"One, two, three, four... Sharp blade! Sharp blade! "

On the playground, the pace was neat and uniform, and Kong Wu shouted forcefully.

A company of the special forces called "sharp blade" officially settled in Qingbei University and became the instructor of the freshman military training of Qingbei University.

Looking at so many handsome soldiers, the girls of Qingbei university are going crazy.

Exudes the smell of youth hormones. Few girls are fascinated by these special forces who are sweating and throwing their hands and feet.

Although there is an old Chinese saying that "good paste does not nail! A good man is not a soldier! ", However, there is another saying that "I regret being a soldier for three years, and I regret not being a soldier for a lifetime".

Therefore, even for boys, these powerful and handsome special forces have always been a soldier dream hidden in their hearts.

Especially these boys who have been taught by their families to study and enter the University as the first goal since childhood are yearning for these special forces. They also dreamed that one day they could become a member of the military camp, serve the country faithfully and gallop on the battlefield.

"Crazy girl! Which army is this? Good strength! Every special forces soldier is a warrior? "

Lin Feng, who came out of the teaching building, was surprised after glancing at these special forces. Because he found that these special forces not only have the Qi and blood power of fighters, but also most of them are shrouded in a murderous spirit.

Lin Feng had only seen such murderous spirit in some killers who came to assassinate himself before. The concentration of murderous Qi like this is not what ordinary people can have. Even the butcher who killed hundreds of pigs in the vegetable market did not have such a strong murderous spirit.

It can be seen that this special forces team is not vegetarian. It has definitely seen blood under its hands. Not to mention that each of them is a martial artist who practices ancient martial arts. That's their real ability. It's not the mass goods such as military boxing of ordinary soldiers of other legions.

"This special force is not simple, Lin Feng. It is an ace special force in our country. The code seems to be... It seems to be a 'sharp blade'. Listen to the name, you know it's drag? He has participated in many UN peacekeeping missions and performed very well. When they joined the team, they all practiced ancient martial arts. However, the troops coming today are obviously not the most powerful. You see, most of them have less than the fourth floor the day after tomorrow... "

Xiao nishang said and added, "however, this special forces force has strong strength and strong temper. This time, it is estimated that our freshmen will suffer... "

"Suffering? Crazy girl, aren't you worried? " Lin Feng asked.

"What am I worried about? In the army, these are the losers of my men. "

Leaving a beautiful figure, Xiao nishang walked to the girls' dormitory with a smile holding military training equipment.

"Interesting! Special forces' sharp blade '? It seems that our country has not buried the traditional ancient martial arts and has vigorously developed into the army. "

It was the first time that Lin Feng saw a batch of military trainers become special forces in the army. Lin Feng was very pleased with this. After all, in other countries, they don't have the powerful ancient martial arts of China, but they have developed various technologies to cultivate gene soldiers. From Lin Feng's current observation, the United States and the European Union have become very mature and powerful.

However, the ancient martial arts of China are completely different from gene warriors. They need more talent and perseverance. All sects and sects treasure each other and hide their ancient martial arts cultivation secrets deeply, let alone let them contribute to the country.

Therefore, Lin Feng thought it was too difficult for the state to train martial artists in the army in batches, unless all sects can contribute their martial arts secrets, or find a skill that can be practiced by all soldiers of different physiques.

"The essence of martial arts is to cultivate the Qi and blood in the human body and stimulate the potential of the human body. No matter what kind of martial arts, the core part is the same. However, everyone's physical quality and talent are very different. Many people's bodies even have some natural meridians, so their Qi and blood are blocked, so they can't have any effect even if they practice these meridians for a lifetime... "

Although Lin Feng is a true cultivator, after contacting so many martial artists, he has a very thorough understanding of martial arts. Even, he has the spiritual knowledge of practitioners, and can see the blood distribution in the body of martial artists very accurately and clearly, so as to understand the essence of martial arts cultivation.

"However, my divine water has a miraculous effect on channel blockage. As long as a martial artist who has taken Shenshui, there is a certain chance that the meridians in his body can be opened up naturally. This is equal to what is said in those martial arts novels that the eight meridians in the body have been opened up. Generally speaking, as long as all meridians have been opened up, no matter what kind of martial arts skills you cultivate, you will gain miraculous effects... "

After making this clear, Lin Feng was not surprised. Those special constitutions, including Xiao nishang, actually belong to the eight meridians in the body. Therefore, on the one hand, they are Wizards of cultivating truth, on the other hand, they also get twice the result with half the effort in cultivating martial arts.

For this discovery, Lin Feng just saw those special forces and analyzed the distribution of meridians in their bodies. Because although these special forces are all from the same army, everyone practices different skills, and Lin Feng can see that they practice very common martial arts skills.

If you divide it according to the level in Wulin, it should be the lowest yellow level skill among the so-called heaven and earth xuanhuang. The lower the level of skill, the lower the physical quality of the martial artist. Among those special forces, most of them are not particularly good in physical quality. About half of the eight meridians in the whole body are blocked.

Therefore, it is estimated that these special forces have been practicing these martial arts skills for five or six years, but most of them only stay at the level of the day after tomorrow. And even if you practice hard in the future, there will basically be no big progress. This is determined by the attribute of skill and physical quality.

This is why over the years, the major ancient martial arts sects have limited disciples, and they all depend on their physical qualifications. However, they don't have the spiritual consciousness of Lin Feng to scan all the meridians of the human body and know which meridians are blocked. They can only roughly judge the proportion of this person's meridians through some stupid methods.

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