"What... What? Itchy skin? No one here is itchy. Lin Feng, you... Don't mess around. I... I'm your teacher. What do you want to do? "

Huang Jianxin had heard of Lin Feng's bad name for a long time. At this time, he also regretted that he had blocked the supplementary registration of economic class (2) for several packs of cigarettes from Ou Yong.

"What am I not doing! All said, Miss Huang, it seems that there is no one else in this office! Can you say that the person with itchy skin in the legend is you? "

Lin Feng waved his fist with a smile and pretended to beat Huang Jianxin. Who knows that Huang Jianxin was so frightened, he immediately sat down on the ground with his eyes closed and shouted, "don't hit me! Don't hit me... It was Ou Yong who told me to obstruct your class from making up the registration... "

"Hehe! I see! Who did I think it was... In that case, Miss Huang, do you see the supplementary registration for the afternoon competition in our class? "

It was so easy to find the man behind the scenes. Lin Feng smiled calmly and spread his hand.

"Report... Lin Feng, in fact, you don't have to come. I... I've just thought about it, and I think it's very reasonable for your class to make up the registration. You were not in school before, so you missed the opportunity to sign up. I'll help you make up for both games this afternoon. "

With that, Huang Jianxin immediately climbed to the computer desk and entered the supplementary registration of economic class (2) into the computer system.

"That's right! Miss Huang is really a serious and responsible teacher. OK, I remember you, thank you! By the way, please help me convey my thanks to Mr. Ou Yong. I will also thank him face to face if I have the opportunity. "

Seeing that the supplementary registration information was confirmed to be entered, Lin Feng smiled and patted Huang Jianxin on the shoulder, then turned and left smartly.

"Hoo... It's dangerous! I shouldn't help Ou Yong. Who is Lin Feng? Even the military training instructor is like a person who has nothing to do... "

Wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. When Huang Jianxin was afraid, the mobile phone that fell to the ground suddenly rang again.

"Hello! Lao Huang, what's going on? Why did you just hang up on the phone? "

The phone call came from Ou Yong, but as soon as Huang Jianxin heard that it was Ou Yong's voice, he yelled: "Ou Yong, it's all you! Why let me obstruct the supplementary registration of economy (2) class! Lin Feng killed me just now... "

"What? Did he hit you? Excellent! Isn't your office monitored? Copy the surveillance video to me, and I'll give it to the director of the academic affairs office and punish Lin Feng. " Ou Yong was surprised.

"Give it to you! No, i... I hid. Besides, is it useful for you to tell the dean? They have a deep background! Even the military training instructors beat me, and I'm a broken teacher? I can tell you, don't come to me for such things in the future. I want to live a few more years! It's not worth getting beaten up for your packs of cigarettes. " Huang Jianxing said with a look of bad luck.

"No! Lao Huang, what's going on? Lin Feng didn't hit you? This shouldn't be! It's not his style! Is it you... Who signed them up again? " Cried Ou Yong.

"Of course! If you don't report it to him, I'll be a pig now. Well, I won't help you with this. I can't provoke Lin Feng... "

Huang Jianxing was about to hang up, but Ou Yong hurriedly shouted, "wait! Lao Huang, you... Do me another favor... "

"Stop it! I won't be fooled again... "

"It has nothing to do with you. Since Lin Feng signed up for the shot put competition in the afternoon, you can arrange for me to be the referee. You don't have to do anything else."

Ou Yong turned his eyes and said.

"What? What do you want to do, eh! I said, "is it interesting for you to be angry with a teacher and a student?" Huang Jianxing said helplessly.

"Don't worry about it. There's no end between me and Lin Feng. Didn't he sign up for the competition? okay! I just want to be the referee of this game. At that time... It's not up to me to count his achievements. If you want their class to win, kneel down and beg me! " Ou Yong said bitterly. This is the best way he can think of to restrict Lin Feng.

"Then I'll help you for the last time. When something happens, don't come to me. Why do I always have a little foreboding? " Huang Jianxing shook his head helplessly and said.

However, in the end, Huang Jianxing opened the schedule and changed the referee arrangement of the men's shot put competition in the afternoon to Ou Yong.

Here, the base camp of economic class (2). After Deputy monitor Zhao Zhong explained the situation to everyone, the whole class became anxious.

"What should I do? If you don't bring such a pit to our class, why can other classes make up their registration before the competition? Our class can't advance so much? "

"Yes! Let me see! It must be that some classes are afraid that our class will win. The monitor is so powerful that he can definitely win the first place, whether it's shot putting or long-distance running. "

"Yes... If our monitor is allowed to participate in these two projects in the afternoon, our class will certainly be the first in total score. International Trade (1) class is a fart! Isn't it because there are several professional athletes in their class? "


When everyone was talking, Lin Feng walked back naturally and easily. Zhao Zhong rushed forward first and asked, "monitor, how's it going? Has Miss Huang given us our supplementary registration? "

"Of course, what's the problem? After I had a good talk with Mr. Huang, Mr. Huang helped us report it. " Lin Feng said.

"Can miss huang talk so well? But I just broke my tongue with him... "Zhao Zhong smiled and thumbed up and said," monitor, you have a way. "

"Great! This time, our class will definitely get the place in the three competitions in the afternoon. "

"The total score is the first. It's not certain who will get the flowers! Fu Yangxu of class 1 of international trade, just wait to be slapped in the face by our class! "

"Yeah! Long live the monitor, monitor, you must refuel this afternoon! Our whole class will cheer you on... "


Among the freshmen classes in Qingbei University, which class has the strongest cohesion is undoubtedly the economic class (2). Especially after the return of monitor Lin Feng, they are even more enthusiastic. There are only three games left in the afternoon. First, with Lin Feng's leadership, who do they think their class won't take?

Not far away, Fu Yangxu narrowed his eyes and said fiercely: "Lin Feng! It's not certain who wins and who loses! Don't be fucking happy too soon... "

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