"Sleeping trough! What happened? Isn't there a freshman meeting on the playground? Why is it like taking an oath? "

"I remember there was no such content in the previous freshman conference?"

"Is it something new this year?"


In Qingbei campus, students of other grades heard the movement on the playground and looked at it in surprise. I can't help it. The neat and uniform oath voice is too shocking. The freshman conference in previous years has never had such a ceremony.

"Oath? What is this talking about? Be a happy person? Did I hear you right? What kind of oath is this? "

"The boy on the stage looks familiar! Eh! Isn't this the boy who was arranged to live in the girls' dormitory because of an Oolong yesterday? "

"Is he the outstanding representative of this year's freshmen? It seems that there are still two brushes! "

"I know him. When I was in the canteen at noon today, I hugged two top beauties! It seems that it's all his girls... "


The old students who didn't care about the freshman conference at all were also attracted by the news. When they saw Lin Feng solemnly sworn on the stage, they all showed surprised expressions. Especially when they heard Lin Feng's speech and Lin Feng's oath to eat, they couldn't help but swear together.

This oath is not for any organization, nor for schools, nor for some worthless gods.

This oath is for yourself, for yourself in the past, for yourself now, and for yourself in the future. Be a happy person, a happy person, a happy person, no longer wronging yourself because of the expectations of others

These vows from Lin Fengkou are actually everyone's hidden wishes. Therefore, when they were aroused when they spoke from Lin Feng, their bodies couldn't help but swear solemnly to themselves together with Lin Feng.

Even Hu Hangyu, the rocket teenager who was taken away by Lin Feng as the representative of excellent freshmen, and Feng Yufei, the queen of Mathematical Olympiad, said they wanted to refuse, but their body still raised their right hand very honestly and took an oath with Lin Feng.

"This... Headmaster Li, this is just the opposite! How does Lin Feng deserve to be an excellent freshman representative! What did he say? What is a happy person? This is a call to students not to study hard! You see, now he brainwashed these freshmen... "

Tan Shengyong, the vice president who saw this scene, complained angrily in front of President Li, "Lin Feng's speech must be stopped immediately, otherwise, the students will be spoiled by Lin Feng..."

"Vice President Tan, I think what Lin Feng said is very reasonable! Hey! Didn't you find out when you went to Europe last time? In primary school education, foreign children focus on their children's interests and hobbies. Parents never force their children to learn this and that. Therefore, foreign children generally have a beautiful childhood and open thinking... "

Different from Tan Shengyong, President Li also sighed with wide eyes, "the children of our country are really unhappy as Lin Fenggang said! Really not happy at all! Vice President Tan, didn't we get a data from the psychological institution last December? More and more students have a variety of mental diseases, anxiety disorder, depression, autism, and even many students are desperate... Why are these? Isn't it because of the exam oriented education in our country? Is it not our domestic education system that imprisons children's nature? "

Although President Li is over 50 years old this year, he has been in charge of Qingbei University for so many years. The students he has seen are the best in China. In the past one after another, he is actually the most able to experience the pain and unhappiness of Chinese students.

Therefore, when Lin Feng said these words, President Li couldn't help tears. He was not moved by Lin Feng's speech, but felt sad for countless students in the whole Chinese country. I also feel sad for my incompetence. As an educator in China's top universities, I have nothing to do about it.

"That's what I want to say today! In the next four years of college, I hope to be a happy person with you. Thank you! "

After finishing such a big speech in one breath, Lin Feng bowed, and then slowly walked down the rostrum amid the thunderous applause. Among the freshmen, the girls almost screamed of worship. Lin Feng was not particularly handsome, but Lin Feng, who stood on the podium to speak, was the most handsome person in the universe in their eyes

"Lin Feng! Long live! "

When Lin Feng stepped down from the rostrum, I didn't know who shouted first in the crowd. He couldn't stop it immediately. The freshmen shouted one after another.

"Lin Feng! Long live! "

"Long live! Lin Feng...... "


"Lin Feng, I promise you that I will be a happy person with you!"

Hearing the girls screaming at Lin Feng, Qin Yanran's little hands were about to turn red. She stared at Lin Feng's figure and said silently in her heart.

"This smelly boy, I thought he could say something good! It turned out that in the end... I cooked a bowl of chicken soup, but this bowl of chicken soup... I Xiao nishang dried it! However, hey hey... My happiness is based on your pain! Lin Feng, are you ready? "

Xiao nishang, who was surging with emotion, bit her lips and smiled proudly at the corners of her mouth.

On the team of the Academy of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Hu Hangyu, a young rocket boy who had planned to watch Lin Feng's speech jokes, didn't know why he had just sworn in with Lin Feng. He admitted that Lin Feng's words were very reasonable and infectious, and even made himself unable to recall, Dig out the deepest emotions in my heart.

However, seeing that Lin Feng, who was good for nothing in his eyes, was supported by almost all the freshmen, listening to the "long live Lin Feng", Hu Hangyu clenched his fist, narrowed his eyes and stared at Lin Feng who stepped down, and said fiercely in his heart: "Lin Feng, you dare to steal my limelight, let's see!"

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