"Hee hee! Sister nishang, I drew a trace sign. You can move, so can I. My cultivation is higher than you, that is to say... My physical reaction ability is faster than you. Do you think you can beat me? " Luo Qingqing smiled proudly.

"Damn it! Despicable! Sister Qingqing, you are... Cheating! "

Xiao nishang was so angry that she was easily dodged and fought back by Luo Qingqing for more than a dozen moves in succession. Basically, Luo Qingqing knew all the moves she could, and could deal with them freely, which made her heart hold tight.

"How's it going? Unconvinced, right? I can't help it if I'm not convinced. It's like the smelly boy I knew before you. When you didn't know the smelly boy at all, I've watched him wear open crotch pants... "Luo Qingqing has the upper hand and is complacent.

"All right! All right... Crazy girl, sister Qingqing, have you two had enough today? That's all for today. Now... It's my home! "

At this time, Lin Feng, as the "head of the family", can no longer stand idly by. Although he is skeptical about the method left to him before Li Yutong left, now he has to use this last means.

"Go and play, smelly boy. My sister will pick you up later." Luo Qingqing said without looking at Lin Feng. But as soon as her voice fell, Lin Feng clapped her with a palm, and a fixed body symbol completely fixed her.

"Lin Feng, I knew you were on my side..." Xiao nishang was very happy. Lin Feng also patted her and gave her a fixed body symbol.

"What have you done to me?" The two women asked at the same time.

"Nothing! Now the world is clean... As I said, here is my home! No fighting tonight! Stop it! Give me a good sleep... "

With an evil smile, Lin Feng added a sound insulation array around the room, and then hugged Luo Qingqing and Xiao nishang's body without resistance to bed.

Moonlight, very bright!

So lightly spilled in from the windowsill, making the whole room have an unspeakable romantic feeling.

But now there seems to be no romantic atmosphere in the room. Luo Qingqing and Xiao nishang, who were still at war just now, have now been given by Lin Feng with a fixed body amulet.

Although they are both practitioners, their accomplishments are much worse than Lin Feng. The talisman under Lin Feng can't break free even if they use up their strength, so they can only watch themselves being carried to bed by Lin Feng.

"Smelly boy, what are you going to do? Help your sister untie the talisman... "

Luo Qingqing felt stiff and could not move. She could only be at the mercy of Lin Feng. This uncontrollable feeling made her uncomfortable at all, and immediately shouted.

"Smelly Lin Feng, how dare you stop us? Don't you want to live? "

Xiao nishang also protested strongly. Only her mouth could move slightly all over her body.

"Hey, hey! Crazy girl, sister Qingqing, don't shout! Shh... Be quiet! That's right! Shouldn't sisters love each other? What kind of noise are you making? "

Lin Feng, with a bad smile on his face, sighed in his heart that the talisman was a good thing and was of great use.

"Oh? Smelly boy, it seems that you are going to teach us a lesson on purpose? Hum! What are we going to do? Can you teach us? " Luo Qingqing stared at Lin Feng and shouted.

"Yes! Why don't sister Qingqing and I love each other? Smelly Lin Feng, don't think you are right. Do you think it's OK to fix the two of us? If we don't move, can you hold us for a lifetime? " Xiao nishang also shouted with an unconvinced face.

"Hey, hey! I don't just want to fix you two... "

While talking, Lin Feng had impolitely extended his magic hand to Luo Qingqing. Just now, Luo Qingqing's room bed was relatively large, and the three people lying on it were not limited at all.

"What are you doing? Smelly boy...... "Luo Qingqing's face changed and she realized what Lin Feng was going to do.

The last time he went to the bathroom on the plane, he was crazy with Xiao nishang in front of his invisible face. Luo Qingqing didn't expect that this time, Lin Feng wanted to talk with himself in front of Xiao nishang

"Shameless, Lin Feng, if you want to play with sister Qingqing, I'm up to you. But you untie me first and let me go... "

Even though Xiao nishang has a thick skin, she is a girl after all. How can she stand such a stimulating picture? What's more, I look at my beloved boy and another girl

"Wait! Crazy girl, it's your turn in a minute... "

Lin Feng didn't think of this method, but just Li Yutong secretly taught him. When he first heard this method, Lin Feng also clicked in his heart. On the one hand, I think some are too evil. On the other hand, I also think that doing so may lead to collective protest and resistance from sister Qingqing and crazy girl.

However, the current situation seems to be completely opposite. The second daughter is indeed very rebellious and shy, but then, when the moon slowly hid in the clouds, the cicada outside the house couldn't help but stop crying, but everything in the house became extremely harmonious.

Heavy breathing, thin sweat.

"Smelly boy, I told you to use the talisman! Sister nishang, hurry... Clean him up... "

"Yes! Sister Qingqing, he is the most hateful. He should play with us like this. Look at me! "

"Hey... When did you two become so united?"

Lin Feng hurriedly shouted for help.

"It's called common hatred, you know?" The two women said in unison.


At this time, even Xiao Jin couldn't help flying out of Luo Qingqing's hair and shyly hid behind the bedside table. She couldn't help seeing Lin Feng being bullied by Luo Qingqing and Xiao nishang.

Woof, woof

Rhubarb downstairs also seemed to feel that its owner Lin Feng was in "danger", but it was not worried about Lin Feng at all. Instead, it smiled a few times, and then secretly ran out of the small door of the yard.


Rhubarb, the dog king, barked several times in the street. Suddenly, those bitches within a kilometer ran frantically. It was their king calling them!

Woof, woof!

Rhubarb looks at these dozens of bitches, fat and thin. The dog's eyes have made peach blossom, and he feels much happier than his master.


Woof, woof

This night, people around the jin'ou community didn't sleep well. The barking of wild dogs outside made people itch, but spring has just passed!

oh dear! It was a crazy night!

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