I am sitting in the living room with Stacy and she is filling in all the blanks of what I can not remember. Nothing seems to make sense to me and then I see her remember something.

"What is it?"

"...I remember something else. I remember I took you home after I have pulled you off your sister and when I came back everyone was around Angie. They were busy on her phone when I walked closer I asked someone what's going on. Apparently, they had this app installed which you can replace someone on a picture with someone different. I didn't pay much attention as I was ready to take someone else home... "

I can barely believe what she is telling me and I start to grow a deep hatred in my heart. I start to wonder if Angie was doing it because she was drunk or because she still hates me. But why did I get a message from John? I do not say a word as I just stare at her to finish to tell me what she saw.

"...then when I was just about to take someone home, John came in. He had to drag Angie away from the party because she wanted to stay. Then I briefly remember them arguing about how she wanted to use his phone but it kept on saying no"

"Tell me, was Angie drunk?"

She laughs a little bit at my question and then she says.

"Well, Angie is almost always drunk but let's just say that she wasn't as drunk to forget what she did the night before"

I just stare at the floor for a while. I need to gather my thoughts. Then I know exactly what happened and I can feel my severe anger fuel the revulsion that I have for Angie. Then all my tears are dried up. I turn to Stacy as calmly as I can and then I say.

"I would like to thank you for all this information. You always stay a true friend to me"

"Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you get Nick back"

"Thank you but I think I have everything I need"

Then I stand up and walk out the door. I do not look back or say goodbye. I get into my car and I drive slowly back to my house. I have to keep myself calm because otherwise, I will probably make an accident. As I stop the car in the driveway, I get out and take a deep breath.

It is a beautiful morning this morning and my whole life was disrupted today and someone needs to pay for it. Then as I blink my eyes I am focused only on one thing. I walk straight to Angie's room and this time I do not knock.

She is still sleeping in her bed. This time I grab the covers and throw them off the bed.

"What the hell?"

I see a frown on Angie's face but I do not give a shit.

"What did you do to me and Nick?"

She sits upright and wipes her eyes. She stares at me and says.

"What are you talking about?"

" I am going to give you one last chance to tell me the truth and this is that chance. What did you do?"

She gets off the bed and picks up the covers that I threw on the floor. Then while she is busy with the covers, she does not look me in the eye and says.

"You must still be drunk because you are talking nonsense"

That was the last straw. No one comes between me and Nick. I push her back on the bed and then I stand right next to her.

"Tell me, Angie, did you enjoy your short-acting career?"

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you push me like that?"

"You want to know why? Let me enlighten you..."

Now I am talking much louder and I am inches away from her face.

"You act like you were sorry. Then you threw me a fake bachelorette. Then you drugged me. You took a photo of you and John in a bar and put me in your place kissing him..."

I see her eyes widening and then I start to scream.

"...then you fucking send it to Nick! Then you took John's phone and send me a message saying how much he enjoyed last night. You fucking messed with my relationship and now I'm going to mess with your face"

I can see her turning whiter than snow and then without warning I pull my hand back and slap her through the face. She puts her hand on her cheek and I can see the red on her face. She looks completely shocked and then she says.

"I have no idea what you are talking about? You are crazy!!"

I have learned one or two things in my training before I went to the Navy Seals. I drag her off the bed and then hold her in a death grip.

"I am going to give you one last chance. Why did you do it?"

"Aaahhh... You are crazy! I didn't do anything"

I can not believe how she is lying straight to my face. I tighten my grip and I know that she's in a lot of pain. I know that she has never been someone that could handle physical pain.

"Last chance, Angie. Speak up!"

"Okay okay! It was just a joke!! Really!!"

I almost can not believe my ears. She did it as a joke? Does she think that I am stupid?

"Stop lying, bitch!! I know you want Nick for yourself. You want everything that I have! Admit it!"

I tighten my grip even more and then she cries out in pain.

"Okay, yes!! You fucking privileged bitch!! Yes!! I want you to feel the pain that I feel all my life. Are you happy now?!"

Angie has not changed one bit. She is exactly the same person she was before I left for deployment. She still has an agenda to destroy my life. She will never change.

" No! I am not happy yet and you will make me happy again!"

I let go of my grip on her and then grab her hair and drag her out of the room.

"Aahhh! What the fuck?!"

I do not care about her moaning and I see my mother and father coming out of their room.

"Hone, what are you doing? Let go of her!"

"No! I will not!"

I do not know how I get it right but I drag her all the way to the room where Nick is waiting for me.


I have decided to phone Detective Marks as we have become somewhat of friends. Maybe there is a way that he can just have a look at this picture.

"Yes, it feels like ages when we have talked"

"I guess that you need a favor?"

"You know me well"

"Out with it. What can I help you with man?"

"I have a picture and I just sent it to you. I need to know if this is real or fake. Is there any way that you can-"

"Just hold on one second, I am loading it onto my computer. You came to the right guy"

I can not help but feel complete relief as I thought he might say no. I listen as he types on the computer and then he says.

" is a fake"

I almost can not believe what I am hearing. Is he telling me that this picture is not real? I knew in my heart that there is no way that Kim would cheat on me. We have too a strong bond for her to just break it like that. I know that I would never do it to her and never for even a second my heart turned on her. She is the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with and I am about to let her know.

"Hello? Master Chief? You still there?"

"Yeah, I am sorry. Thank you so much you have done a great thing for me today"

"You know I am always there if you need me"

"Yes, I do. I owe you big"

"Yeah, you do"

We say goodbye and then I know that I need to find Kim. I need to tell her that I know it's a fake. I am just about to stand up when I hear screaming in the other room. It's not normal. I stand up and with much pain, I walk to the door.

Just then the door opens and I see Kim but it seems like she is dragging something behind her. I almost do not believe what my eyes are seeing. Kim is holding Angie's hair in her hand and I see another side of Kim I have never seen before. Angie is screaming like a tortured pig.

Then she releases Angie right in front of me and says to her.

"Talk bitch!! Tell him what you did!!"

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