Since Xu Minjing returned to her alma mater, Capital Normal University, gossip about her has always been lacking.

At present, Xu Minjing is also 25 years old. She is six or seven years older than these 18-year-old freshmen and sophomores. Therefore, Xu Minjing will naturally often become their confidant sister. Qian Ailian will also consult Xu Minjing for any emotional or other problems.

However, compared with these, for the gossip about Xu Minjing's personal emotional life, it is obvious that Qian Ailian is more enthusiastic, and even forgets her own troubles just now.

"Tell me! Sister Minjing, who the hell is that boy? " Qian Ailian asked curiously.

"He? He's just... Just an ordinary friend of mine. "

Shy Xu Minjing, not to mention that Lin Feng is in her own quilt now. Even if Lin Feng is not here, Xu Minjing will naturally avoid it in order to avoid causing more comments and gossip. Just because I saw Lin Feng suddenly, I was really moved.

"Ordinary friends? That's unlikely? " Qian Ailian obviously didn't believe it, and was not satisfied with Xu Minjing's answer.

Similarly, there is another person dissatisfied with Xu Minjing's answer, of course, Lin Feng in the quilt. Although Lin Feng is not a particularly male chauvinist man, he will be unhappy when he hears that his beloved woman denies the relationship between obscurity and herself.

But now Lin Feng is not very convenient to express his opinions, and he can't communicate with Xu Minjing. So what do we do? It doesn't matter. Lin Feng has his own way of expression.

Dissatisfied with Xu Minjing's answer, they turned into two magic claws and began to rage in the quilt again.


Suddenly, Lin Feng scratched the itchy meat. Xu Minjing couldn't help shouting, and then quickly suppressed her voice and glared at Lin Feng.

"Sister Minjing, what's the matter with you?" Qian Ailian said strangely.

"No... nothing, just a hand touch. Well... Elaine, it's getting late. Why don't we go to bed! Stop chatting... "

Xu Minjing obviously wants to end the topic, but Qian Ailian's thirst for knowledge is not satisfied. Where can she let her go so easily. He immediately stood up from his bed and lay down on the fence of Xu Minjing's bed, similar to the coquettish language: "no! Sister Minjing, tell me... And tell the truth. What's the relationship between you and that man? Certainly not as simple as an ordinary friend. If you are an ordinary friend, will you be moved to tears? You will be moved to take the initiative to hold him? "

Obviously, Qian Ailian had already inquired about all the gossip details when she was washing, which could not allow Xu Minjing to muddle through.


At this moment, Xu Minjing can no longer escape the topic and prevaricate. In particular, Lin Feng is also threatening her with both hands in the quilt. She also wants to avoid being found by Qian Ailian standing at the head of the bed. Xu Minjing really has no choice but to bite her lips, nod and admit, "OK! ok Ailian, I won't hide it from you. He's my boyfriend, okay? "

Xu Minjing really summoned up great courage to say such words. At least for a year since she was born, it's Monday to see the outbreak! We also send more meaningful and interesting book reviews at the weekend to attract more new readers to see our good book full of positive energy. Then, we will burst out on Monday! I broke out to update, ten to twenty is not a problem! Thirty should be more sure! So how many of you can put this book on the best seller list? What is the number one on the recommendation list?

Monthly ticket list I don't want to! It can be said that next week is a key time related to how much the book can be written in the future. The author Jun will strive to maintain an outbreak and a better college plot! I hope you will live and die together with me. Let's make this book a complete fire!)

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