After reading these materials at one time, half an hour will come. The U disk sent out a zizizi sound and completely destroyed itself.

"Good! Ren, your proposal has been approved for the time being. However, whether he can shoulder the heavy responsibility of a depends on the votes of other directors. Secondly, he must also show a certain strength and willingness to express his willingness to bear the burden of the whole Huaneng Group. "

After reading these materials, madam seems to have preliminarily recognized Lin Feng's ability. However, this is not a family affair. Even if a township appoints a mayor, there are many processes and rules, including strict political review.

Not to mention that this is the first-class director of the whole Huaneng Group. Although madam is the core soul of the whole Huaneng Group, we should respect the final resolution of the whole board of directors in the voting of major matters.

"Madam, I know the rules. So now, let's start a board meeting with some of their old guys? "

With his wife's approval, it can be said that he has achieved more than half of his success, so old Cai couldn't help smiling.

"Yes! Purple, let's start the meeting! "

Nodded, the lady asked someone to bring a mask and said to old Cai, "your identity should be kept as secret as possible."

In the whole conference room, after the maid a Zi turned on the conference switch, another seven holographic images were condensed in an instant. This is the most high-end holographic technology in the world, which can make the participants feel like they are on the spot.

At this time, the flight of the Lin Feng family landed slowly at the capital airport. Wang Chang had already sent Wang Zhongjun, a descendant of his family, to the airport to pick up their family.

"Elder Lin, I have prepared several luxury cars for your family. Please get on the bus first. After that, all your luggage will be sent to the villa in the trunk car behind you. "

Wang Zhongjun only learned the specific information about Lin Feng from elder Wang this morning. When he knew for the first moment that the newly promoted elder of the dragon group was only an 18-year-old boy, the horror in his heart was like a raging wave.

At the same time, while shocked, he was immediately ecstatic, because it was a great opportunity for him. Lin Feng, an 18-year-old elder of the dragon group, has unlimited achievements in the future. He can get in touch with him at this time. If he can still get his favor and appreciation, he must have a place in the Wang family and even the whole Chinese country in the future.

Therefore, after seeing Lin Feng, Wang Zhongjun became more attentive. Moreover, Lin Feng's identity is an absolute secret. Since the elder Wang of the family asked him to do it and knew the secret, he is also transmitting another secret signal to reuse him and let him bear the bond between the Wang family and the Lin family.

It's hard to imagine that the second generation of the Wang family would be so respectful to Lin Feng, an 18-year-old boy.

Of course, they can't know Lin Feng's identity. Of all the people, only Wang Zhongjun knows the secret.

Even Lin Feng's parents didn't know his son's current identity. He was a little flattered to see so many people driving so many luxury cars to pick him up.

"Xiao Feng! Who are these people? "

Lin's mother, who had never seen such a big battle, timidly grabbed her son and asked, "will they deceive us?"

Although Lin's mother hasn't seen anything about the world, she hasn't seen a lot of dog blood TV dramas, especially some idol dramas in Bangzi country. There are many rich and handsome families, such bodyguards in suits and glasses, which makes her feel a little worried.

"Yes! Xiao Feng, be careful when you make friends outside. After all, this society is utilitarian now! Don't be sold and help others count the money... "

Father Lin, who has always been cautious, also whispered to his son that as parents, they are also worried about their son's losses.

"Mom and Dad! It's all right. They are all friends. Don't worry! They took us to the villa... "

Lin Feng naturally understands his parents' concerns, but for Lin Feng now, where else dares to cheat him?

Wang Zhongjun took a very low attitude, led the way respectfully, opened the door for the Lin Feng family, and then served as the driver of Lin Feng's car in person.

"Qingqing, Xiaofeng... It's a big show."

Luo Mu followed her off the plane all the way, and she was scared to some confusion. After all, before, she was just a very ordinary housewife, taking a special plane, taking the VIP channel, and so many bodyguards in black and limousines. I'm afraid she didn't often see these scenes on TV.

But today, she became a part of being welcomed, which made her feel a little like a dream.

"Mom! What a show! The smelly boy has the ability and money now. He can afford to play again! " Luo Qingqing took her mother in her arms with a smile and patted her on the back of her hand, making her feel at ease to follow.

At this time, in Wansheng Huangting villa area, Li Xiangui, the current owner of the Li family, came early in the morning and asked people to lay red carpets at the door of the community and put on all kinds of costumes.

"What's going on? Is there any big man coming to our community today? Even the red carpet? "

"I'm not sure. Look at the busy man, it seems that he is Li Xiangui of the Li family. The boy has been doing well recently. He took his eldest brother and second brother. I say how he did it! It turned out to be fawning on a big man! "

"Yes! Yesterday, I saw that the largest No. 1 villa of the Li family was cleaned out, and Li Xianrong, the second son of the Li family, was kicked out. It was expected that Li Xiangui planned to give this villa to the big man. "

"It's true, tut tut! Who will be the big man who can make Li Xiangui send villas worth more than 1 billion? Is it the real power faction of the ancient martial aristocratic families of the Xiao family and the Ouyang family? "

"It should not be. Several ancient martial families have their own areas and ancestral houses. Will they live in the new villa like us? It must be a family or a big man who came to Beijing from abroad? "

"Then with the current status of the Li family, who else do you need to curry favor with?"


Those who can live in Wansheng imperial court are basically several aristocratic families in the capital, at least second-line or above. They know more about the recent changes of the Li family. Seeing Li Xiangui's hospitality and reception, they are even more curious about who he wants to curry favor with.

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