I can feel this beautiful woman in my arms and I can not believe how privilege I am to have her next to me. I am still kind of in disbelief that we got married. I just can not believe that she is my wife. If I look at her sleeping on my chest and I feel her beautiful blonde hair on my arm, my heart just has so much love for her.

It breaks me that I can not do more than what I've already done. I am not a man of prayer but I feel that now is probably a good time as any to start. I can only pray that Mikayla would be able to help her dad. She seems like a good person and if Kim sees her as a friend, she must be.

But that is not the only thing that I realized about her. It looks like she knows what she is doing. I guess being world-renowned should mean something like that. I do not know for how long Kim was sleeping or how long I was just sitting here holding her but I am ready to sit here for as long as she needs.

Then I see Mikayla come walking through the doors again. I kiss Kim on the head and then I say to her.

"Doc, wake up...Mikayla is back"


She coughs and then she says.

"Thank you. Let's go and see her"

I help her up and then she straightens her clothes as we walk in the direction of Mikayla.


As I feel Nick's soft and gentle touch waking me up, I once again realize how happy I am he is here. He has been my pillar of strength through this entire ordeal and he has never left my side. I do not know for how long I have been asleep but I am feeling much better now.

I know that should I have been alone just sleeping on the couch, I would not have had such a great rest as I had in his arms. I do not know how he does it but he just makes me feel safe. As we walk closer, I see a slight smile on Mikayla's face.

It brings me some sort of hope. Then when we are close enough to talk she says.

"I have some good news for you but also bad news"

I can not stop myself from pulling her in for a hug and squeeze her as hard as I can.

"Okay...okay...I can not breathe..."

"Oh, I am so sorry...tell me the news"

"Okay but you have heard that I said there is going to be bad news too"

"Yes, I have. Now please tell us"

"The tests that I have done have shown me that he is a perfect candidate for my experimental surgery that I have been working on for a while now. It has never been done before but if I get it right, your dad can live"

I can not stop myself from letting out a squeal without any warning. I quickly cover my mouth and I see Nick smiling at me. I am almost hundred percent sure that he has never heard me squeal before. But it looks like he enjoys it.

Mikayla puts a hand on my shoulder and then gets serious when she looks into my eyes.

"But honey, did you hear what I said? There is still bad news"

"Yes, I know. Okay tell me"

"Like I said this is only an experimental surgery and it has never been done before but your dad can die, if it fails"

I take a second to think and then I ask her.

"...and if you do nothing?"

"Then your dad will die...I am sorry"

"I have to talk to my mother but I say we need to do it. If there is even just a slight chance that my dad could live, I know that your work is impeccable and chances of this failing, is not great"

"Honey, I am only human"

"I know but you are a superhuman. Please let me just go talk to my mother. I will be right back"

I know in my heart that this is the right decision but I do not know if my mother would agree. She has to say yes or no. As we make our way back to the room, I can feel Nick's hand in mine. Just as we want to open the door I look at him. It is strange how somehow I need his approval to talk to my mother but he smiles and nods his head.

He opens the door for me and then I start to talk to Angie and my mom. I explain to them everything and what credentials she has. I make a strong case and now I wait for her to answer me.

She starts to pace around the room as she's thinking. I remember how she used to do it when my dad and mom were talking about something important. I would count her steps as a little girl because we were not allowed in the room. We would wait for her to stop pacing and then we knew we could come in.

Then she stops and turns to me.

"I think we should do it"

I hug her and then I say to her.

"I think so too"

Then I turn around and Nick put his hand on my back. He doesn't leave my side and this gives me the strength to carry on. I see Mikayla sitting outside the room and then I walk straight up to her.

"Let's do it"

"Okay, great. I will organize everything"

Before she could walk away I pull her in for another hug and then I say.

"I do not know how to repay you for this"

She pulls me away from her and then she says.

"Thank me if I get it right not before the time"

She smiles and then she walks away. Nick pulls me closer to him and then he says to me.

"What do you say we go down to the coffee shop and just get something to eat? Just get away for a minute?"

Suddenly, I realize that he must feel exhausted and he probably doesn't even want to be here. I put my hand against his chest and I look up at him.

"Nick, have I neglected you?"


I can almost not believe the words that are coming out of her mouth. She is in the middle of a life-changing situation and she wonders if she has neglected me? I feel her hand on my chest and I see her honest eyes looking at me.

"Doc, you can not neglect me even if you try. I do not want you to think about me right now. I need you to focus on yourself and your dad. I am a big boy, I am happy just to be with you"

I can see how she is being filled with relief by my words. She gives me a kiss on my lips and I realize how much I have missed that. I need to have her lips on mine every day. I can feel how much passion is in her kiss and I wish I can just make her mine right here.

As she pulls away her eyes are still closed and then she says.

"Oh god...I have missed you so much"

It is funny how this is not strange to say and I can say the same thing to her. Even though we have been next to each other than tired time, the moment our lips touch, we realize what we miss.

"I know what you mean, I missed you too"

Then she opens her eyes and I see that smile that I missed so much.

"Then I think you have a good idea to get something to eat downstairs"

I make sure that she is glued to my side and we make our way down to the coffee shop. We try to get a booth and then we order a good lunch. This time we can talk about lighter things. We do not talk once about her dad and it feels good to just have a normal conversation.

I see her laughing at my jokes and she almost seems like her normal self just tired. Then after we have eaten we make our way back to the room. We are just in time as Mikayla is pushing out her dad for surgery. Kim quickly runs up to Mikayla and then she says to her.

"Can I maybe just have a moment with my dad?"

"Yes, of course, honey"

I do not walk closer as I know this is her moment. I take a seat right where I am and I just watch. I can see that Kim is in a lot of pain and maybe even a mixture of shock. I know that she has to deal with this herself and I know that she can. So....I wait for her to come back when she is ready.

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