That's right.

The person who appeared outside was none other than the second daughter of the Nakano family.


Nino took a deep breath and said calmly:"You are too slow, so I came here......"

"That's right."

After a pause, Erno pretended to be calm and asked:"What are you doing here?"


Sanjiu suddenly retracted her hand and answered first:"Because my feet are tired, I want Ye Fengjun to press......"

"It's all right now."

"So that's it......"

Nino hesitated, then said:"Since everything is fine, hurry up and follow us. Next, we are going to the haunted house. After we go to the haunted house, it's almost over for today and we should go back."......"


Nino glanced at Ye Feng, pursed her lips, and then turned away.

Ye Feng retracted his gaze and said,"Don't worry, Nino didn't see anything......."


Sanjiu glared at Ye Feng, then quickly followed.

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes. He actually sentenced others to death without any reason.......

You are too overbearing!

At this time, a gust of wind blew, and the green leaves above the head rustled. Nino in front suddenly groaned in pain, and then stopped.

Miku said nervously:"Nino, what's wrong with you?"

"There's sand blowing into my eyes......."

Nino frowned and raised her hand to rub her eyes.


Miku grabbed Nino's hand and said,"Nino, don't rub it with your hands. It's easy to get infected. Let me blow it for you......."

"Sorry for bothering you, Sanjiu"


In daily life, when there is wind blowing, it is easy for something to be blown into the eyes. At this time, because it is very uncomfortable, many people can't help but rub their eyes with their hands. But this practice is not recommended, because rubbing the eyes can easily hurt the eyes and cause eye infections.......

It is to blow out the impurities that have entered the eyes.

This practice is also very common in normal times and is also one of the most effective methods.


This Miku has no experience, and the impurities may be hidden deeper, so Miku helped to blow it out several times, but it didn't work.

Instead, it made Nino's tears flow non-stop!

The feeling of having a foreign body in the eyes is really uncomfortable.

And if it is delayed for a long time, it is not good for the eyes.

In addition, this Nino often wears contact lenses, so her eyes need to be protected!

Ye Feng sighed:"Miku, let me do it"


Sanjiu pursed her lips. There was no other way. If she didn't solve it, Nino would be very uncomfortable, right?

Besides, it was just a breeze.

Sanjiu stepped aside, and Ye Feng walked in front of Nino, his eyes fell on Nino's face, and then he couldn't help but pull the corners of his mouth.

The tears were flowing like a flood.......

Nino gritted her teeth and said,"Don't look at it, hurry up and help me blow it."

It was so embarrassing to be seen by him like this.

Damn it!

Today is really my unlucky day!


When I go back, I will list today as the unlucky day of the year and circle it with a red pen!

Ye Feng said:"Open your eyes a little......"

Nino tried it, and then her tears flowed even more,"Damn it! It's so uncomfortable, I can't even open my eyes......."

Hearing that Erina's voice was filled with tears, Ye Feng did not hesitate, approached Erina, stretched out his hand and said:"Let me do it, you bear with it, don't move......."


Nino responded obediently, closed her eyes and raised her face, blinking gently, and then she felt Ye Feng's hand fall on her face.

The next moment, he came directly over.

Too, too close.......

Nino's cheeks suddenly turned red several times, her breathing quickened, and her whole body subconsciously tensed up.

Ye Feng moved closer to Nino. At such a close distance, he could clearly feel the hot breath of Nino, gently blowing on his face.

I always feel that it would be a bit of a waste not to kiss her in this position!

Although he thought so, Ye Feng would naturally not take advantage of her. He did not hesitate, and directly located the slag of Nino's eyes, and then blew gently.


"All right."

The whole process was smooth and effortless. He just leaned over, opened his eyelids, and blew gently.......Such a simple thing, for him, it was so easy!

So fast!

Miku opened her eyes slightly, it was over so quickly?

I just felt something!

Miku suppressed the complicated emotions in her heart and looked at Nino nervously:"Nino, how do you feel?"

Nino blinked, and felt her eyes instantly comfortable, even the dry foreign body feeling disappeared.

"I'm all right......"

Nino quickly turned her back and took out a tissue to wipe the tears from her face.

After a moment, Nino turned around and looked at Ye Feng, raised her hand to tidy up her hair, and looked at him with her beautiful blue eyes:"I didn't expect you to be so good. Anyway, thank you."

Sanjiu blew so many times but it didn't work, but he just blew it once and it worked......

Moreover, his massage skills are also superb.

In addition, he has excellent grades, good cooking skills, good looks, and a healthy body.......It seems that other boys can't compare to him at all! He is indeed the one that I, Nino, like!

Ye Feng said seriously:"Verbal thanks are insincere, Nino, please show your sincerity."

"Don't worry."

Nino put one hand on her waist, looked up, and smiled:"I, Nino, am not that kind of person.......The kind of person who doesn't repay kindness"

"So, Ye Fengjun, please look forward to it!"

After saying that, Nino looked at Miku and said,"Miku, thank you for what you did just now."

"I'm fine, Nino."

"Don't worry, I'm fine now."

Nino suddenly remembered something and grabbed Miku's hand:"I almost forgot, we are still in the queue, let's go quickly, otherwise it will cause trouble for the people behind us......."

"Ye Feng, stop playing with your phone, hurry up"


Soon we arrived outside the haunted house.

The entrance to the haunted house is a hideous-looking mouth. From the outside, it is pitch black inside, and with the weird and spooky music playing, some timid people have already started to back out before entering!

Haunted houses have always been a popular experience in amusement parks.

The haunted house in this amusement park in Chiba City is large and very famous. Even many tourists from other cities come to experience it.

Therefore, there are a lot of people queuing here.

The haunted house has regulations. In order to ensure the best experience, only 3 to 4 people can enter at a time. For safety reasons, single entry is not allowed in the haunted house.

And this rule prohibiting single entry has undoubtedly caused a lot of pressure on some people.

"Ye Fengjun."

When Ye Feng and the other two arrived, they only saw one May, and the rest were nowhere to be found.

"Because only four people can enter at a time, Ichika, Yotsuba, and Naoko have already entered."

"By the way, I heard that it is forbidden for single people to enter here. I heard that someone was scared to death and was not found until a long time later......."

"May, don't say anything."


Ye Feng narrowed his eyes:"Because if you continue talking, their legs will become weak......."


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