"All right! All right... Qingqing, nishang, we're eating, not talking. Don't be so excited! "

On this occasion, Lin Feng can't interrupt to say anything. Lin's mother is also staring at the two girls, who are jealous for their son. She is both happy and worried.

It is Li Yutong who plays a very good role at this time. She is the oldest, the most stable and has the strongest ability. And the most important point is that Li Yutong has always been in favor, at least he will not be jealous in the open, making Lin Feng difficult. So as soon as she spoke, Xiao nishang and Luo Qingqing were more convinced of her.

"Sister Tongtong, I listen to you. In other words, your Li family seems a little sad in the capital recently. Do you need our Xiao family... "Xiao nishang nodded and said.

"No! Nishang, don't bother you. My parents will deal with it naturally, and they don't have much to do. " Li Yutong hurriedly interrupted Xiao nishang's words.

"Sister Tongtong, have you encountered any problems with the Li family?"

Hearing Xiao nishang's smooth words, Lin Feng had another heart, and hurriedly asked.

"Nothing, Lin Feng. You don't have to worry about such a small thing." Li Yutong said with some evasive eyes.

"Sister Tong Tong, how can you say that your family's affairs are trivial? Moreover, the Li family should also be regarded as a big family in Beijing. Since they have encountered problems, they must be not small. "

At this time, Lin Feng felt a little ashamed. Li Yutong had been silently paying for himself behind his back, but he never seemed to have considered anything for Li Yutong, and even the aristocratic family behind her had little understanding of the Li family.

"It's nothing... Let's eat vegetables, otherwise the dishes will not taste good when they are cold."

Li Yutong hurriedly cut off the topic. He didn't seem to want to be mentioned. Lin Feng didn't go deep into it, but he decided to go back to the capital and find out what difficulties the Li family had encountered.

Luo Qingqing can't talk about the aristocratic family, but she has always been a girl like a stubborn donkey and will never admit defeat. In terms of congenital conditions, she is not the daughter of a big family, but now she has the inheritance of truth cultivation and a powerful spirit bug Xiaojin.

Luo Qingqing doesn't believe that she can lose to Lin Feng's other women in cultivation. Of course, this has made a serious change in Luo Qingqing's attitude towards passive cultivation. He decided to take the initiative and practice more diligently in the future. He can't be so careless.

"Who says only sister Tong Tong is the good wife of the smelly boy? I can help smelly boy in the future... "Luo Qingqing is not satisfied to be a beautiful vase. Especially today, when she heard that Xiao nishang used the power of her family behind her as capital to pressure her, Luo Qingqing strengthened her belief to practice hard.

"Smelly girl! Don't be complacent. Your Xiao family is just an ancient martial family. Elder sister, I'm a cultivator of Qi level Four now. I'm much more powerful than your so-called ancient martial. "

These words could not be said in front of Lin's mother. Luo Qingqing challenged Xiao nishang with spiritual knowledge.

"What's so great about the cultivator? Sister Qingqing, have you forgotten that I am also a cultivator? I used to practice martial arts. Now I can practice faster than you. The combat effectiveness is definitely much stronger than those who have never practiced martial arts... "

Xiao nishang was not polite. Anyway, it was spiritual knowledge. Luo Qingqing took the initiative to provoke her. Of course, she wouldn't be weak.

"Oh? So you think you're great? Do you want to practice later in the evening? " Luo Qingqing saw that Xiao nishang was only practicing Qi on the second floor. She thought she could not beat her on the fourth floor?

"Come on! Elder sister Qingqing, don't think that a higher cultivation is really more powerful. It's true that power is great, but the key depends on whether you can use it... "

Xiao nishang was never afraid of being provoked and challenged by others. What's more, when she met Luo Qingqing with such a right temper, she was ignited with a strong sense of war.

"Enough! That's enough... Crazy girl, sister Qingqing, I beg you... Be quiet! Be quiet! Live in peace! This is just a literary fight. Will there be another fight soon? Can you stop... "

Although they are transmitting sound, they are not encrypted, so the spiritual knowledge of Lin Feng and Li Yutong can actually hear their dialogue.

Hearing that the two were so tense, it seemed that they would lift the table and fight immediately the next second. Lin Feng hurried to stop them.

"Smelly boy, you say... Is it me or this smelly girl?" Luo Qingqing smiled and questioned Lin Feng.

"Yes! Lin Feng, we can't really fight, but you have to say... Is it me or sister Qingqing? " Xiao nishang, unwilling to show weakness, stared at Lin Feng and asked the voice quality.


Caught in the middle, Lin Feng said that no one is more powerful. No matter which one he said, he will offend the other. Moreover, in fact, Lin Feng really doesn't know who will be more powerful if he really fights.

Because from the perspective of cultivation, it is obvious that sister Qingqing is better, but from the actual combat experience, Xiao nishang is not a little higher. Lin Feng has never seen Luo Qingqing act since Luo Qingqing also practiced the truth. Who knows what powerful tricks the golden formula of fortune she inherited?

"Xiaofeng, nishang and Qingqing, why don't you talk or eat? What are you doing there?"

Lin's mother sitting directly opposite looked at the three of them strangely and didn't move her chopsticks. She just sat where she was and didn't open her mouth. The expression on her face was very rich. They stared at each other as if they were playing riddles.

"Aunt Zhang, let's ignore them, let's eat our..."

Li Yutong watched all this as if he were an outsider, shook his head and gave Lin Feng a bitter smile. This is the retribution of the prosperous peach blossom luck.

"Sister Tongtong, please help me..." Lin Feng quickly shouted for help.

"Lin Feng, I don't know what to do now. Two sisters... Why don't you two go out and have a fight in the yard?" Li Yutong said with a smile.

"Sister Tong Tong, I'm kidding! I'm such a weak girl, but I never hit people. " As soon as Li Yutong opened his mouth, Luo Qingqing smiled and preached.

"Yes! Sister Tongtong, I was joking with sister Qingqing. How could I fight with sister Qingqing? " Xiao nishang immediately laughed.

"Sister Tongtong, you still have a way..."

Lin Feng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and quietly gave Li Yutong a thumbs up. It seems that only sister Tongtong can sit in this huge harem. Even crazy girl and sister Qingqing only serve sister Tongtong

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