickly swept across the lake in the vicinity, and finally vaguely noticed that the little mud cow was not hiding in the lake, but sinking into the mud at the bottom of the lake. With the help of the earth, the breath of the clay cow is completely covered.

“No way No way, my Spiritual Strength is more than 800 times that of ordinary people. With my Spiritual Strength, I can’t really find out where the little clay cow is hiding, right?”

I was secretly frightened, and my guard gaze swept all around. The little clay cow was obviously a killing move, and the formidable power was extremely powerful, but at this moment, it was hidden in the ground like an assassin, and could be taken from Sneak attack me from any place!

“Left is dangerous!”

Luluo is also Dou Zong powerhouse, and she has a good control of the game. At this moment, I can see my danger at a glance. I looked nervously towards Xiao Yi Xian, but I see the face of Poison Sect who is not clear to me. Indifferent, without the slightest panic.

“Luluo, you have to trust Nalan Ye.”

Xiao Yi Xian indifferently said, since I dare to fight with Luo Zhen, it shows that I am confident to win, otherwise, with my mouth being so powerful, Luo Zhen would not even want to fight with me, and drown him with saliva. died.

Luo Zhen looked at me confidently, and I smiled back, “This is a good trick, but unfortunately it’s really not good for me. I happen to have a trick to restrain this trick.”

Luo Zhen didn’t believe me. He raised his eyebrows and looked at me, but saw lightning flash flashing around me, stature fast as lightning, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. At the same time, more than a dozen “I” appeared on the lake. “, stand or sit, faint smile.

“Huh, blindfold?”

Rozen browses frowned, and the huge Spiritual Strength covers the entire lake, especially focusing on the more than a dozen “me”. Spiritual Strength keeps sweeping around, but he just can’t tell which is the real body.

I am secretly funny, standing in place and letting him investigate, I now use two Dou Techniques, Three Thousand Lightning Movement, and the crowd is huge, even Venerable can’t tell who I am, let alone an 8-Star Dou Zong?

Mu Qing Luan sighed in relief, said with a smile: “Senior Brother Ye is really great, but the clay cow that Luo Zhen Senior hid is useless, and I don’t know which Senior Brother Ye to attack. “

Venerable Feng said with a smile: “Nalan Ye is good, no wonder you dare to take the initiative to propose a fight.”

Zhou Chuan followed Old Yao, overlooking the entire lake. At the moment, he secretly clenched his teeth, Luo really, hurry up, can’t even a 5-Star Dou Zong deal with it? What is the meaning of 8-Star Dou Zong?

Rozen still failed to notice anything unusual, and unwillingly withdrew Spiritual Strength, breathes deeply, “July Flowing Fire!”

Luo Zhen pointed to the sky and the other to make the “Only I Am Supreme” shape. Suddenly, a wisp of Earth Attribute energy flowed out of the earth and flew towards in the sky. The huge lake seemed to be boiling. “Mu Mu” kept bubbling bubbles.

Hundreds of earth balls condensed from Earth Attribute energy are emerging in the sky. All this is a long story, but it is actually just a blink of an eye.

With Luo Zhen’s wave of his hand, hundreds of earth orbs fell like meteorites toward the lake. Because they were too fast, they rubbed sparks in the air, and the earth balls dragged a long flame tail behind them.

The horrible and spectacular scene is like a meteor shower, but it is not romantic at all. The horrible breath makes countless Star Meteor Pavilion disciple heart palpitations, and it’s hard to breathe.

“Not good, Senior Brother Ye is dangerous!”

Mu Qing Luan exclaimed. In her induction, the formidable power of each of these hundreds of earth balls has reached the terrifying 5-Star Dou Zong battle strength. With her strength, she can barely receive Down a few, but I have to face hundreds…

“bang! bang! bang! bang!”

One after another, the earth ball with a long flame tail, heavily hit the lake at a faster and faster speed, immediately stirring up one after another tall water column.

Countless waves are stacked on top of the vast lake nearly 10 li wide, and one after another huge wave is set off, like a mountain cry out and sea howl, wave after wave to the shore.

Countless Star Meteor Pavilion disciple standing on the shore watching the excitement screamed, panicked and turned around and fled back. If there is a slow responder, one is accidentally shot by a huge wave. From Yang Willow Tree Above and from the top of the reeds, the whole person was lying on the ground in a very embarrassed manner, gnawing mud.

The calm lake surface instantly turned into the Qiantang River in the “tide-watching”. The whole lake seemed to be turned over.

In this horrible scene, my more than a dozen “phantoms” became a joke, and they were broken almost at the same time. In order to resist the attack of a falling earth ball, the real body had to be exposed. .

“Thousands of Thunder!”

Among the spray of water in the sky, Zhou Chuan’s cultivation base was low, and only vaguely saw an azure silhouette standing in it. No matter how chaotic the outside world, the stature was as straight as a pine, and a dazzling purple line of thunder shot out from it. It seems to cut both Heaven and Earth!

With such a monstrous imposing manner and such a fierce imposing manner, Zhou Chuan was so scared that he “puffed puffs” and backed up three steps in a row, such as prepare for there funeral and said: “Dou Zong powerhouse, how can it be so scary?!”

Such a sharp line of thunder, let alone confrontation, with his cultivation base, even if it is a hundred steps away, it will be instantly cut into 3,300 segments by the aftermath, becoming a pool of flesh!

In the rumbling sound, the earth ball hitting my body was cut in half and exploded in the air, but there was no joy on my face. Instead, the facial expression grave was exposed. Then I should face it. A little clay cow had a sneak attack, and I don’t know where it is hiding?

I held my breath and scanned the undulating lake under my feet uncomfortably.

There was a smile on Luo Zhen’s face. He was not in a hurry to let the little clay cow come out. With a wave of his hand, the dozens of earth balls left in the sky gathered, concentrated on the body I had just exposed, and refused. Let me take any respite.

The earth ball fell silently.

It’s not that there is no sound, but the falling speed of the earth ball has already exceeded the speed of sound, and the sound has no time to reach my ears, and the earth ball has already arrived in front of me.

There are too many earth balls, I dare not resist, otherwise the iron man will also be smashed, and the “Three Thousand Lightning Movement body” is displayed. The stature turns into a purple stream of light, and I move quickly on the lake. Left or right, or forward or backward, or up or down, is not simply dodge the ball, sometimes it will make a few confusing fake moves to deceive Luo Zhen’s skills.

It’s just that Luo Zhen, the 8-Star Dou Zong, is not a parallel importer. He can be regarded as friends by two Venerables, Gu Ling and Yao Chen. He has extremely rich combat experience.

At this moment, facing my extreme dodge, he didn’t panic at all, the commander of remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs commanded one after another earth ball to attack me.

Fortunately, these soil balls fell from high school. The speed is too fast and the inertia is too large. They can’t turn as flexibly as the “Flying Sword”. They can only adjust the direction at a small angle. Generally, they still go straight and straight. A chance to breathe.

Xiao Yi Xian Liu frowned, a trace of worry on his face.

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