
There are many kinds!

A way to seduce people!

It's also a variety!

A little bird depends on people!

Have the desire to refuse and welcome!


Now, Xiao nishang is obviously refusing to welcome Lin Feng, but now she is still at the stage of "refusing". Who knows when she will start "welcoming".

But Lin Feng has been provoked to death by her. According to Lin Feng's violent temper, where can we wait until Xiao nishang slowly "welcomes"!


Directly, Lin Feng rushed upstairs and kicked the door of Xiao nishang's room open.

"Lin Feng, are you crazy? This is your own door! "

Xiao nishang didn't expect that Lin Feng would be so impulsive and... Domineering!

"Yes! I'm crazy, crazy girl, you're driving me crazy! Besides, I can kick the door of my own house as I want... "

As soon as he kicked into the door, Lin Feng directly saw the colorful Xiao nishang in the bathroom and immediately rushed up like a hungry wolf.

"Hey... Wait a minute! Smelly Lin Feng, I haven't finished washing... "Xiao nishang was stunned and knew he had played too much, so he shouted quickly.

"I didn't wash it either! Together... "Lin Feng doesn't care so much.

"Wait... Smelly Lin Feng..."

Xiao nishang hurriedly shouted to stop. Her psychological change was not so great.

"Yes! I'm smelly, so you help me wash... "Lin Feng began with a smile.

"Sleeping trough! No, Lin Feng, you... I'm going to cry... "

At the top of her voice, Xiao nishang felt that she wanted to shout indecent and help at any time.

"Shout! Scream... Crazy girl, just pretended to be so quiet in front of my mother... "Lin Feng smiled evil and didn't care so much!

"What do you mean by pretending! That's who I am... "Xiao nishang immediately muttered his mouth and defended himself.

"Yes, you are very beautiful..." Lin fengle snapped.

"Hello! Don't get it wrong... "Xiao nishang gave him a white look and clenched his fist to hit people.

"Where did I get it wrong? Flirting, crazy girl, I don't know where you learned it... "Lin Feng glanced at Xiao nishang's perfect figure again and swallowed his throat.

"Ha... What's the matter? How do you know I'm flirting if you don't peek? Can't I show myself? " Xiao nishang looked up proudly, but she was not shy in front of Lin Feng.

"OK! I've convinced you! " Lin Feng gave a thumbs up.

"Do you like it? Do you want to teach Yanran to me another day? You know, the girls' bathhouse in Qingbei university is a big bathhouse. I've seen it... Yanran's body is really good... "Xiao nishang also gave a bad smile and said.

"Do you think I haven't seen it? Crazy girl, my spiritual sense is not vegetarian! " Lin Feng said unconvinced.

"Oh? okay! Lin Feng, you are so awesome! Then I'll tell Yan Ran that you peeped at her with your spiritual knowledge... "Xiao nishang immediately threatened.

"Get... Crazy girl, you know to tell me all day! See how I deal with you... "


Xiao nishang's mouth to complain was blocked by Lin Feng before she could speak.

In the bathroom, the water vapor is hazy and a nice smell, but it can't resist the splashing of water. Lin Feng, who can control the water, magically placed the water column from the shower head in the bathroom directly into a heart shape and hung in the air. Even a girl like Xiao nishang felt soft at the sight of this scene


Mengmeng didn't know what to find. When she saw the spring in the bathroom, she was... No! It's the whole rat that's bad. He immediately runs away and doesn't know where to go.


One afternoon, the whole villa belonged to Lin Feng and Xiao nishang.

Of course, Li Yutong next door knew what would happen this afternoon, but she went to bed by herself and didn't participate.

However, when Li Yutong woke up after sleeping for two hours, he gently swept the next door with his spiritual knowledge, but found that Lin Feng and Xiao nishang had not stopped, and his cheeks were crimson again.

"Lin Feng is really right. Can you say that after arriving at Qingbei University... He didn't talk to Xiao nishang... That's right! During military training, I should live in the dormitory! In that case, it seems inconvenient... This nishang sister is also interesting and has a lot of personality. And it is the body of yin and Yang. It has a lot in common with my pure Yin body... "

Now that you wake up!

Now that you've seen it!

Li Yutong did not avoid it, and continued to look at it boldly with spiritual knowledge.

"Ah! Lin Feng, someone is looking at us... "I felt another spiritual sense revealed. Xiao nishang on the bed was immediately surprised.

"It's all right! Nishang, this is sister Tongtong... "Lin Feng smiled lazily and said.

"Sister Tong Tong, get up quickly! Get dressed... "Xiao nishang hurriedly said.

"What are you afraid of! Sister Tong Tong is not an outsider... "

Lin Feng has long been used to Li Yutong's existence and doesn't care at all, but Xiao nishang has a thin face. How can he stand Li Yutong's spiritual gaze?

"It's not an outsider for you, it's for me..." Xiao nishang muttered and habitually covered himself with a quilt, but on second thought, the quilt couldn't cover the spiritual consciousness, so she had to give up again.

"All right! Well... In that case, I'll help you... "

Lin Feng immediately made a simple spiritual boundary. In this way, Li Yutong's spiritual consciousness could not see the situation in the house. Similarly, Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness could not be revealed from this spiritual boundary for the time being.

"And shy? Hee hee! However, I really envy nishang girl. Hey... When will I really become Lin Feng's woman? "

Biting her lips, Li Yutong sighed. Since Xiao nishang was afraid of being seen by herself, she didn't have the mentality of continuing to observe and admire. Sometimes, Li Yutong really hates his pure Yin body. Why does his pure Yin body have such an attribute? If he doesn't break through the foundation period, he must maintain his pure body?

However, on second thought, the significance of the existence of pure Yin can help Lin Feng break through the bottleneck of cultivation. Li Yutong felt that everything was worth it. For Li Yutong, she will try her best to do everything that is beneficial to Lin Feng.

In this world, some women are like this. Their existence is willing and expected to pay and sacrifice for love. They don't think it's suffering and hardship, but feel that this process is very happy.

The Lin family, Lin Feng and Xiao nishang had a little too much fun. In addition, they really consumed too much energy and spirit last night. They just fell asleep in the house.

At more than five o'clock in the evening, Lin's parents haven't come back from work, but stewardess Luo Qingqing just got off the flight and rushed home.

"Listen to Aunt Zhang, smelly boy went home today? Hee hee! This smelly boy hasn't called my sister for several days. Last time I went to Qingbei university to see him, I was in military training... Look at my sister, I don't clean him up tonight... "


Luo Qingqing came in from the gate on the first floor, dragging her air suitcase, and came to see Lin Feng with joy. But Lin Feng and Xiao nishang upstairs are still sleeping. They know nothing about it.

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