One shot is 800 million billion luxury houses, which is a wealth that ordinary people can't earn in a lifetime.

However, for those aristocratic families in Beijing, such luxury houses are often a means to give gifts and curry favor with higher-level forces.

"Li family and Chang family? What kind of power level are their two families? Why, I didn't seem to see these two powerful aristocratic families in the list of guwu aristocratic families before? "

Because elder Wang said that when choosing the aristocratic family forces to take refuge in, he also needs to pay attention to screening, so Lin Feng certainly needs to investigate and understand the power level of these two sides.

"Lin Feng, you haven't heard of these two families. It's normal. Because they are not ancient martial families, but ordinary families. The Li family is mainly engaged in some domestic energy businesses, while the Chang family is an antique family. Although neither family is an ancient Wu family, their strength is enough to be on the second line, almost reaching the level of a first-line family. "

Elder Wang smiled and said, "moreover, most of the families that need to be attached to our super aristocratic families are not guwu aristocratic families. They need a strong force to escort their business consortia."

In China, rights are often rent-seeking. It doesn't matter if you don't have money. As long as you have power, you basically have as much money as you want. Especially for the leaders of the dragon team, this kind of person who stands at the peak of the power of the whole Chinese country, asking for money and resources is simply a matter of talking.

"So it is! Elder Wang, you can tell them that you can keep both houses first. I'll take my family to move to the capital today and tomorrow. I'll go to both houses at that time. At that time, it will mainly depend on my parents. They will take whichever they like! "

Since it seems to elder Wang that it is normal to accept the refuge and gifts of the following aristocratic families, Lin Feng naturally enjoys it. Although he is not short of money, some luxury houses, as elder Wang said, can't be bought with money.

After all, there is an inch of land and an inch of gold in the capital, especially in the city center. The location with good feng shui and suitable for building villas and luxury houses is too scarce. There are so many aristocratic families in the capital. Basically, it's almost enough to divide up each aristocratic family's ancestral home or base camp.

Every year, many foreign consortia or aristocratic families want to join the social and political circle in Beijing. Third, Lin Feng wants to move his family to Beijing, not to develop his aristocratic family power in Beijing, but simply to better protect his family.

To sum up, although this is not a big problem for Lin Feng. However, the fact that their family was moving to the capital caused some small fluctuations in the aristocratic family circle in the capital.

This is a brand-new super aristocratic family. There are only five super aristocratic families in China. The newly promoted Xiao family is still only the five ancient martial aristocratic families because master Xiao has not become a regular, and has not obtained the corresponding resources and authority.

Therefore, the aristocratic families who can inquire about this news all try to have a good relationship with the new super aristocratic family. However, because Lin Feng is too young and based on the confidentiality of some of Lin Feng's identities, the dragon group did not expose Lin Feng's true identity and too much information.

Even many aristocratic families didn't know it. Almost overnight, too many aristocratic families emerged. Only a few well-informed aristocratic families with channels have received the news and began to prepare for refuge and relationship.

The Li family and the Chang family are the best of them. They are also an aristocratic family entrenched in the capital. However, they are not ancient martial aristocratic families, so although their business is large and their assets are not small, they are like a boat drifting on the sea. It is easy to capsize in a big wave.

Therefore, this ordinary aristocratic family with money and power is the most willing to spend money and energy to find a backer and have a good relationship with some guwu aristocratic families and even Taishang aristocratic families in the upper class. Because only such a backer can protect their business from some political risks.

"Lin Feng, I think these two properties look good. According to my suggestion, don't choose, you can all come down. After all, there are few people in your family now, and a villa can barely get together. It is estimated that there will be a lot of people in the future? "

Elder Wang was happy and said with a "I know" expression.

"Either or?" Lin Feng was stunned.

"Of course, as a new super aristocratic family, your Lin family doesn't have any ordinary aristocratic family to take refuge in. It's better to take this opportunity to attract some. It's also an expansion of your family's power. Of course, in the future, our Wang family and your Lin family can also exchange what they need. I will prepare Yajun's dowry very richly. " Elder Wang said with a smile.

"Elder Wang, this... You old fox, I knew Mr. Wang was deliberately arranged by you." Hearing this, Lin Feng shook his head awkwardly and helplessly.

"Then you are wrong! Lin Feng, I just revealed such a meaning to Yajun. The key is your own Lang Youqing concubine's intention. The main thing is that you are charming and can make Yajun fall in love with us. It's not easy. Well, I'll send you the information about these two properties later. Take your time! I have something to deal with here. Let's do it first. "

After that, elder Wang hung up. Lin Feng also relaxed. Originally, he thought he didn't find the house so quickly. He estimated that he would stay at home for a few more days, but he didn't expect elder Wang to be so efficient.

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