"Hee hee! This gourd doll's dress matches Lin Feng very well! "

"Wow! I haven't found out before that there are Altman's Coser clothes. Lin Feng must be fun to wear! Ha ha... "

"This is also good, Naruto's! And this, Assassin's creed, too handsome... "



It is the pillar of the whole world economy, especially a rich woman like Wang Yajun. Whether you buy it yourself or for others, you don't hesitate. More than a dozen role-playing clothes chose Lin Feng's approximate size standard and joined the shopping cart to pay directly.

"Hee hee! These clothes will arrive tomorrow and the day after tomorrow as soon as possible. I have to buy another camera with higher pixels and give Lin Feng a nostalgia at that time... "

In his mind, he had imagined what Lin Feng would look like after wearing these clothes. Wang Yajun had an indelible joy in his heart. It is an inexplicable temptation for Wang Yajun to share and experience his secret with Lin Feng.

Of course, Wang Yajun's behavior must be abnormal. It is a kind of psychological disorder. This is what many children of aristocratic families like her may suffer from. With superior family environment and economic conditions, they bear greater pressure and expectations, which will cause certain psychological distortion.


At this time, Lin Feng didn't know that he had been remembered by the beautiful counselor who liked to wear all kinds of strange clothes. He is eating hot pot outside with five school bullies in the devil's dormitory. It's fun to talk. He has eaten five or six boxes of beer alone.

After having had enough to eat and drink, the party went back to the dormitory upside down. Lin Feng is already good at drinking. Even if he doesn't cheat with his water control ability, he can totally beat Xiao Xuan and them.

Six people in a dormitory finally returned to the dormitory. After talking with Lin Feng this evening, Xiao Xuan and the six of them completely convinced Lin Feng, identified with the new devil dormitory, and completely regarded Lin Feng as their brother and boss.

As for Lin Feng, not to mention, after in-depth understanding, he also had a more accurate understanding of Xiao Xuan's five people.

Xiao Xuan is Xiao nishang's eldest brother and carries the hope of the Xiao family for the future, but his cultivation has been stopped between the fourth and fifth floors the day after tomorrow, so it is difficult to break through. In Qingbei University, Xiao Xuan established a martial arts club. It looks very beautiful on the surface, but in fact, it has to face the threat from karate club, judo club, Taekwondo Club and Muay Thai club.

Although Xiao Xuan is a martial artist on the fourth floor the day after tomorrow, the strength of the presidents of several other societies is not weaker than him. Even, the strength of Miyamoto Saburo of karate club is slightly higher than that of Xiao Xuan. In the last fight, Xiao Xuan fought hard to draw with Miyamoto Saburo, avoiding losing the sign of the martial arts club in front of the whole school.

Just when he was drinking, Xiao Xuan, who had drunk too much, poured bitter water on Lin Feng. In fact, he also hoped that Lin Feng could come to the martial arts club. With Lin Feng's cultivation, he would definitely beat Miyamoto Saburo, a Japanese student.

Ye Baiwei and Mu Ronghui are also the vice presidents of the martial arts club. They are also the sons of an aristocratic family that Xiao Xuan played together since childhood. They serve as vice presidents of the martial arts club, but in fact, their status in the family is not high. Ye Baiwei has lost his core position in the Ye family, and the core rights of the family are basically impossible to get him. As for Murong Hui, although he is the eldest grandson of the Murong family and the successor of the master of the family, the Murong family has been declining in recent years. His burden is too heavy, and even he has the idea of leaving the Murong family and living alone.

"Brother Xuan, wait a minute. Viagra, help brother Xuan well... "

After returning to the dormitory, the three of them had basically drunk too much. Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. In fact, the children of these aristocratic families who are bright in front of outsiders also have their own troubles. The three of them basically don't go back to the family. They even nest in the school during the summer vacation, which is to escape everything in the family in disguise.

"How about Miao Yi? The new military training will begin tomorrow. How is your business arrangement? "

Li Kai and Zhang Miaoyi didn't drink much, and they didn't drink much just now. After they returned to the dormitory, they began to chat again.

"Don't worry. I've already arranged this small business of the school."

Zhang Miaoyi made an OK gesture, then turned to Lin Feng and asked, "boss! It seems that you will start military training tomorrow! I just sent someone to the school to sell some new military training supplies. I'll ask them to send you a complete set tomorrow. What military training sunscreen, insoles, sanitary napkins... "

"Wait! Miao Yi, make it clear. I'm going to military training. I can understand what you gave me, such as sunscreen and insole. What do you mean by this sanitary napkin? " Lin Feng stared at him with big eyes.

"Oh! Boss, you don't understand! It's your first time to go to college... "

Seeing this, Li Kai said with a smile.

"Nonsense! Have you been to college two or three times? " Lin Feng glanced at Li Kai.

"Hey! Boss, you're really right. It was the first time for several of us, but Kaige was not. He was from Yanjing University before, but later, because he failed too many courses in Yanjing University and caused trouble again and again, he was dissuaded by the school in his freshman semester. " Speaking of this, Zhang Miaoyi introduced Li Kai's glorious past with a smile.

"What? Was persuaded to retreat? Can you pass the above Yanjing University and fail? " Lin Feng was even more surprised to see the hacker Master Li Kai in front of him.

"Hey, hey! No way, boss. At that time, I hid in the dormitory every day to play with computers and ponder over hacker technology. I didn't even have a class at all. The teachers and leaders of Yanjing University are not accommodating at all. I was so angry that I changed their educational administration system and achievement system.

As a result, at the end of that year, all the students of Yanjing University dropped out like me! ha-ha! However, in the end, I was punished and discouraged by the school leaders. No way, if you don't let me go, I won't go! What's so great about a broken Yanjing University, so I simply dropped out and took the college entrance examination again. The next year I went to Qingbei University. "

Li Kai said triumphantly, "finally, I found that it was better for Qingbei University. If I don't go to class, there's nothing wrong... Anyway, I can modify the results in the database... The teachers can't take me, and brother Xuan, they cover me... "

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