Nino gritted her teeth while doing the test.

Ye Feng reminded her,"It's not good to grit your teeth too hard......."


"......You continue."

Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and started to read the news.

Time passed unknowingly.

Soon, the vast twilight gradually enveloped the earth.

The sky outside the window darkened.

Nino put down her pen, frowned slightly, and couldn't help but stretch her arms.

Ye Feng raised his head:"Take a break"


Nino picked up the pencil:"I'll be done soon."

Ye Feng glanced at the test paper with a large blank space and pulled the corner of his mouth slightly.

Nino's pretty face turned slightly red, and he said fiercely:"What are you looking at!"

"Nino has worked hard."

Ye Feng did not discourage the girl. To be honest, Nino was able to stay quiet for so long, which was impressive.

After a while, Nino felt uncomfortable all over.

Oops, oops.

I want to go to the bathroom.

Nino pursed her lips and glanced at Ye Feng quietly. Seeing that he was concentrating on playing with his phone, she quietly stood up.

Ye Feng's eyebrows moved slightly, pretending not to notice.���To.

Because girls are strange, they always care a lot about certain things.

For example, when buying roasted sweet potatoes in winter.

The people queuing are basically men, and there are very few women.

However, it is not that girls don’t like to eat roasted sweet potatoes, but they are just embarrassed to buy them.

Because eating too much roasted sweet potatoes will cause flatulence.

Yes, it is for this reason that many girls want to eat them, but are embarrassed to buy them!

This Nino, when going to the bathroom in a boy’s house, obviously felt very embarrassed.

Because her face turned red!


The phone vibrated. Ye Feng looked at the phone and replied:"Yoshiye, don't worry, I will take Nino to your apartment building in a while."

Yotsuye:"Thank you, Ye Feng-kun."

Just after replying to Yotsuye, Ichika sent another message:"Ye Feng-kun, don't bully Nino......"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and said,"Come over tomorrow."

"No no......"

Ichika sent a picture of a man holding his head with both hands and trembling:"If Ye Fengjun absorbs the moonlight, he will become a zombie Tyrannosaurus, so scary"



"More than three times, I’ll smack you!"


After a while, Yihua sent a picture with a puffed face:"Ye Fengjun is too much, he only knows how to bully girls, you big bad guy!"

Then he sent another pitiful picture:"Ye Fengjun, I'm so cute, don't bully me, hug me......"

"No hug, get out!"

You only know how to act cute and ask for a hug on the phone, but why don't you act cute and ask for a hug offline!

Ye Feng rejected him bluntly.

The black-hearted Ichika is either making trouble or on the way to making trouble, so be wary of Ichika's language trap.

At this time, Miku suddenly sent a message.

Miku:"Nino hasn't come back yet, is she at your place?"

Why did you all guess it!

Ye Feng said speechlessly:"Yes, I met Nino today. Because of her sister's invitation, Nino came to visit, and she is currently working hard on the questions."

Miku blinked:"Doing questions?"

Ye Feng typed a reply:"Yes, I gave her all the test papers that Nino hadn't done before."

Miku:"......You are a devil!"

Ye Feng:"Don't even think about running away tomorrow!"


While chatting, Ye Feng suddenly felt that something was a bit troublesome, so he typed:"I have created a group, you all come in"

"「There is an idiot in my family" invites you to join the chat group."

Ichika, Miku, and Yotsuba all agreed.

Ichika:"Yefeng-kun, good evening (happy)"

Miku:"Good evening."

Yotsuba:"Yefeng-kun, good evening! (happy)"

Yefeng typed:"Ichika, come to the library tomorrow, and Yotsuba......Forget it, you don't have to come."


Ye Feng narrowed his eyes:"Aren't you busy with training?"

Siye:"Hehe......I forgot (pats head)."

Ichika:"Yefeng-kun, don't bully Yotsuba."

Miku:"Ichika is trying to change the subject."

Ichika:"......Miku, you are too much of a traitor."

After a moment, Ichika replied,"Sure, as a sister, I should also work hard."


You actually know you are the elder sister!

Ye Feng was about to complain about Ichika when he suddenly heard a scream. He subconsciously raised his head and saw Nino rushing towards him.......


Then, Ye Feng had an Ernai in his arms. A warm and soft jade in his arms.

Several question marks appeared in Ye Feng's head:"Ernai, what are you doing?"


Nino covered her nose and said with tears in her eyes:"I accidentally stepped on something......"


Ye Feng looked at the ground and said,"It's a pencil."


Nino was startled, then gritted her teeth and said,"Damn it, I'll cremate that pencil in a while!"

Ye Feng said speechlessly,"It's already broken into pieces, there's no need to cremate it again, right?"

"Okay, get up quickly."

"Wait, I just twisted my foot."

Nino moved her body and frowned slightly, saying:"Your phone hit me......."

Ye Feng was sitting on the ground, using a very proper cross-legged sitting method. Of course, he was not going to practice or anything, but simply because it was more comfortable to sit this way.

Then the question came.

Just now, Nino rushed over directly, and Ye Feng also caught Nino.

So Nino was sitting on Ye Feng's legs.......

I won’t talk about the ambiguous posture.

Anyway, Ye Feng felt that something was not right.

Ye Feng coughed dryly:"Get up quickly!"

"My feet hurt, wait a minute!"

Nino bit her pink lips gently. She knew it was too intimate, but her feet really hurt and she couldn't get up.......

""Ye Feng, put your phone away. I feel uncomfortable."

Ye Feng pulled the corner of his mouth slightly, looked at the phone on the ground, and said nothing.

Nino followed Ye Feng's gaze and was slightly stunned.


Why is Ye Feng's phone on the ground?

Nino's mind suddenly exploded with a"boom", and she remembered that he seemed to have thrown the phone aside in order to catch her just now......

So, it wasn't the phone that hit her thigh?

Nino's pretty face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, then she raised her head, her eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and she gritted her teeth and said,"Cut it off!"

"I refuse!"

Ye Feng had no expression on his face. He picked up Nino and threw her aside:"This is all the pencil's fault. I'll cremate it right away!"

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