After wiping the sweat on his face, Li Xiangui took Lin's father and mother to visit the interior of the villa. He had thought that this well prepared luxury villa would certainly satisfy the other party. If not so satisfied, there must be nothing to be picky about.

However, before entering the villa, Li Xiangui knew he was wrong, and it was extremely wrong.

"Tut tut...... why is the garden so big at the gate? How hard it is to take care of! "

"Also, the style of this villa is too European. I don't like it very much. Or the small foreign house in Zhian city is better... "

"These kinds of flowers and plants in the garden are the easiest to provoke mosquitoes..."

"And this step. Why is it so wide? What a waste! People are tired when walking... "


When she entered the villa, Lin's mother also took colored glasses and picked a bone in her eggs.

"The hall on the first floor is too big to waste!"

"Why are there so many appliances in the kitchen? Need it? "

"Why is the swimming pool so big?"

In particular, mother Lin pointed to the set of precious gold nanmu tables and chairs and despised the tunnel: "this kind of wooden tables and chairs are most likely to get moldy..."


"Mrs. Lin, this is gold nanmu..."

What's all this and what?

Li Xiangui looked innocently at Wang Zhongjun. He really didn't know where he had offended the extremely loud Mrs. Lin.

Wang Zhongjun also wondered. When he came all the way, he found that Lin's father and mother were just ordinary people in the market. They had never even been to the capital and had never seen anything in the world.

According to Wang Zhongjun's idea, Lin's mother should be very satisfied to see such a luxurious villa in Wansheng imperial court! How could you deliberately pick so many thorns out of nothing?

He wondered where Li Xiangui had offended Lin Mu.

But fortunately, when Li Xiangui asked Lin Fu for his opinions, Lin Fu nodded to show that everything was good. This is a relief for Li Xiangui. He habitually thinks that Lin Fu should be a big man, although his deep style is a little wrong.

Blindly thinking about how to please Lin Fu, a big man, Li Xiangui is not good at outlining his request to send beautiful women to Lin Fu due to the presence of Lin's mother. He still understood the rules. When Lin's mother was not present, he secretly transmitted the signal to Lin's father, and he was very considerate. He found a more biased villa in Wansheng Huangting community and made an appointment with Li Yutong there.

In this way, as long as Li Yutong is done, he can quietly take Lin's father there to be a good thing. He is completely unaware and will not be found by Lin's mother.

At this moment, Lin Feng was in the taxi. Under his repeated pressing questions, Li Yutong finally revealed the truth and said something about the struggle in the family.

"So it is. Sister Tong Tong, your third uncle is really sinister. However, as long as he has done something, there must be evidence and flaws. Wait... I'll send a text message... "

Say it! Lin Feng directly sent a text message to the Xiao brothers of the Da Sheng gang and asked them to order Liu Laosan to check the fight of the Li family immediately.

Of course, Lin Feng had already guessed vaguely that the Li family who would give it to his villa today is most likely the Li family where Li Yutong is located.

Now, through Li Yutong's mouth, the two matched each other, and he knew that it was because he wanted to move to the capital that Li Xiangui kicked out Li Yutong's parents and vacated the Wansheng Huangting No. 1 villa.

"Then... Lin Feng, now I... Want to see my third uncle?" Li Yutong asked when he saw Lin Feng's confident appearance.

"Go! Why don't you go? Besides, I'll go with you. At that time, we will do this... Isn't he trying to please the big man 'I'? Then I'll make him please. Don't say I won't give him this chance. "

A bad smile, Lin Feng's face, is that wilting smile.

Soon, the taxi stopped at the gate of Wansheng imperial court. Li Yutong called Li Xiangui and said, "third uncle, I have arrived at the gate of Wansheng imperial court. Are you sure you want to go to Villa 19 instead of villa 1?"

"Yes! Yutong, you go to Villa 19, where you are received. I'll be there in a minute... "

Li Xiangui, who is accompanying Lin's parents and others to see the villa, was relieved when he received Li Yutong's call, because in his opinion, as long as Li Yutong came, she was willing and had to cooperate, and if not, she had to cooperate.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lin, I'm sorry. I have something to do here. I need to leave for a while. Anyway, the general situation of the villa is like this. If you are satisfied, tomorrow I will send someone to transfer the villa to Mr. Lin's name. It's a little meaning. It's no respect! "

In a hurry to get rid of Li Yutong, Li Xiangui would excuse me. At the same time, he winked at Wang Zhongjun and said, "brother Wang, please treat Mr. and Mrs. Lin well."

Wang Zhongjun, who has already passed the ditch in advance, certainly knows what Li Xiangui is going to do now. But now the Lord Lin Feng hasn't come yet. It's his parents who come! Other things in the villa, Lin's father and mother have no problem, but this "beauty trick" must be used on Lin Feng!

Looking at the current situation, Wang Zhongjun understood that Li Xiangui obviously regarded Lin Fu as Lin Feng. He was anxious and wanted to explain it to Li Xiangui. But now Lin's father and mother are present. It's inconvenient to say these words. They want to wait for Lin Feng to officially come and introduce Li Xiangui again. Anyway, Li Xiangui is just going to deal with the woman now.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lin, although this villa is not so perfect, there are still many defects. However, I dare say that you can't buy a villa like this in the capital with money. After all, it's the intention of the Li family. Knowing that your family just moved to the capital and needed a place to stay, they specially took out a villa with the highest value of the Li family to give you. The market value of this villa is about 1.1 billion yuan... "

After Li Xiangui left, since Wang Zhongjun was the one who built the bridge, he naturally wanted to say more good words to Li Xiangui and the villa in front of Lin's father and mother.

But when he said this, Lin's mother, who had originally picked the one, was so surprised that she cried out, "I've been a day! No money? I thought this villa was bought by our Xiaofeng? Mr. Wang! That person was not a real estate sales or intermediary? "

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