My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 15 - Not Even One Bit


I watch as Nick starts to walk towards the house and I feel my heart starting to race. I have no reason to worry because I know what kind of Navy Seal Nick is. He is the best of the best but why am I worried?

I look around the neighborhood trying to figure out why I am feeling the way that I feel. But nothing seems out of the ordinary so there should not be a reason for feeling this way. But then my mother's words come flying through my head again.

"Every woman has a sixth sense and you need to use it. If you ignore that sense then you will lose it forever." I use that sense a lot when I am operating. Sometimes you get to a point where you are not sure which way to go and usually that sense works like a charm.


I get out of the car and I make my way to the house. I feel much more calmer now that Kim has found a way to bring peace to me. I can also analyze my surroundings much better when rage is not filling my soul.

As I get closer to the house something is off. I know that Anton's specialty is explosives and I should be very careful when I get close to his house. I look for any kind of wiring and as I get to the steps of the porch I turn back as Kim is calling me.

I look at her face and I can see anxiety is written all over it. What can possibly be wrong with her? I turn around and almost run to her as I do not want anything to happen to her.

"What is wrong? Are you okay?"

"I am fine. I just...It's just..."

"Take a deep breath and try again for me. What is wrong? What is going on?"


I feel like a complete idiot for calling him back. He is a Navy Seal, for god sake, of course, he knows what to do. Why did I interfere? He would think that I have lost my mind.

"I'm sorry, Nick. I shouldn't have called you back. I feel like a fool"

He takes my hand and I can see his eyes turning soft.

"Doc, you can never be a fool my eyes. Please tell me what is going on?"

"I have a feeling..."

"Okay? You have a feeling about what?"

"It is not easy to explain. I have a bad feeling about this. Something is not right and I am afraid for your life"


I hear every word that she is saying and I understand why she's afraid. If you are not used to this kind of danger then things tend to get a bit scary. I am in situations like this almost every time I deploy and because of that, I am not afraid of a lot of things.

"I understand how you are feeling but I need you to trust that I will be careful? Can you do that for me?"


I know that he thinks that I am ridiculous for what I'm saying. I have come to trust my sixth sense and I just know that something is wrong.

"I will do that but then you have to do something for me"


"I need you to be extra careful and not try to be the hero?"

I feel him pushing into me and give me a kiss on my lips. I can not believe that he can still give me butterflies. Then he gives me his cocky smile and says.

"I will be extra careful, I promise and so by the way, I love how you care so much about me"


I stand up and start walking back to the house. I would lie if I say that her words are not a warning in my heart as I know that she is very intelligent and would not just blabber things out. I make sure to analyze everything I see.

I get back to the steps and as I step on the third step I hear a "click" sound. 


An instant rush of adrenaline shoots through my body and I know it is a bomb. I turn around and run as fast as I can while shouting.


As the bomb goes off I jump from where I am as far as I can and keep myself low to the ground. It is a mere five seconds that I am lying on the ground and then get myself up again to check on Kim.


I watch as Nick walk towards the house and then I blink my eyes, in a second I watch as Nick is running towards me. I know exactly what he means when he says "get down." I quickly make sure to crawl under the dash of the car while making myself a small as possible.

Then I hear a loud sound and I feel the earth moving under my feet. The heat of the blast blows over me like a strong wind. Then everything goes quiet and all I hear is the soft crackle of the fire.

My thoughts immediately jump to Nick and I pray to God that he is fine. When my door opens and I see him standing before me. Blood is running down his face and his clothes are torn. I get out from under the dash as he helps me to stand.

"Nick, are you okay?"

"I am fine. Do not worry about me. Are you okay?"

"I am fine. But look at you?!"

I touch his face with my hand trying to find the source of the bleed but I know that I need to get it cleaned. I go to the back of the car and open the trunk to find a first aid kit. I get the kit and quickly walk back to Nick.

I take out an alcohol wipe and start to clean his face. In the middle of cleaning his face, a tear starts to roll down my cheek.

"I had a feeling you know…"


I watch as a tear falls down her cheek and I know that this was very scary for her. I feel the sting of the wipe on my face but it does not come close to the hate that I am feeling towards Anton. How many people is he going to keep on killing to get to me?

I lift my hand to wipe away her tear with my thumb and then try to speak in the calmest voice that I can.

"I know…but I am here and I am fine"

I watch her staring deep into my eyes and then she just continues to clean my face. I want to get this guy and I want to kill this guy. I take hold of her arm that is cleaning my face and then say.

"We need to get out of here. We need to get back to the base now"


I see the urgency in his eyes and I know that what I am doing now is not a priority to him. I know that he wants to get Anton.

"Yeah…yes, I understand. Let's go"

He walks around the car and gets into the driver's seat and that is when I notice that he is not on his crutches anymore. I would not have realized it before but as he walks to the diver's door he starts to limp.

I dare not say anything now but when everything settles down. I will have to have a look at that leg. As we pull away I look at the house that is still on fire and then I hear him making a call.

"This is Master Chief Roberts, please send the fire department to..."

He starts to explain what is going on and what is needed and then he puts the phone down. I have a burning question and I do not know if I can ask him but I ask him anyway.

"Nick? How are you going to get this guy?"


I have a pretty good idea of how to get hold of this Anton bastard and I will not rest until I get hold of him.

"I know a guy that owes me a favor and I am sure that he will eagerly help me after what he has done"

"That is good to know that you have a lead to catch this guy at least"

My love for this woman grows more and more every day. I know that I am going to be busy at the base for quite a while and I also know that I do not want her to leave my sight as I am not sure that she will be safe from him.

"Do you have somewhere that you can go and be safe? Somewhere where he can not find you?"


He wants to know if I can go somewhere where, where he will never find me. Suddenly a very bad thought jumps into my mind. I have the perfect place and he will never suspect getting me there.

"I have a place in mind but you are not going to like it. Not even one bit"

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