Without these bodies, Li Yutong is not sure that this is the mass grave seen by the workers.

However, the uniforms of these workers are fluorescent for the convenience of working in the dark cave, so they are very eye-catching among the bodies of these mass graves. Li Yutong almost scanned them once and saw them.

"Is it really the mass grave seen by the workers? Why are there so many bodies here? "

Seeing the bodies underground, Lin Feng was also shocking. He asked himself that he had killed many people after so many events. He should be calm enough to face the bodies, but he really had never seen so many bodies.

The most terrible thing is not here, but among these corpses, there are not only human corpses, some of which are obviously not like the corpses of any known creatures on earth.

"Look! Lin Feng, what are those bodies? How can you have four hands... "

"So are these. Can corpses mutate?"

Xiao nishang first cried and found the strange bodies below. Her heart also jumped with her. An unprecedented terror enveloped her.

"If we say that this mass grave sank later. I'm afraid... There won't be any exit here. " Lin Feng gave a deep thought and said.

Why does this mysterious underground world gather here when there are no marginal corpses? Where is the source of Yin Qi from the nine Yin canals?

How to get out of here?

What kind of danger is there?

That strong sense of crisis already exists!

"Lin Feng, come down! It's not a way to hover above this all the time. Your strength will soon run out. Anyway, it has reached this point. It's better to go down and see what mechanisms and traps there are! " Xiao nishang soon overcame her inner fear and analyzed it rationally.

"I'm afraid that's the only way. Sister Tong Tong, what do you think? " Lin Feng turned to look at Li Yutong.

"Lin Feng, I'll go wherever you go! As long as I can be with you, what's the fear of death? " Li Yutong looked at Lin Feng with confidence.

"OK! Then it's all passed, Lin Feng, go down! I hope these bodies are pure bodies. Just don't come back to life at that time. "

Who would have thought that Xiao nishang had just finished saying this, when there was another rumbling sound, and the whole abyss shook again. I don't know where the strong wind kept sweeping through the air. The bodies below seemed to be awakened by someone. Suddenly, they moved one by one, raised their heads, looked up and shouted.

"I'll go! Really come back to life, crazy girl, you crow mouth... "

The air flow in the space was unstable. Lin Feng hurriedly controlled the flying sword. He just said he wanted to land and find out the way. Now he didn't dare. There were thousands of bodies below!

"Blame me? How do I know? Besides, these books look like zombies! Hello... Lin Feng, don't shake! If we shake around again, we'll really fall down. " Xiao nishang hurriedly grasped Lin Feng and cried.

"You think I want to shake! It's the unstable air flow in the space, and I don't know where it is, or whether it's still inside Tianmu peak. "

Feeling the completely different air flow in the space, Lin Feng suddenly felt cold in his heart, and the idea came naturally. What array did Fengtong sword pierce just now before it fell down, and it is impossible to accommodate such a large area inside Tianmu peak. Is it difficult... Is this not the mountain inside Tianmu peak?

"What's the use of saying this now? Find a way to save your life! Why are these zombies so smart! Lin Feng, look... They even take a ladder to catch us. Hurry... Fly higher! " Xiao nishang looked down and almost broke her courage. Those corpses turned into zombies. They were put up in piles, almost five or six meters high every second, trying to catch them.

"Lin Feng, I think our anger just disturbed the dead here and brought all these bodies alive. When those workers came before, they should also encounter this situation and activate the bodies. However, they had good luck before. They didn't encounter an earthquake. They found something wrong and fled back along the original road... "Li Yutong grabbed Lin Feng and said.

"Is there a hole on the left? Meng Meng! It's the news from Mengmeng... "

From entering the abyss, Lin Feng didn't find any trace of Mengmeng. It turned out that Mengmeng was looking for the hole. When he felt the news of Mengmeng again, he looked directly to the upper left. Sure enough, there was a hidden cave on the wall. If he didn't look there deliberately, he couldn't find it at all.

Now that there was a hiding place, Lin Feng would not be a target for zombies here. He immediately raised Feng Tong's sword and jumped to the hole above.


Mengmeng is right at the mouth of the cave, waiting for them. As soon as Li Yutong saw Mengmeng, he was also surprised: "Mengmeng, thank you!"

"Unexpectedly, the little mouse is very useful!" Xiao nishang was also relieved and smiled at Mengmeng.

"It's not over yet! Sister Tong Tong, crazy girl, I think... We have entered a different space. This is indeed the interior of Tianmu peak, but it has been passive in space and magnified countless times. Listen to... The rumbling sound! The whole underground is rising... And, sister Tongtong, do you feel it? The smell of the nine sewers is getting closer and closer. I think they should all converge on our side... "

Lin Feng, who is getting closer and closer to the truth, said some of his thoughts and guesses.

"Yes! The nine sewers are getting closer and closer. They all come this way... No, it should be a little to our left. In this way, the end of our cave is the real... Land of nine Yin as far as possible! " Li Yutong also suddenly turned pale.

"No! Zombies are climbing up, Lin Feng! Come on... Let's run inside... "

Looking down, Xiao nishang saw that, as expected, the ground where the mass grave was just raised, and the terrible zombies of different forms gradually climbed towards the cave.


It was too late to think about it. Lin Feng, with Xiao nishang and Li Yutong, ran directly to the end of the cave, and behind him was a pile of zombies chasing after them with a crazy roar.

"Light! There is a bright light in front, which is the exit... "Li Yutong shouted, pointing to the front.

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