"Come here!"

Seeing Ye Feng's expression, Yihua shuddered. She knew that if she stayed, she would be in trouble. It was fine if it happened in private. It wasn't the first time. It was embarrassing and unacceptable for the first time, but it was okay if she got used to it.

But if she was beaten in front of her sister,......

I feel ashamed just thinking about it!

Yihua turned and ran:"I'm going to wash up first, goodbye Ye Fengjun......"

"I, I'll go help Nino."

Seeing Ye Feng looking at him, Yotsuba didn't know what he was thinking of, and said something in a panic, and then stood up and ran.

As if there was some kind of flood beast behind him.

Ye Feng was speechless, it seemed that he was sitting here and doing nothing, but he kindly reminded Ichika.......

Sure enough, sometimes you should just pretend you can't see!

Decision made!

Next time I will just look openly and definitely not remind you!

At this moment, Ye Feng's phone suddenly vibrated.

He opened it and saw that it was actually that cute little Jing.......

"You, you actually stood me up yesterday! The teacher is very angry now, do you know how serious the consequences are?"You actually took the initiative to send messages to your students this morning. I didn't realize you are so bored now!

If you are bored, go out shopping, maybe love will come to you suddenly!

Ye Feng replied:"I told you yesterday, so strictly speaking, it doesn't count as standing you up."

"You broke the appointment!"

This is true. Because of Siye, Ye Feng naturally couldn't go to the gym with Jing Keai for physical contact.

Ye Feng did not deny it and asked:"Then what?"

Jing Keai turned over on the sofa and gritted her teeth and said:"Damn guy, it's okay to break the appointment, but he actually has an indifferent attitude......."

Anyway, my fists are thirsty!

Jing Keai said:"Are you free this afternoon?"

"No time."

Ye Feng thought for a moment and replied:"If you don't mind, I have time after nine o'clock in the evening."

"Okay, then nine o'clock in the evening!"

Jing Keai agreed immediately and put down her phone. She scratched her hair in annoyance, but at this moment, her phone rang. Seeing the call reminder, Jing Keai showed a look of despair on her face.

"mom.....Yes, I understand. I will go.......Yes, I promise I will take it seriously......."


After finally dealing with the family, the cute little girl sighed and looked at the comic book beside her.......

This is a comic book that Ye Feng gave her a few days ago. It tells the story of a man who goes against the light of the universe. Because the plot is very good, Jing Keai even bought the second volume.......Anyway, because the plot is very good, whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

Ye Feng put away his phone, with a strange expression on his face.

"Jingai seems to be in a bad mood again. Is she being urged to go on a blind date again?"

Ye Feng shook his head and didn't think much about it. Maybe Jingai will get married suddenly one day. No one can tell about such things.

At this time, Sanjiu finished washing up and came to the living room.

Ye Feng's eyes moved and he said,"Sanjiu, come and sit over here."


Sanjiu pursed her lips, then walked to sit beside Ye Feng, bringing with her a very pleasant fragrance.

Sanjiu was wearing a thin sweater and a short skirt. Because she was at home, she didn't wear pantyhose today. Her legs, which seemed to be piled up like ice and snow, were well-proportioned and slender, and extremely beautiful. Sanjiu put her legs together and leaned to one side, then tilted her head slightly and looked over:"Flirty Ye Feng, is there something?"

Damn it, you are really used to calling me, right!

Ye Feng said calmly:"Sanjiu, are you free tonight?"

To be honest, Ye Feng asked this, definitely not because he wanted to take Sanjiu on a date, nor did he want to trick Sanjiu into going to a love hotel, let alone playing in the wild, but simply inviting her to his home to deal with his mother.

But it is obvious that when a boy takes the initiative to ask a girl if she is free in the evening, it is indeed very easy to cause misunderstandings.

Sanjiu obviously misunderstood, so her fair cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her eyes glared at him with shame and anger:"Guilty!"

"I just think......"


"Sanjiu, please listen to me first, I just want to......"


Sanjiu stood up suddenly, glared at Ye Feng with shame and anger, then instantly distanced herself from him, crossed her arms, and looked very alert.


Damn it, are you serious about that alert expression?

If you are not being urged, who would trouble themselves so late at night?

May came over and asked curiously:"Ye Feng, Sanjiu, what are you talking about?"


Miku turned sideways and raised her hand to tidy up her hair to hide her panic and shame.

She actually invited someone to go out at night. No matter how you think about it, it can't be just a simple date.......What if he wants to go to that kind of place?

Boys' words are deceiving!

What's more, he is the frivolous Ye Feng who always likes to bully others.

So, how could he agree!

May said"Oh" and didn't care.

She walked to the table and sat down, took out her textbook on her own initiative, and the ahoge on her head swayed slightly, looking like she was in a very good mood.

She turned her eyes and looked at Ye Feng:"Mr. Ye Feng, shall we start now?"


Ye Feng put aside the invitation for the time being and stood up to sit next to Wu Yue. Because they hadn't started eating meat buns yet, this girl didn't smell like meat buns.......

Just as Ye Feng was thinking this, he heard a"crackling" sound. He turned around and saw May's cheeks puffing up slightly. At first glance, she looked like a little hamster, unexpectedly very cute.

Seeing Ye Feng coming, May blinked her eyes, then handed him a biscuit:"Mr. Ye Feng, if you're hungry, you can eat some biscuits first......."

Ye Feng took the biscuit and asked casually:"Why don't you eat meat buns today?"

"I don't eat meat buns every day, okay?......"

At the end of May, she refuted with a lack of energy, then pursed her lips and said shyly:"Because I have finished eating the meat buns and haven't replenished them yet. If Ye Fengjun wants to eat some, I can go to the supermarket to buy some......."

""Thank you, but no thanks."

I see you just want to eat it yourself!

Ye Feng's eyes fell on May's lips. Perhaps because she had just washed, May's lips were obviously more moist than usual, and more tender and tempting, making people want to take a bite.

As for May, should it taste like meat buns, or something else?

Ye Feng was a little curious. He was also a little eager.

Perhaps, he could find an opportunity to try it?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng coughed dryly, and then said seriously:"May, I have something I want to ask you for help, please promise me."

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