"The sharp blade special corps, five companies and three rows of black Kui, are in place!"

Standing in front of the team of the school of economics, there was a big and thick special forces soldier. His face was darker than other special forces soldiers. When he opened his mouth, his rough voice was scary enough.

"Is this special force called heikui our instructor? The cultivation of the third floor the day after tomorrow is quite good among this group of special forces. "

The black Kui is less than five meters away from Lin Feng. Lin Feng can clearly feel the power of Qi and blood on him. Even without spiritual knowledge to explore, Lin Feng knows that the black Kui can at least rank in the top five among those special forces instructors.

"The sharp blade special corps, five companies and three rows of tanks, are in place!"

Next to the economic class (2), the special forces standing in front of the economic class (1) team reported that they were slightly shorter and lower in cultivation than heikui. They only had the second floor the day after tomorrow.

This time, there were more than 4000 freshmen in Qingbei University, and there were almost 80 classes in all colleges and departments. Therefore, the military training strategy of each special forces instructor in charge of one class was adopted.

Under the head's arrangement, nearly 80 special forces instructors have been in place in front of each class. What these instructors reported to themselves was not their real name, because they all had confidentiality policies in the army, so what they said was actually their nickname or code name when they were in the army.

The instructor of Lin Feng's class is nicknamed "black Kui", which is just like a person. He is black and strong. The instructor of Qin Yanran's class is called "tank", which is a little shorter like a tank, but it is also very strong and thick.

"Students! Now it's time to confirm military training. Get to know your instructor. Later, at four o'clock, I will visit the school history museum. I will come and lead the team... "

After the military training instructors of each class arranged, Wang Yajun retired and left these freshmen to their instructors.

Other counselors also withdrew one after another, but the freshmen were still stunned and communicated with each other. They didn't know how severe training they would face next.

"Zhu Yi! Look at our instructor, ha ha... It's fucking dark! If he didn't speak Mandarin just now, I thought he was a nigger foreigner... "

"I hope we don't get as black as him after the military training..."

"Won't you start training this afternoon? The sun is a little too big... "


The students were still whispering. The instructor heikui standing in front of the team took a deep breath, and then shouted in his thick voice, "what's the noise? Shit! Don't you even know the basic military discipline? It's assembly time. Don't talk! "

When the instructor heikui shouted, everyone was startled, and the person who was talking quickly closed his mouth. One by one cautiously looked at the black Kui and knew that the black faced instructor was going to start to get angry.

"Are you the monitor of this class? What's your name? Tell me the general situation of this class... "

After a downfall, the instructor heikui pointed the spearhead at Lin Feng.

"Report to the instructor, I'm Lin Feng, the monitor of economic class 2. There are 56 people in this class, including 25 boys and 31 girls. All of them are present..."

Although Lin Feng has never been a soldier, he also knows that there must be certain rules to be a soldier. Military training is the same. Since you have come to participate in the freshman military training of Qingbei University, you must do your best within the rules if you want to lead the class to win the honor of excellent class.

"Good! You're back now. I'll introduce myself to you. My name is heikui. I'm the instructor of your military training for the next 15 days. First of all, I will be very strict! Moreover, I don't listen to any reasons and excuses. If I can't finish the training task I assigned, I'll wait for severe punishment! "

Instructor heikui's temper is as smelly as his face. His self introduction is very short but also very powerful. In an instant, all the students in economic class 2 were nervous.

"Next, everyone! Stand at attention, follow me and walk together... "

After the new officer took office three times, instructor heikui straightened out the freshmen of economic class 2, took them all out of the playground and went to the training ground that had been sliced in advance.

The instructors of other classes were similar. The special forces instructors took the freshmen to their respective training venues with a serious face.

The training venues in each area are also divided according to departments and classes. The training ground of economic class 2 and economic class 1 is next to each other, just between the basketball court and the football court.

This location is the most open and surrounded by training venues for classes of other colleges and departments, but it is also the most difficult location. Because in other places, there will be some architectural shadows to resist the sun during the day. Ke Linfeng's position is the central position of the whole playground. There can be no architectural shadow all day.

Therefore, it is doomed that Lin Feng and his classes in the school of economics will be exposed to the sun all day in summer in this half month.

Because today is the first day of military training, and the freshmen will collectively visit the school history museum at four o'clock, most instructors did not start military training immediately.

For example, heikui, the instructor of Lin Feng's class, directly pulled them to the training ground and asked them to stand still. This is the most basic training stance.

However, after all, these freshmen are almost spoiled at home since childhood. Where can they stand such suffering in the sun? Standing still for an hour? Are you kidding?

Therefore, after standing for a while, many students couldn't hold on. They directly opened their mouth and shouted to the instructor heikui: "instructor, i... I can't! I can't stand... "

"If you can't stand, you have to stand! Today's training for you is just an appetizer. The training of our special forces is thousands and thousands of times harder than yours. I tell you, from today to the end of military training, you are not college students. Shit! I tell you, you're just recruits... There's half an hour left. Stick to it! If you can't make it today, you will suffer every day in the future... "

Instructor heikui's loud voice was very frightening. He went directly behind the boy who said he couldn't support it and kicked his ass. This time, it made several students who couldn't hold on and wanted to give up. They were so scared that they didn't care what to say. They had to bite their teeth and stick to it even though their sweat dripped from their forehead.

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