Seeing the square dance in front of the building and so many enthusiastic aunts, Lin Feng really looked at the Xiao brothers with new eyes.

"See the great saint!"

Many of the other members of the Da Sheng Gang have not seen Lin Feng for the first time. Last time they went to Luoshi, they all saw Lin Feng's power. They are convinced of Lin Feng's ability. It's called a strong, even such a powerful flower demon.

However, there are still some members of the great saint sect who have joined or returned from outside. They have not seen Lin Feng, the legendary sect leader. However, even if they had not seen Lin Feng's powerful moment, they heard it from other experienced members.

Therefore, almost all members of the great saint gang are full of incomparable worship for Lin Feng, the great saint. Today, as soon as the two bosses said that the great saint would also appear today, everyone rushed over in high spirits early in the morning and lined up neatly to welcome.


Gang members in black suits watched Lin Feng pass in front of them with feverish eyes, as if the army was being reviewed by leaders.

"Don't worry, great sage. We have washed all gang members according to your requirements. If you look at the aunts of these neighborhood committees, you should know that we have done no less good in the past half a month! " Xiao Zhuo introduced their achievements in half a month while leading Lin Feng in front.

"Yes! Dasheng, you see, this is the banner of excellent enterprises issued by the district government to our Dasheng group. You don't know... Every few days, some uncles and aunts in the neighborhood write to the government to praise our Dasheng group! "

Xiao Yulong also happily pointed to some brocade flags and commendations hanging in front of the building and said with a smile, "these martial artists at hand have lived up to our expectations. They have all changed their faces to ensure that they carry forward the core socialist values, respect the old and love the young, and strive to do good deeds!"

"Yes! not bad Not bad! "

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng didn't think of it, just because his words could make the great saint Gang change so much.

In the past, these Wulin gangsters almost became synonymous with bullies. They relied on their ability to learn ancient martial arts and enjoyed the privileges given to ancient martial arts by the state. On the contrary, they did nothing good and did everything at the expense of others and themselves.

Especially for ordinary people, martial artists have a natural sense of superiority and think that ordinary people should be bullied by them.

But now, with the great leadership of Lin Feng, all the martial artists of the great saint Gang have realized their obligations and accusations as martial artists. According to the code of conduct of the great saint Gang formulated by the Xiao brothers, they carry forward the ancient martial spirit and eliminate the strong and help the weak, so that all the small thieves and gangs around here have been leveled, and they have done unknown good deeds, How many orphaned elderly and children from single parent families have been helped.

"Here it is! Da Sheng, I'll tell you about our achievements in the last half month. According to statistics, we helped the police station in this district, caught 13 fugitives and 35 thieves, swept away eight prostitution gangs, helped 87 lonely and widowed elderly people with poor mobility to buy vegetables, cook or carry things, and arrested 135 underage boys and girls to surf the Internet... "

Great achievements!

Xiao Yulong read the transcripts of the good deeds of the members of the Da Sheng Gang, and his heart was full of pride.

"Good job! That's why, as martial artists, we have to shoulder more responsibilities in this society. "

What Xiao Yulong said completely exceeded Lin Feng's expectations. He didn't expect that the martial artists were so efficient when they did these things.

"However, do the following gang members have no conflict with these policies? Let some of their martial arts experts catch some thieves and robbers, or help the old man do some good deeds. Are they willing? "

Thinking of this, Lin Feng also had some questions. After all, he knows the temper of martial artists very well, and the pride of martial artists makes them not easy to do these things.

"Yes! Da Sheng, at the beginning, our people were really resistant to doing these things. They don't think it's good to do these things at all. Why should they do them? We are gangs, not social charities... "

Xiao Zhuo smiled, then took out a photo album and said, "look! You should know the picture above... "

Lin Feng looked at the photos in the photo album and saw the burly members of the great saints. After helping the lonely old people or catching thieves and robbers, the people around him cheered and thumbed up. Some old people were even excited to come forward to embrace the members of the great saints.

"At first, everyone thought that doing these good deeds was thankless. However, when we saw the tears and smiles of those who were helped, especially some grannies, who even regarded our members as their own sons... Really, let us martial artists who didn't really feel family affection because of practicing martial arts since childhood feel that everything is worth it... "

With that, Xiao Zhuo couldn't help but burst into tears, pointed to a picture and said, "Da Sheng, look at grandma Liu in this picture. Last time I passed her house, I just helped her carry the gas tank. She treats me like a grandson now... "

"So it is! Very good, very good... In ancient times, martial artists were heroes who stood up for chivalry and justice. They didn't do good deeds for any kind of return, but if they did good deeds, they would certainly be rewarded. "

Nodded, Lin Feng turned back, bowed deeply to all the members of the Da Sheng Gang, then stretched out his thumb and shouted, "well done! Well done! Brothers of Da Sheng Gang, I am very proud of you. You are the character representative of martial arts in the new century... You must always do this! Help us... No! The fine tradition of Dasheng group will continue to be carried forward... "

"Great saint! Great sage... "

"Great saint... Great saint..."

Hearing Lin Feng's praise, all the members of the Da Sheng Gang shouted loudly.

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