I can not believe that Nick is here. I am still trying to get my phone to work and here he is like the knight in shining armor that I know he is. He is just always there when I need him and my love for him grows every day more and more. I see him smiling at me while walking towards me and I can not help but wanting to run into his arms.

As I am about to open my door I see that I can not open it as something is pushing against it from the other side. When I look up I see Nick is right next to my door and all I see is fear in his eyes. Now, I know something is very wrong.

Then I hear the panic in his voice as he tells me not to open the door. I take my hands off the handle as quickly as I can and then I know that I must be in some kind of danger.

"Why? What is going on?!"


I can not describe the fear that is in my heart for I have just asked her to be my wife and I can not afford to lose her right now. I need to get her out of this car as quickly as possible and I can only hope that she will keep her cool as she has always done in dangerous situations.

"Doc, I need you to listen to me carefully. I need you to do exactly what I say? Do you understand me?"

I can see that fear and panic are now filling her heart and I wish I can set her mind at ease. But I do not know what I am dealing with. If I tell her that she will be okay and she is not going to be okay then I will be lying.

"I'm going to tell you something and I need you not to panic...?"

I try to put as much compassion and love into my eyes to make sure that she knows that I love her with my entire heart. I watch as she nods her head at my unwritten question.

"There is a bomb under the car and I need you not to do anything in the car. Do not turn the key, do not open the door. Just sit perfectly still for me. Would you be able to do that?"


I am not very sure that I have heard properly what he just told me. I can not explain the feelings and emotions that are running around within myself as I am almost sure that I heard there's a bomb under the car.

"A bomb? There is a bomb under the car? Are you sure?"

"Doc, I am sorry but I am very sure. I need you to just stay still because I need to go and have a look under the car to see what I'm dealing with. Can you stay here by yourself for a little while and not move a muscle?"

I see how serious Nick is and how he turns into My Navy Seal that I have come to love. I know that when he is looking like this, I better listen to every word that he is saying. He has saved my life, time and time again and that is only because I listened to what he said.

"Yes…yes I can do it"

"Good. I'll be right back just... Please stay still"

I watch as he is about to disappear from my sight and then I say.


He comes back to my window and then says.


"I love you"


Fuck! This woman is driving me insane. How is it that she only has to say that she loves me and then I feel this overwhelming feeling of falling into her forever? She just knows when to say what I need to hear when I need it.

"Kim…you must know…that I love you even more…"

I see a smile on her face and I know that now, I will do even a better job than what I would have done before. I will get her out of this situation even if it's the last thing that I do.

I quickly get under the car and then position myself so that I can have a good look at the bomb. We have had some training in how to defuse a bomb in the most basic form. But then when I see the bomb, I see Anton's signature all over it.

I remember when we did the qualification to become a Navy Seal, he had to show us step-by-step how he would disable and how you would build a bomb. I only wish that I have concentrated more when he told me everything because this is not a basic bomb.

I feel my heart starting to beat in my throat as I need Kim to live and I do not want to be the cause of her death. I wipe the sweat from my eyebrows and then close my eyes tightly and open them again to focus on what I am doing. I see a yellow, blue, and red wire. I know that the yellow one stops the timer but there was something about the blue and the red wire. I just can not put my finger on what it is.

I take out my pocket knife and then close my eyes to shoot up a prayer in the hopes that what I am about to do is the right thing. I open the knife and put the blade against the wires. I don't know why but there was something about cutting two wires at the exact time that triggers a memory from my time with Anton.

The only problem is that I can not remember which two colors it was. It is like he has designed this bomb only for me to disable. As if he knows that I would be the one to do it. It seems as if he is putting me through a test, to see if I can remember why I disqualified him.

"Please, God..."

I put my blade against the red and blue wire to cut it simultaneously and then I close my eyes and cut it...

Hi Readers!

My husband just released his first chapter of "Death to the Mafia."

Please check it out.


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