"Woo gu~"

"Ye Fengjun is too much"

"Damn it Ye Feng, you actually dare to scare us?"

"I didn't."

That's right.

I was just trying to scare you!

Boys and girls come to the haunted house together. Do you think they just want to experience the thrills of the haunted house?

You are totally wrong!

Whether it is boys or girls, many of them have other intentions!

Just like the last wave of people Ye Feng saw.

They were two pairs of lovers. The girls were scared and nervous, which completely aroused their boyfriends' protective psychology and fed a lot of dog food to other people, but in fact, Ye Feng clearly found the excitement in the eyes of the two girls.

Why are they excited?

Of course they are looking forward to the haunted house!

With such anticipation, do you think the girl can be timid?

By then, the two boys might be scared to the point of weakness, and the two girls will take up the banner instead!

After walking around the bend, there was smoke filling the air under their feet. There was a shabby wooden suspension bridge in front, shaking gently with a"creaking" sound.

Under the suspension bridge, white smoke was rolling, and there was���The light was dim.

On the other side of the suspension bridge, behind the rocky path, was a cave with spider webs hanging on it.

Faintly, there seemed to be a strange"crunching" sound coming from inside.

It was as if something was chewing food.

"So, so scary......"

Miku subconsciously grabbed Mayu beside her. The warmth from Mayu's hand reduced the fear in Miku's heart a little.

Mayu's hair on his head couldn't help but stand up, and he said nervously:"Ye Fengjun, what do you think is in the cave? Is it a ghoul eating lunch?"

"You think too much."

Ye Feng was speechless:"It was just a sound made deliberately by the staff."

Even if there are dangerous things like ghouls, they can't be put in here, right?

So, you are just scaring yourself!

Ye Feng said expressionlessly:"Come up, if you delay any longer, it will be dark soon......."

"We didn't dawdle!"

"That's it!"

Nino crossed her arms and pretended to be calm, saying:"Now it seems that it's no big deal!"

Ah~ well said.

But when you say this, please don't get so close!

Ye Feng looked at her with disdain. Except for May, each of these girls was more timid than the other.......Why do you come here to experience a haunted house?

There is a wooden structure supporting the cave. Between the wooden beams, there are spider webs hanging. Under the dim light above, everything looks shabby and full of a sense of age.

In the corner, wooden boxes are piled up into ash. The walls are hollowed out and enshrined with strange clay figurines.

After bending down to enter the cave, the scene inside becomes obviously much more eerie and strange.

Miku exhaled and tightly grasped the headphones around her neck:"It's so quiet."

"Yes, it’s too quiet here, and it always feels a bit scary. Nino, how do you feel?"

""It's all right!"

Nino took a deep breath, her pretty face slightly pale. It was very quiet along the way, but this kind of silence made people even more uneasy.

And the layout here is too weird, it always feels a little scary.

Nino secretly glanced at Ye Feng and saw that his expression was calm, and he was even looking around.......

By the way, isn't he afraid at all?

Nino couldn't help but get closer.

In fact, even May couldn't help but get closer to Ye Feng. Ye Feng was almost made into a dumpling by the three girls!

Miku couldn't help but say,"Did you notice that the voice just now disappeared?"

"Eh? It really disappeared."

"Did the staff leave for something?

"Maybe they are hungry or need to go to the bathroom?"

You think too much.

It's already this time, don't even think about eating!

At this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the top of their heads.

Long black hair fell down, covering the face.

Nino turned around inadvertently, and saw a pair of red eyes faintly visible in the long black hair, staring at her.


Nino's body froze, and she turned around suddenly, covering her mouth tightly, resisting the urge to scream, her voice trembling slightly:"It appeared, hurry up and leave."......"

"What appeared?"


Several people looked back, shuddering, and then turned away.

However, at this moment, a"crunching" chewing sound suddenly came from a coffin. At the same time, the ground loosened, and suddenly a dry hand stretched out.......

The whole quiet cave suddenly became lively.

Just when the few people were trembling with fear, a jumping brother suddenly appeared.

Then someone screamed.

The situation got out of control in an instant.

Ye Feng's wrist was grabbed, and then a strong force came, and he was pulled out in an instant.

"Wait, May"


However, May was completely panicked and didn't listen to Ye Feng's words at all.

And she ran very fast!

There were three passages in front of her. Without thinking, May ran directly into the passage that looked the most pleasing to the eye.

However, Ye Feng clearly felt that Sanjiu and Nino ran into different passages.

After an unknown amount of time, May stopped.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

My heart was beating so hard that it seemed like it was going to jump out of my chest.

May took a deep breath and patted her chest:"Oh my god, that's so scary, what on earth was that thing?......"

That was actually a famous zombie in China.

But its face was dry and twisted, and it had green teeth and suddenly came close.......

Not to mention girls, even boys would be scared!

But you are running too fast!

If you participate in the school sports meet, you might be able to get a place. If you train harder, you might even be able to enter the national competition!

May was ashamed:"I can't help it. This is my first time in a haunted house. Besides, if we don't run, the staff will feel embarrassed, right?"


Seeing that the girl didn't mention Nino and Miku at all, Ye Feng couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly, and couldn't help asking:"May, didn't you notice that something is missing?"


May looked around and said blankly:"No."

Good boy.

You have completely forgotten your two sisters!

Nino and Miku will cry if they hear it!

Ye Feng couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pinch May's cheek:"Nino and Miku are lost, I told you to wait......."

"Well......Don't pinch your face!"

"Gotta pinch it!"

"Woo~ Ye Fengjun is bullying people"

"That's right, I bullied you."

Based on what happened just now, who knows where those two guys will run to!

If they are lucky, they may meet other tourists and go out together.

If they are unlucky, they might be scared to tears.

That's right.

Whether it is Miku or the stubborn Nino, they are actually quite scared, and they are not pretending at all.

So, it is entirely possible to be scared to tears.

And this May is very lucky.

He just found a way and ran directly to the way out.

May said aggrievedly:"I know I was wrong"

"Pinch it again"


May looked ashamed and angry, and slapped his hand away without hesitation.

I asked you to pinch me twice, but you still want to continue.......I don’t want to save face!

Ye Feng took his hand back with regret:"Where’s Daimao?"

"No way."

Wu Yue held her head with both hands, her eyes alert:"Ye Fengjun, if you touch me again, I will beat you."

"That's fine."

Ye Feng had long experienced Wu Yue's strength.

That was a show punch that could break a rib with one punch.

Don't mess with her.

Seeing Ye Feng give up, Wu Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Love or something.......It's completely unknown territory.

I heard that if you fall in love, you have to spend a lot of time.

So I can't do it.

Studying is the most important thing now.


It's actually pretty good now, isn't it?

He occasionally bullies me, but he also patiently helps me with my studies. If I have a favorite snack, I will share it with him.......

So, wait a little longer?

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