"What? Let me hide away? ha-ha! Lin Feng, you are really an amateur shot putter. Do you really think that someone can throw such a heavy shot so far? "

Hearing Lin Feng's concern for this friendly reminder, Ou Yong smiled even happier. Because this fully proves that Lin Feng doesn't know anything about shot put at all. The shot put used in the freshman Sports Club of Qingbei university is more than seven kilograms according to the international competition standard. Among the world records, the best result of men's shot put is only more than 23 meters, while Ou Yong's position in observing and recording the competition results is more than 30 meters away from the player's position, It's impossible to get hit.

However, from this point, Ou Yong can judge that Lin Feng doesn't know anything about shot put, which is right in his mind.

"Oh? Is that so? Mr. ou, I don't know if others can throw so far, but when I play later, I suggest you stay away. " Lin Feng smiled and said.

"Sick! Lin Feng, don't brag. If you can throw it so far, I'll stand there and let you smash it. "

He shook his head and looked at Yao Dafu. The second round of throwing was about to begin. Ou Yong immediately rushed back.

"Watch it! I'm going to be serious for a while! "

The first time just now, Yao Dafu didn't use his best, but retained his strength. But even so, the result of more than 17 meters is enough to win the championship.

However, this time, monitor Fu Yangxu said that Lin Feng of economic class (2) should be completely convinced. Therefore, when Yao Dafu threw the shot for the second time, he held his breath and swished the shot put out.

"I'll go! Flying... It seems to be farther this time... "

"Grass! Yao Da Pang, is this going against the sky? Yes, he is a professional player. He is really completely hanging and beating other amateurs! "

"The shot put fell! God, it's a little farther than the last time... "


In the audience, everyone exclaimed when they saw Yao Dafu's shot put fall in the second round. They originally thought that more than 17 meters should be to break their real strength, but this goal improved their performance.

"19.1 meters! Yao bin of international trade (1) class, congratulations on breaking the men's shot put record of Qingbei University! The last record was a senior eight years ago. His score was 18.9 meters. "

After measuring the results and confirming that they are correct, Ou Yong shouted at Yao Dafu in a burst of congratulations.

"Ouye! Broke the record... Yao Dafan of our class broke the record of Qingbei as soon as he came. It's amazing. "

"What's the point? Isn't the first place in shot put obvious? It must be Yao Da Pang in our class! "


There was a burst of exclamation and congratulations around. Even those students who were not interested in the shot put project could not help but exclamation. After all, they broke the record!

After throwing such a good result, Yao Dafu was not complacent at all. He continued to pick up the shot put for the third time. This time, he had to use his milk strength according to the instructions of monitor Fu Yangxu. He had to challenge himself. With a sudden force and a whoosh, the shot put flew out in an unusual perfect arc.

"Sleeping trough! Sleeping trough... It's more powerful than the one just now. It seems... "

"Is Yao Da Pang going against the sky? Is the record just set broken again? "

"It's too hanging! It's not going to be 20 meters, is it? It's really a sensation. It seems that the record of our national youth games is a little more than 20 meters... "



When the shot put landed, everyone was stunned, because after each shot landed, Ou Yong would put a red flag at that position to make a mark. Obviously, the shot put position dropped for the third time is a little farther than the second red flag just now.

"Twenty meters! Oh, my God! 20.3m, Yao bin of international trade class (1), once again broke the men's shot put record of our school, and... Broke the 20.2m record of the Chinese Youth Games... "

At this moment, even Ou Yong couldn't help getting excited. It's very rare for him to witness this moment.

"Yeah! Another record... "

"Yao Da Pang! You are so hung up... "

"It's worthy of being fat in our international trade (1) class!"


The whole class of international trade class (1) was crazy. Yao Dafu took off his coat and ran over cheerfully. He congratulated and shouted with the boys in the class.

"That's great. It's breaking the record again. I didn't expect that watching a shot put would make my blood boil! "

"It's not easy. I've played shot put for more than ten kilograms! It's very heavy. It's really powerful to throw so far! "

"I didn't expect that there are so many powerful people among the freshmen of Qingbei University!"


Even the seniors and sisters who ran to watch the excitement couldn't help cheering and shouting. After all, this broke the record of the youth games. As a member of Qingbei University, everyone should feel the same glory.

But at this time, none of the students in economic class 2 was happy. Zhao Zhong, the vice squad leader, was even more aware of such an expression and sighed: "Hey! I knew Yao Da pang of international trade (1) class was very powerful, but the monitor didn't have a chance. The second place is only more than 14 meters now. As long as the monitor threw a 15 meter, the gap between us and international trade (1) class won't be too big. "

"Yes! I hope the monitor can get a second, so we can still be the first as long as we win the team competition and the 5000 meters. "

"Trust the monitor, everyone cheer for the monitor! Only fifteen meters is enough... "


Obviously, almost all the students in class 2 of economics have given up the illusion that Lin Feng won the shot put first.

Not only that, those sophomores and juniors who came to see Lin Feng's lively are the same. They are not optimistic about Lin Feng at all. The players who competed behind Yao Dafu obviously had no motivation at all. The 134m they threw was a world away from Yao Dafu's 20m.

"On the 17th, Lin Feng from economic class (2), it's you! Prepare for the game... "

Ou Yong was very happy. When it was Lin Feng's turn, he shouted at him.

"I see! I see... Mr. ou, are you sure you want to stand there and watch the game? " Lin Feng moved, moved his knuckles, twisted his waist, smiled and asked Ou Yong.

"Of course! Yes? Are you afraid that I will stand here and see clearly your irregular movements in the game? " Ou Yong smiled carelessly and said, "just give up the struggle! Lin Feng, your class can't win this time... Unless you beg me! Ha ha... "

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