In China, there are many moths like Zhou Yumin. Usually when they really want to work, they can't find a shadow. They never do much. When they have credit, they don't know where to come out.

"World record! And still ahead of the world record so much, ha ha! In my year-end report this year, this is definitely a heavy color. Originally, I was worried about the promotion of professional titles next year. There were no achievements to mention. Now it's done... Done! "

On hearing the news, Zhou Yumin shouted excitedly and immediately ordered the Secretary to quickly draw up several reports on Lin Feng's hard training under the excavation and cultivation of the sports department of Qingbei University. Finally, he accumulated a lot and broke the world record of men's shot put at the freshman games.

At the same time, Zhou Yumin immediately reported the matter to the State Sports Commission, which led to the current scene. The State Sports Commission sent people to Qingbei university to do a notarial test on Lin Feng's shot put results.

But now, as soon as Zhou Yumin heard that Lin Feng was going to give up the opportunity to apply for the world record, he immediately became angry. You know, Lin Feng gave up not only his personal honor, but also his bonus and merit of Zhou Yumin!

"No! Absolutely not. The leaders of the State Sports Commission have come. Mr. Wang, we can't be so controlled by the students' temperament. Besides, it's not a bad thing! Why give up? What about the student? Tell him to come out. I'll talk about him. Do you want to continue studying in Qingbei university? "

Zhou Yumin, who climbed to the position of director of the sports department of Qingbei University by virtue of his relationship, thought that Lin Feng would not refuse this record breaking good thing as long as he threatened and lured Lin Feng.

"Director Zhou, right? I am Lin Feng. "

Lin Feng saw at a glance what the fat director Zhou was thinking. First, he could earn some personal achievements. Second, he could get a special fund from the State Sports Commission. At that time, he must be in his private pocket again.

In the final analysis, it's just that he wants to take Lin Feng's world record breaking achievements in exchange for his personal benefits. Therefore, of course, Lin Feng is not allowed to give up this opportunity.

"You are Lin Feng! You child, tell me about you... Why are you so ignorant? Give up such a good opportunity to win glory for the country? Our students trained by Qingbei university are not like you. "

As soon as Zhou Yumin saw Lin Feng standing out, he came forward and grabbed him, "hurry up! Come with me, the leaders of the State Sports Commission are waiting! "

Without help, Zhou Yumin pulled Lin Feng over, and there happened to be a large group of officials from the State Sports Commission.

"Hello! Look... What's over there? Why, I look like the car of the national sports commission! Look... It's Lin Feng. Director Zhou of our school's sports department personally pulled Lin Feng over! "

"Isn't it to record that shot put just broke the world record?"

"It's director Zhou again, mom! This bastard director is nothing at all. Every time he knows to exchange our students' interests for his own credit. Do you remember the 'sunshine run' every year? I have to go downstairs to brush my fingerprints and run in winter. This is what my grandson came up with for his political achievements... "

"Sleeping trough! That's him! This time Lin Feng broke the world record, isn't it equivalent to giving credit to Director Zhou in vain? "

"What's the point? Seeing that his face was about to smile askew, he pulled Lin Fengsheng and was afraid that he would run away. It was absolutely forced. "


It turned out that director Zhou was already notorious on the campus of Qingbei university this year. In particular, the sunshine long-distance running activity formulated by him makes all the old students of Qingbei University itch.

Now that so many leaders of the National Sports Commission have come, everyone knows that Lin Feng broke the world record. It is estimated that Zhou Yumin will pick up many benefits for nothing.

Based on this point, almost all the old students can't wait for Lin Feng to break the world record just now!

"Huang Ju, this is Lin Feng from our school. He broke the record of more than 30 meters of shot put today."

When Lin Feng was pulled over, Zhou Yumin proudly introduced Lin Feng and said, "in fact, when Lin Feng was admitted to school, the sports department of Qingbei university had found his excellent sports talent. Moreover, he has made a series of training plans for him, so that he can achieve such meritorious achievements in such a short time... "

With that, Zhou Yumin immediately handed over several news manuscripts prepared by the Secretary and said with a smile: "I have people sort out the specific process and write it on it."

You know, director Zhou Yumin, it's no use doing practical things this year, but it's great to flatter and take credit for the gun! What materials should be prepared and what stories should be made up to highlight their role. He is menqing'er.

"Yes! Director Zhou! You, director of the sports department of Qingbei University, are really conscientious. In the men's shot put competition, few students from the sports university have achieved good results, but your students from Qingbei University broke the record and still exceeded the world record... It's incredible! "

After looking through the materials handed over by the director next week, director Huang nodded with a satisfied smile and said, "however, before your school sports meeting, the competition was very irregular, and there were no notaries and records. There is absolutely no way to serve as the basis for the world record. Therefore, we have brought professional judges and notaries. Please throw it again. Should it be no problem? "

"Huang Ju, don't worry, I never asked..."

When director Zhou was proud to ensure that there was no problem, Lin Feng, who had been silent all the time, said, "I won't lose it!"

Zhou Yumin never expected that Lin Feng would say "I won't lose it" at this time, but in front of so many leaders and staff of the State Sports Commission! As soon as he had finished, there was no problem. Lin Feng said he couldn't lose it. Isn't he beating him in the face?

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the leaders of the sports committee also frowned, but it was inconvenient for them to say anything. Director Huang just stared at director Zhou and asked unhappily, "director Zhou, what's going on?"

"Director Huang, don't worry. The little student has just participated in some competitions and may be a little tired. I'll have a good communication with him... "Zhou Yumin quickly smiled with him, then turned around and asked Lin Feng," Lin Feng, are you kidding? How can you say you don't lose it? "

"Director Zhou, it's not that I don't want to vote! But I'm afraid! " Lin Feng deliberately looked weak and said.

"Afraid? Lin Feng, it's to let you throw a shot put, not to let you go through fire and water. What are you afraid of? " Zhou Yumin asked with a puzzled face.

"I'm afraid of hitting people! Director Zhou, when I just lost it, I accidentally smashed my respectable and lovely teacher Ou Yong. Fortunately, teacher Ou Yong had nothing to do and just broke a leg. I'm afraid I'll hit some teacher again this time. Isn't that a sin? " Lin Feng said wrongfully.

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