2611403 dormitory, which is called the devil dormitory by all teachers and students of Qingbei University.

At this moment, only two people stayed in the dormitory, and the others were still outside and didn't come back.

"Ah Hui, today Ou Yong, the counselor teacher in the computer department, called and said... We have arranged a freshman in our dormitory..."

Li Kai, a hacker expert who was eating takeout on the table, smiled and said, "no newcomers have dared to come to our dormitory for a long time. I didn't expect to be a freshman this time."

"Ha ha! Brother Kay, doesn't that mean... We have to play again this time? Come on, let's make a bet. How many days can this freshman stay in our dormitory? I guess it won't be a week... "Murong Hui said with a joking smile.

"A week? Ah Hui, I can assure you that in less than three days, the freshman will automatically go away. "

Li Kai said confidently, "if you want to hang out in our dormitory, how can you do without some real skills?"

"Three days? It seems that I endured it for five days last time! He couldn't bear to leave until you completely invaded his computer and played a bad little movie as soon as you opened it! " Murong Hui said with a bad smile.

"Don't just talk about me, okay? You and the boss practice like taking him as a sandbag every day. You scared people away. What's none of my business? " Li Kaibai glanced at Murong Hui.

"Yes! Did you tell the boss about the newcomers in the dormitory? What's the boss's attitude? " Muronghui asked again.

"The boss said that the new boy is a little arrogant. He is an excellent representative of this session. Let's... Give him a hard blow."

Li Kai spread his hands and said, "I'm a scholar and have no strength to bind chickens. The boss and Viagra are not here, so I'll leave it to you. "

"No problem. I fought with the boss two days ago and was badly abused. I'm just looking for someone to vent! The freshman hit the muzzle of the gun... "Muronghui said, making his finger joints rattle, and a smile of a good play coming on the corner of his mouth.

"Take it easy, ah Hui, the boss said... Just teach me a lesson. Don't make trouble. Let him back out of difficulties and know that people like him can't come in our devil's dormitory. " Li Kai looked up and said.

"No problem! Promise to only hurt and not die, okay? By the way, when will the boy come? I'm still a representative of excellent freshmen. I don't like this kind of nerd. See how I play with him later... "

Murong Hui couldn't wait. Even the game of hand and head was temporarily withdrawn.

At this time, in the canteen of Qingbei University, Xiao Xuan, the president who had just come out of the martial arts club, shook his shoulder and asked ye Baiwei, the vice president around him, "Viagra, it seems... That Lin Feng arranged to our dormitory, isn't it?"

"Yes! Boss, didn't Li Kai call just now? Yes? Boss, do you really want to keep him in our dormitory? " Ye Baiwei asked strangely.

"If you don't give anyone face, you can't give my little sister face!"

Xiao Xuan threw off his coat and said with a smile, "good luck for this boy. Let him join our dormitory for the sake of nishang!"

"But... But isn't it too cheap for this boy?" Ye Baiwei asked.

"Of course, I can't let him join so easily. I've told Li Kai to ask ah Hui to give the boy a blow and suffer. Did you hear his speech this afternoon? Just be happy. It's just farting. Now that he comes to our dormitory, let him know the rules of our dormitory and who is the boss of the dormitory... "

As the boss of the devil's dormitory, Xiao Xuan has always been so domineering on the campus of Qingbei University. He is also the president of the martial arts club. The relationship background of the Xiao family is hard enough. The teachers in the school basically know, so they never dare to check Xiao Xuan's skipping class. Even if Xiao Xuan doesn't go to class, he can get a basic pass score.

Of course, even so, Xiao Xuan is also one of the children of a famous aristocratic family in Qingbei University. Almost every once in a while, Xiao Xuan will make trouble in the school. Either he beat this or he went to make trouble with the students of the martial arts club.

Ye Baiwei, who is next to Xiao Xuan, is a collateral child of the Ye family in the capital. Although the relationship between the Ye family and the Xiao family has been good or bad, ye Baiwei's personal relationship with Xiao Xuan is very good. Ye Baiwei's martial arts cultivation also has three levels the day after tomorrow. As the vice president of the martial arts club, he is Xiao Xuan's right arm.

Murong Hui, who was in the dormitory just now, is the eldest son of the Murong family. Although the Murong family is not one of the five ancient martial families, its strength should not be underestimated. Murong Hui is also the vice president of the martial arts club, but he doesn't care much. He knows to play games in the dormitory all day. The cultivation of martial arts is only the second level the day after tomorrow, but it's more than enough to bully ordinary people.

As for the last person who hasn't appeared in the devil's dormitory, his name is Zhang Miaoyi. Firstly, he is not a hacker expert like Li Kai, and secondly, he is not an ancient martial arts expert like Xiao Xuan. He was also born in a very backward small mountain village in the West. However, Zhang Miaoyi, who has no background, can integrate into such a dormitory and even become an indispensable member of the dormitory. The reason is very simple. That is because Zhang Miaoyi is a rare commercial genius in a century.

There's nothing wrong. Zhang Miaoyi comes from a remote mountain village, but from an early age, he relied on his wonderful business sense. When he was in primary school, he rented some comics and novels to the students in the school and earned the first pot of gold. Junior high school dared to hire people to contract the canteen in the school, and senior high school sold all the restaurants around the school.

Now at the University, the pocket money from the family in the devil's dormitory is confidently handed over to Zhang Miaoyi for operation, which is at least ten times the profit a year. It was also with this hand that the devil's dormitory with only four people agreed to let Zhang Miaoyi join. It's all because Zhang Miaoyi's ability to make money convinced everyone in the devil's dormitory and admitted his strength.

Now, the sixth person in the devil's dormitory seems not so easy to deal with. Out of the elevator, Lin Feng immediately swept dormitory 03 with spiritual knowledge and found that there were only two people inside. One is an ordinary person, the other is a martial artist on the second floor the day after tomorrow.

There was no mechanism or concealed weapon in the dormitory. He walked in with his luggage, smiled and said hello to Li Kai and Murong Hui: "Hello, two seniors. I'm a freshman who has just been arranged to our dormitory. My name is Lin Feng!"

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