"Today is really wonderful! Lin Feng is a genius! If he had been in the last Olympic Games, could we at least win two more gold medals? "

"What a pleasure! The main thing is the last counter attack and counter kill. I think the guy who ran first must be confused. He doesn't know when Lin Feng caught up? Ha ha... "


During the break, no matter in the internal forum of Qingbei University, the audience and the playground, everyone's topic is inseparable from Lin Feng and the two games that Lin Feng just ended.

Sports is like this. When we often talk about sports, we always think it is what men like. But in fact, the tension and excitement of competition, no matter men or women, will fall in love involuntarily as long as they are exposed to it.

Not to mention, the sweaty and full muscles of players on the playground will greatly stimulate women's hormone secretion.

Before, many female cheerleaders who came to cheer Fu Yangxu on the court, when they saw that Fu Yangxu was so bad and was half a lap ahead, they were still killed by Lin Feng. They immediately dealt with the turning black of Yang Xu powder and turned to Lin Feng's fan camp.

"Lin Feng! Come on! "

"I love you! Lin Feng...... "

"Go! Lin Feng... Come on! "


The 5000 meter race is about to begin. When Lin Feng and other contestants gathered on the runway, they heard more enthusiastic support and shouting than the last time.

Fu Yangxu next to him was depressed. He saw some cheerleaders holding their names on the sign, but they were shouting for Lin Feng. It was a great irony!

"Lin Feng, just be proud! I was too careless just now. I didn't expect your explosive power to be so strong. However, five thousand meters is not more explosive. Who can stick to the last is the first... "

One eye glanced obliquely at Lin Feng. Fu Yangxu's eyes were full of hate.

on your marks!


When the referee's whistle sounded, all the players shot out like arrows off the string. However, because it was a 5000 meter long run, almost everyone slowed down after a fast run and maintained a relatively fast uniform speed.

However, there is only one exception, that is Lin Feng. Although he didn't show the amazing speed of the 400 meter sprint just now, his speed is still more than twice that of the average player. He swished out.

There were more and more spectators in the stands, and there were voices and cheers one after another. When they saw that Lin Feng opened such a big gap with all the players in more than ten seconds, they were more excited and shouted.

"Sleeping trough! Lin Feng is still so crazy. Cool hanging and bombing. Oh, my God! Everyone dared not rush so fast at the beginning. He alone took the lead! "

"Come on! Lin Feng! But is he really okay? This is five thousand meters. I ran so fast at the beginning. What if I don't have physical strength behind me? "

"Lin Feng is really fast enough! But the speed is a little exaggerated, isn't it? Can you run back? "


Shout, cheer!

Seeing Lin Feng running so fast, Fu Yangxu opened a gap of nearly half a circle with him. He was also worried, but he still comforted himself in his heart: "don't panic! Lin Feng is looking for death. Who doesn't know that we should maintain good physical strength at the beginning of long-distance running? How else do you run in the back? Lin Feng runs so fast that he can't run behind. "

Almost everyone has this view, either watching Lin Feng slow down, or watching Lin Feng completely unable to run, but after one, two or three laps, everyone is surprised to find that Lin Feng's speed has not decreased at all, and there is no sign of fatigue.

At this moment, Fu Yangxu, who had only run two laps, got worried: "no! What kind of Freak is Lin Feng? no way! I can't let him run like this. If I run like this, I won't win him at all. I'm not sure. Can he really run to the end like this? "


Fu Yangxu really wants to win!

Therefore, when he saw that Lin Feng had been more than a lap ahead of him, he couldn't hold his breath anymore. Unexpectedly, he also began to work hard to catch up.

"Oh! Why did Lin Feng rush so fast at the beginning? It's three laps and it's still so fast. Other players have less than two laps. He doesn't have to be so fast! You can slow down and maintain your strength... Lying in the trough! Look, another player is accelerating... "

"Really! It's Fu Yangxu from international trade class (1). I heard that he was on the bar with Lin Feng. It seems that he can't hold his breath. Look at this, is he chasing Lin Feng? "


Sure enough, after Fu Yangxu began to accelerate, the audience was boiling again. That's right! There is competition and catch-up. The game is good!

"Ha ha! Did you catch up? Then I'll slow down and give him some hope. It's fun. Otherwise, it's boring to win! "

Aware that Fu Yangxu accelerated to catch up, Lin Feng also smiled, and then deliberately slowed down a little.

"Look! Lin Feng slowed down. This is the fourth lap! Are you really out of strength? It seems that Lin Feng really can't win this time! "

"Fu Yangxu is going to catch up..."


As soon as Fu Yangxu saw that Lin Feng was slow, the fierce fire in his heart that was eager to win became more vigorous, and he ran after Lin Feng with full strength.

"Catch up! It's about to catch up... Ha ha! Lin Feng, this time, I must win you completely. "

By the sixth lap, Fu Yangxu, who was physically overdrawn, was about to catch up with Lin Feng. He felt that his victory was in sight in this 5000 meter long run.

"Look! Fu Yangxu is going to catch up with Lin Feng. In this competition, it's not necessarily who wins and who loses! "

"Lin Feng started to rush too hard. Now he is not strong enough! Unfortunately, Fu Yangxu caught up with him... "


Just when everyone felt sorry for Lin Feng and felt that Lin Feng must be out of strength and must lose to Fu Yangxu, who came from behind, unexpectedly, Lin Feng suddenly accelerated. With a whoosh, the speed was much more terrible than at the beginning. This was the final sprint acceleration stage.

"Sleeping trough! Lin Feng accelerated again, so fast? As fast as the previous 400 meter sprint! "

"Isn't it? Lin Feng, who had rushed for so long before, still had the strength to accelerate? Isn't that terrible? "

"Shit! Who just said Lin Feng was going to lose? The real game has just begun, okay? "


Lin Feng's acceleration, the speed has gone against the sky, and the audience jumped up. They saw that there were few laps from the final destination. According to Lin Feng's speed, it was a matter of minutes to win.

"How... How is it possible? Isn't Lin Feng physically overdrawn? Why is it faster? "

Fu Yangxu, who was about to catch up with Lin Feng, watched Lin Feng ride the dust and run farther and farther, and then exceeded himself in an instant. The whole person was stunned.

Fu Yangxu, who had ignited his hope, suddenly failed. In addition, he had overdrawn his physical strength to rush up. When he ran more than nine laps, all his confidence was defeated by Lin Feng. He had no ability to run down psychologically and physically. His legs softened and panted. On the contrary, he was overtaken by other players one after another.

However, Lin Feng easily completed the last two laps with ultra-high speed sprint and won the championship of the 5000 meter race. It was a rolling victory against Yang Xu.

"What's going on? Why can't Fu Yangxu of class 1 of international trade run? Isn't he the best at long-distance running? Now those players behind have surpassed him! "

"Lin Feng has won the first place, but Fu Yangxu still has two laps... Ah! The second place was born, and the third place came out... It seems that Fu Yangxu can't get the place! "

"Lin Feng, this is too rebellious! He won the first place again. Fortunately, he didn't come back two days ago. Otherwise, I'm afraid as long as it's a men's project, he has to win the first place... "


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