My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 6 - No Way I Am Doing It Again


I can not believe that he is siding with my mother. How can he ask me to hear what she has to say because I know exactly what she is going to say? I know that she is going to say that she wanted to have another child and could not have one of her own so, she adopted someone's baby. I do not have any energy left in me to listen to anything right now.

I move away from his embrace because it is just my way of getting away from the situation.

"I do not want to hear what she has to say"


I know that she must have a lot of anger inside her heart but I also know that anger like that can eat you up from the inside out. I hated my mother for a lot of years until I decided to just let it go. I remember how miserable I was and how I never wanted anybody's company. It was a very dark time in my life but when I finally decided to give up on being angry and my life turned out to be much better.

I see that Kim is going down the same road that I went down so many years ago and I do not want her to experience life as I did. But not just that, I can see in her mother's eyes that she truly does love her.

I am not adopted and I do not have the kind of love that they have for each other. So, the small fact that she is adopted should not change her feeling towards her mother. I wish I can make this clear to her but I know that it must be a choice that she makes.

"Doc, I haven't told you much about my family but all I can tell you is that I can see that your mother loves you no matter if you were adopted or not. I think you owe it to yourself just to hear her out"


I see something behind his eyes that I did not notice there before. It is clear to me that he does not have the best family life in the world and that he too has some skeletons in his closet. Deep down in my heart, I know what he is saying is true. I know that my mother loves me unconditionally but it is just difficult for me to put the two together.

How do you put the word adopted and love in one sentence? How can someone love me if I was somebody else's child? I guess in some way Nick is right that I should listen to the explanation because these questions will probably eat at me for the rest of my life.

"I really hate it when you are right, you know?"

I watch as he slowly moves closer to me like a predator walking up to his prey afraid that he might chase me away. Then I feel he put his hands on my waist and give me his undeniable cocky smile.

"You should know by now…that I am always right..."

I slap him playfully on his shoulder and then I give him a kiss.

"Then I guess I need to get to the coffee shop?"

"I think you are making the right decision. I have to make a few calls anyway. So, please go and take all the time you need"

I give him another kiss and then I make my way downstairs to the coffee shop. As I get closer to the coffee shop I see my mother's face lit up like a Christmas tree. Happiness is written all over her face but I can not help approaching her with caution.

As I get closer to the table where she is sitting, she says to me with tears in her eyes.

"Honey, I am so glad that you decided to come-"

I lift my hand to make her stop talking and then I say to her.

"I do not want to hear you call me "honey." I only came here to hear the explanation that you so urgently insists on me hearing"

I carefully take a seat across from her and then I fold my arms and wait for her to talk.

"Okay, ho-...I mean, Kim. Then I would like to start by saying that I told Angie years ago that she's not allowed to tell you that you have been adopted and that I would be the one telling you that. So, I do not condone her behavior in any way"

It is very difficult for me to sit here and listen to her, telling me, how she had a secret with her daughter years ago to not to tell me that I was adopted. But I put on my brave face and just nod as I know that I will cry if I talk to her now.

"I would like to begin saying that you are a true McPherson and nothing is going to change that. Your mother and father died in a car accident. You were but a baby when we got you..."

What does she mean that I am a true McPherson? How can she tell me this lie straight to my face? Doesn't she know that I know how adoption works? Why is she treating me like a fool?


I didn't want to upset Kim anymore but I am almost a hundred percent sure that all my calls and dealings ever since I came to the city from the island must have been tracked somehow. I make my way as quickly as possible to my suitcase where I have my satellite phone where I dial the Admiral's number.

"Admiral, sir. I am sorry to bother you but we have a big problem on our hands. There was a bombing in the hospital where my fiance was treated and it was a suicide bomber that made it clear that it was meant for me. I am just afraid that it is not just me but the rest of bravo1 that might be targeted"

I tell him all about the bomb timer that I picked up in the hospital and that something looks familiar about the timer. He then orders me to come to the base as soon as possible so that we can figure out what is going on.

I put the phone down and I am confident that I will find out who is targeting us.. But suddenly it hits me, this means that I have to leave Kim here alone…there is no way that I am going to do that, again.

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