"Come on... The 4x400 relay race is about to begin! How nervous! I don't know which class can win! "

"The hot winner this time is class 1 of international trade. Fu Yangxu, the monitor of their class, is so handsome! I've been watching for several days. Basically, he can get the place in the running competition. It is said that they are still national second-class athletes! "

"Eh? Didn't Lin Feng also play? He is so powerful that he can definitely take what he wants to see without error and repetition. Please download QQ and read the genuine one! Problems such as not updating and repeating chapters are stolen versions. Moreover, recently, in the fight against the stolen version, there will be more times when the stolen version can't be seen or repeated in the future. Please don't scold me again!

There is a kind to see the genuine, to ensure that there will be no mistakes! Thank you again to all the readers who pay for the original edition. Because of you, this book can continue to be written. If there is no original subscription, this book may not be written until now.)

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