"Ha ha! So it is, crazy girl. I know what the big Saint Gang is all about. "

Hearing what Xiao nishang said, Lin Feng carefully identified the two familiar figures again, and basically knew it well.

"What's going on? Lin Feng, what's going on? How can you know with two vague figures? " Xiao nishang said inexplicably.

After all, the Da Sheng gang can be said to be a mysterious force that all major sects and aristocratic families are exploring recently. It is obviously an extraordinary role to rise so quietly in China. Several other ancient martial families, including the Xiao family, are also asking for some information about the Da Sheng gang.

Everyone's attitude towards this force is to win over and use it for their own use.

"I won't tell you for the time being. I have to confirm it myself. Crazy girl, if what I expected is not bad, this great saint Gang is really my fucking power! "

Lin Feng smiled proudly, then deliberately sold a pass and said.

"What? It really has something to do with you? Lin Feng, you... You hide very deep! However, if it was your own power, why did you just know nothing? "

Doubting, Xiao nishang gave Lin Feng a white look and said, "shouldn't you be bragging again?"

"How can I boast? Crazy girl, I'll tell you, the two leaders of the great saint gang are actually...... "

Speaking of this, looking at Xiao nishang's eagerness to listen, Lin Feng deliberately stopped and said with a smile, "ha ha! Do you want to know? I won't tell you yet! Don't think I'll be fooled by such a low-level trick as the method of stirring up the general. "

"Hum! Lin Feng, you are so cunning. Did you say it or not? " Xiao nishang's curiosity was also seduced. He muttered and asked, "who are the leaders of the two great saints?"

"I won't tell you, and I'm just a guess. It hasn't been determined yet. I'll check it now. I'll tell you when I'm determined. "

With that, Lin Feng drank another mouthful of soybean milk, took the fried dough sticks in his mouth and left.

"Lin Feng! You bastard. "

Xiao nishang, who was angry, had no way to take Lin Feng. Looking at Lin Feng's back, Xiao nishang frowned and began to think about whether the great saint gang had anything to do with Lin Feng?

Lin Feng, who came out of the canteen of Qingbei University, picked up his mobile phone and quickly logged in to the intelligence network of the dragon group. Using the authority of his elders, he began to find some information about the great saint gang.

"GPS, I want to see where these two guys are now? Oh! The headquarters was originally in this city! Yes, the city is not far from the capital, and... It is easy to find and collect national intelligence. "

In the long group's intelligence network, Lin Feng also saw a lot of information about the Da Sheng Gang, even more complete than the Xiao family's intelligence network. From these information, Lin Feng has locked the headquarters of the great saints. According to the internal information of the dragon group, the headquarters of the great saints is in dongduluo City, and the leaders of the two great saints are also in the headquarters all year round.

So, in order to verify his guess, Lin Feng immediately ordered a ticket to Los Angeles and rushed there.

Luo city, once the capital of the Tang Dynasty, is famous for its beautiful peonies. After getting off the plane, Lin Feng felt that someone seemed to be watching him.

However, he didn't care. The surveillance eyes were not just directed at him. Instead, he explored every passenger who came out of the airport, and it seemed that after scanning Lin Feng, he didn't find anything wrong with Lin Feng, so he didn't care about him anymore.

On the contrary, not far behind Lin Feng, a warrior on the second floor the day after tomorrow was immediately followed by a van after leaving the airport.

"Oh? It turns out that there is such an organization in every airport, railway station and bus station in Luoshi. As long as the person judged is a warrior, there will be a specially assigned person to track it. It seems that Luoshi is not simple! Has it become the base camp of the great saints? "

According to the information obtained by Lin Feng, the Da Sheng Gang takes Luo city as a central radiation point, and there are some organization personnel scattered all over the country. However, Los Angeles is their base camp. Even the intelligence personnel of Los Angeles of the dragon group can hardly completely break into the interior of the Da Sheng gang.

"Good! These two guys are getting better and better. I think... It's probably not their ability. It's probably another person! It's just strange. Why hasn't the other person shown up? Are they still doing what I told them? I forgot myself! "

When he first arrived in Luoshi, it was not easy for Lin Feng to find the secret base camp of Da Sheng gang in such a big city. Although there are several suspicious places in the intelligence of the dragon group, Lin Feng doesn't want to waste any time.

Therefore, Lin Feng simply re entered the airport again. When he came out again, he deliberately showed his Qi and blood breath, probably releasing a level equivalent to that between the second and third floors the day after tomorrow.

So, as Lin Feng had just seen, after he disguised himself as a low-level warrior, he immediately stared at himself as soon as he got out of the airport.

After Lin Feng casually called a taxi at the gate of the airport, he immediately followed up with a black Santana.

"Driver, look ahead. Don't go to downtown. Go to a place a little closer."

Seeing that the other party took the bait, Lin Feng smiled and showed the taxi driver the way, because the airport was originally built in a relatively remote place. Lin Feng asked the driver to stop at the door of a three-star hotel, then went inside and opened a room casually.

After arriving in the room, Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge shrouded the whole hotel. He found that on the Santana behind him, two martial artists on the fourth floor of the day after tomorrow, all middle-aged men, came down. They carefully went to the front desk of the hotel and opened a room, and designated the one next to Lin Feng.

After seeing this scene, Lin Feng sat quietly in the room, waiting for them to come to the door.

Sure enough, after a while, the two middle-aged men pretended and went directly to Lin Feng's room door. They didn't knock. Instead, they stretched a pipe into the room from under the door and blew a burst of white smoke into it.


As soon as he smelled the fragrance, Lin Feng understood what it was. He pretended to faint and lay down on the bed.

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