My Neighbor Is a Silver-Haired Banshee

21 Satoori’s Pre-condition Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Leslie had only done basic research on teleportation because she was confident that Betha would be able to do it since she had done it before. She learned that it was one of the few supernatural abilities that required real innate talent, and not something that could be favored by the Gods given that there has been an incident of mis-teleportation to the depths of hell before, and that was a history that should not be repeated.

It's only been 20 minutes but Betha looked deadbeat, trying her best to teleport her way to Satoori's underworld. Her face was clammy and sweat was visible on her white casual dress.

Apollo was getting worried. He was holding a face towel that he dipped on ice as Betha had requested. She turned the fan to her exhausted face and stayed in front of it while Apollo dabbed the towel on her face, neck and her arms.

"I don't feel good about this, Betha. Let's forget this." Apollo's face was full of concern.

Betha turned away from the fan and back to the pentagram where Leslie and Gab sat apprehensively, not knowing whether to agree with Apollo or not. They wanted to stop the pandemic, but they didn't want Betha to suffer in the process. And she hasn't even started. Leslie thought to herself that saving the world wouldn't be that easy, and there was definite possibility of sacrifice to be made. She wondered if she should tell Apollo or just trust that Betha's good intentions will not lead her to something bad. Leslie believed that all good things are rewarded, but then of course she could also be wrong.

"No, I'm fine. It has something to do with the emotions I felt when I accidentally transported before. Teleportation is still new to me, but I'm determined to learn. I'll try one more time."

Leslie, Gab, and Apollo chanted a short protection spell that Leslie asked them to memorize before Betha started trying to teleport. "We call upon all deities for thy protection…"

While they were chanting, Apollo could vividly hear sounds of Betha's distress that he had to open his eyes to check on her. Sure enough, her nose was bleeding. "Okay, let's stop. This isn't working." He scooped her from her position as if she was light as a feather, then gently released her from his arms and onto Leslie's bed. "We're not doing this, anymore." He demanded, wiping the blood from her nose with a towel.

It was the first time that Gab and Leslie heard him sound so firm and dominant, but they all understood that he was too worried about Betha's safety. "He's right, Betha. Let's call this off. Or maybe find another way."

Betha shook her head. "No. People are dying. There is no time to waste."

"Betha, look at you. You could die. You're worn out, you're bleeding." Apollo said, his voice sounded hurt.

"Apollo, everyone is bleeding from this pandemic. Everyone. People have lost their loved ones. People are dying with the thought of losing their loved ones. People are losing their jobs, their businesses, their livelihood. The entire world is bleeding. And I'm sure we're not the only ones who are trying to do something about it, but ours has the most possibility to succeed because our plan is beyond what others are capable of doing. If I don't do this, we're all bound to die anyway. Something, someone has got to stop this. If you're thinking about me, think about the future you have with me, with Leslie, with Gab, with your mom. If we don't do this, what's going to happen to your loved ones?" She paused and cupped Apollo's left cheek. "I love you and this is not the kind of world I want for you, or anyone. I want a good future with you."

Apollo was blinking, trying to hold out his tear. He didn't know how to respond using words, so his human instinct controlled him. He moved closer to Betha, aiming to kiss her on the lips. He had completely forgotten that he was not supposed to. Betha's eyes widened with fear.

Leslie and Gab were aware of the consequence, so they rose from the pentagram with much panic. "Apollo, no!!!" They said in unison.


Betha woke up in a familiar place. She was underworld. She had successfully transported herself when Apollo almost kissed her. Smiling and feeling triumphant, she scanned the surroundings for any presence of Satoori. Now that she knew her name, she can call on her. "Satoori?" She walked the grassy path. "Satoori? It's me again. Betha. Please show yourself. I'm here for a good cause." She continued to walk. "Satoori? The Elven Goddess? Please. I need your help."

A cold wind brushed through the strands of her hair until she sensed a presence behind her. She turned and was glad to see Satoori staring at her with a curious face. "You've been cleansed of your sins. What kind of help do you need this time?"

"The world is in a bind because of a pandemic. A lot of people have died. A lot are infected. I know that the leaves of this tree can heal, so I came here to ask your permission to use them to save people."

Satoori's beautiful face stared at her eyes, as if confirming her intentions. She tilted her head then gave her nod. "I'll allow it. But you have to stay here, until it is replenished. One leaf. One second."

"Yes. I'll stay." She answered without hesitation, despite the fact that she knew it would take long, considering the millions of people infected around the world.


"But how can I tell them? Will you allow me to go back and let them know?"

"You have the power to transport."

"Yes. That's why I'm here."

"No, that's teleport."

"Transport. Teleport. Aren't they the same?"

"No. You can move things from one place to another. That's transportation."

"Ohhh. Okay. I don't have anyone to guide me of these things."

Satoori nodded with empathy.

"But wait, moving things…that's telekinesis. Right?"

"If it's moving within the same place, it is. If it's to another place, it's transportation."

"Okay, okay. Got it." She paused and continued after a few seconds. "Then what should I do next?"

Satoori gracefully swirled her hand and an ancient looking paper with a quill and an ink on top of it magically appeared. Betha looked a bit surprised and glad at the same time. Satoori suddenly disappeared.

Betha sat on the grass, held the quill in her hand and admired the feathers. Then, she dipped the tip of the quill on the black ink and wrote on the paper…


You've been great. We did it! Well, not yet but I'm now 100% the world will be saved and I'm happy! Satoori allowed us to use the sequoia leaves to cure the virus, but I have to stay here until the leaves are replenished. Satoori said that one leaf is equal to one second. With the massive number of infections around the world, I'm sure we will lose count. But don't worry and please don't be sad about this because I am content and happy that the pandemic will be over and that we all have a bright future ahead of us. Leslie, you can use your government connections to disseminate this new cure. Thank you in advance. Gab, thank you for the support. Apollo, thank you and I love you. I will be back…maybe not soon, but I will. Take care, you guys!

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