When Lin Feng made such a fuss, the two people who were fighting for life and death were suddenly stunned.

"Yes! Nima, I have clearly realized that you may be a spy. Why should I question and expose you at this time! When I get back to the base, I'll find my brothers to do it with you. "

Brother Peng was awakened by Lin Feng's words and immediately felt that he was a pure fool. Obviously, there can be a better solution. I have to force myself into such a dead end.

"You... How do you recognize the identity of our dragon group? Besides, I stuffed it in my crotch! You can't see it outside at all. How can you come out as soon as you find it? " Ah Zhong was also stunned. Looking at the jade card of his identity in Lin Feng's hand, he already had the heart of death.

"Tut tut! How dare you come out like you? It turns out that you have reached the fourth floor the day after tomorrow. It seems that you two have good luck all the way! "

Seeing their surprised reaction, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Then who are you?"

They almost asked at the same time. Lin Feng was fascinated by them just now. According to his strength on the second floor the day after tomorrow, it was impossible to wake up, let alone control their two martial artists on the fourth floor the day after tomorrow.

"Who am I? I'm the one who wants your lives. "

Lin Feng frightened them. Suddenly, they were both frightened and immediately wanted to get out of the car and run away, but Lin Feng clicked on their chest, and they couldn't move!

"Can you point?" Brother Peng was startled. His body couldn't move. Only his mouth could speak.

"Oh, my God! Who the hell are you? " Ah Zhong's heart crossed. It seemed that he was going to make a decision. Lin Feng suddenly came forward, grabbed his mouth and took out a small bag of highly toxic poison from behind his gums.

"Give up! I don't know the Dragon set? Do you think it's so easy to want to die in front of me after your identity is exposed? "


Lin Feng pinched and exploded the package of highly toxic poison. The black poisonous water scattered into the carriage and made a disgusting sound.

"You... How do you know where my poison is hidden? Who are you and why do you know so much about our dragon group? "

Seeing this scene, ah Zhong was even more frightened. He is not afraid of death, because he has been determined to devote his life to the country that gave birth to him and raised him since he joined the dragon group.

However, when he saw that Lin Feng knew so much about these arrangements and actions of the dragon group, he had to worry. If Lin Feng is really the enemy of the dragon group, it is a terrible existence for the whole dragon group.

"What the hell do you want to do? I tell you, don't touch me! The two sect leaders of our great saint sect have unparalleled martial arts, and they all cover me very much. If he knows that I died in your hands, you will definitely die without a place to bury even if you escape to the ends of the earth. "

Seeing Lin Feng's means, brother Peng was also frightened and shouted, and quickly intimidated Lin Feng.

"Stop talking nonsense! I'll ask you now, what the hell is your great saint Gang? Who are your two guild leaders with unparalleled martial arts? As long as you tell the identities of these two guild leaders, I'll let you go. "

Lin Feng glanced at brother Peng and asked.

"You're dead! Even if I die, I won't betray two guild leaders. "

Lin Feng was a little surprised. Although brother Peng was a little greedy for life and afraid of death, he was still loyal. Even under this situation, he didn't reveal the identity of the great saint sect leader.

"It's a man. I'll count three. If you don't say it, I'll give you a good time!"

With that, Lin Feng pretended to count, and at the same time, a palm was always ready to pat on brother Peng's forehead.

"Three... Two..."

"Come on! I won't say it if I die... "

Brother Peng closed his eyes like death. When Lin Feng counted to one, he banged and clapped his hand on his forehead.


Brother Peng shouted and thought he was dead.

However, although the sound was loud, he didn't feel the pain at all. It turned out that Lin Feng's palm was just patted on the front seat of the car, which scared brother Peng to gasp.

"Good! You two have passed the test. Although the IQ is not very high, it is at least reliable. "

Seeing brother Peng panting for the rest of his life, Lin Feng said with a smile. It turned out that he was just testing that brother Peng was unreliable. As for ah Zhong, he was just going to take poison, which has proved his loyalty to the dragon group.

It can be said that the situation Lin Feng encountered now is really interesting. Although brother Peng and ah Zhong belong to different organizations, they are actually under the influence of Lin Feng.

"What the hell are you going to do? Who the hell are you? "

Brother Peng, who narrowly escaped death, is getting more and more confused. What force is Lin Feng and what does he want to do?

"Don't care who I am. In short, I'm the boss of your two bosses. From now on, you can do whatever I say. "

Lin Feng's faint sentence was the king's arrogance.

"Boss's boss? Are you kidding? My boss is the leader of the Da Sheng gang. What are you? Dare you call yourself the boss of our boss. " Of course, brother Peng won't simply believe Lin Feng's words.

"Oh? It seems that you have more status among the great saints? But you talk too much. It's a little noisy! "

With a smile, Lin Feng directly knocked brother Peng unconscious, then turned his head and said to ah Zhong, "he has fainted. Now you drive and go to the headquarters of the great saint Gang according to your plan just now."

"Who the hell are you? Why should I listen to you? "

Ren Dezhong looked at Lin Feng with a little frightened eyes and asked.

"It seems that you have a lot of words, too? Come on! Let me open your eyes, this... Now you know? "

He took out his dragon group S-class badge and flashed in front of Ren Dezhong. Lin Feng was equivalent to revealing his identity to him.

"S-level badge, are you... Are you the elder of the dragon group? Hello, chief! No wonder, I said, "how can outsiders know so clearly the rules of such details of our dragon group members?"

After seeing the S-class badge in Lin Feng's hand, Ren Dezhong's vigilance and fear immediately disappeared and turned into obedience and respect.

(PS: This is the chapter of 2000 active comments and changes yesterday! If normal, there are three normal updates today! Now the activity of the comment area is 2384. Whether we can add one more today depends on everyone's! Hurry up. Today is Sunday. After 12 p.m., the activity will be cleared and the statistics will start again. Come on, everyone, brush the comment area, and I'll come on!)

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