As soon as the elder Wang saw that the place chosen by Lin Feng was the uncompleted residential area next to Qingbei University, he immediately shook his head and shouted, and his reaction was more extreme.

"What's the matter? Elder Wang, why can't this land be used? I think it happens to be next to Qingbei University! It would be much more convenient for me if our Da Sheng group were located in this place. Moreover, the geographical location here is also excellent... "

When Lin Feng saw these extreme reactions of elder Wang, he immediately asked.

"Lin Feng, when you were at Qingbei University, didn't you hear the rumor that this land was haunted?"

For Lin Feng's doubts, elder Wang said cautiously.

"Haunted rumors? It seems that I have heard of it. It is said that it is for this reason that the school gave up to continue to develop this place. Therefore, this place is still empty, and the school has ordered to prohibit any students from entering... "

Lin Feng remembered that several people in the dormitory had told him in detail that this forbidden area was haunted.

"Yes! If you think about it, how could such a large area of land and gold in the capital be vacant for so many years without some special reasons? " Elder Wang sighed and said.

"Haunted? I'm really not afraid! Elder Wang, how can even a congenital expert like you believe such a haunted rumor! As far as I know, in fact, most of the rumors of haunting are about thinking about yourself. In fact, there is nothing at all. Moreover, many can be explained by science. We are now in the 21st century. We should believe in science! "

Because Lin Fenggang has just experienced that his villa is haunted. In fact, he is just a Yin Gu making trouble. As an immortal, of course, he is not afraid of anything haunted. Although, according to the theory of practitioners, ghosts do exist in the world.

However, according to Lin Feng, it is too harsh to form ghosts after people die. Generally speaking, after people die, if the energy between heaven and earth does not enter the cycle, it can only survive for about seven or eight days.

Therefore, there is the "first seven". The seventh day after people die will be the day with the strongest energy. At this time, ghosts may return to their homes and finally visit their relatives. As for whether he was scared or reincarnated after the seventh day, it depends on their luck.

In this regard, Lin Feng's inheritance memory has only a little record, and he doesn't know too much. However, the general impression of ghosts is that Lin Feng doesn't think ghosts can be strong. Even some really surviving lonely ghosts have very weak energy.

Generally, this kind of ghost, let alone against practitioners, even the strong sunshine during the day, can drive them out of their wits and never surpass life.

Therefore, even if he knew there were ghosts in this forbidden area, Lin Feng was not afraid at all. At most, he took all these ghosts! Besides, after so many years, maybe the ghosts in it have dissipated due to lack of energy, or they may have found * * * * and reincarnated.

However, seeing that Lin Feng was still relaxed, elder Wang tutted his mouth, sighed at Lin Feng, and advised: "Lin Feng, don't take my words as a joke. I tell you, this forbidden area is really haunted, and... It's still a fierce ghost, especially fierce. I know you have great skills, but you can't be kidding... "

"Fierce ghost? Elder Wang, could you be more specific? How did the rumor that this forbidden area was haunted come from? "

Seeing that elder Wang was so worried and afraid, Lin Feng further asked, but until this time, Lin Feng still felt that it was no big deal.

"This forbidden area is haunted. It's not just a rumor in recent years. Not in the last 100 or 200 years, as far back as the early Qing Dynasty, this place was a mass grave. It is said that what was buried here was the last batch of generals and soldiers who stood firm when the Qing army entered Beijing... "

Sighing, elder Wang told Lin Feng the origin of this forbidden area.

"And then? No, this forbidden area has always been a random burial post? " Lin Feng widened his eyes and asked.

"Yes! Until the beginning of liberation, there were graves here. No one dared to move this place. They all said there were ghosts. At that time, people were superstitious and of course they were afraid of these things... "

Elder Wang turned around, clicked the computer mouse, called up some photo materials and said, "but look at these photos. In the 1950s and 1960s, we engaged in a cultural movement to break the four old and bring down all cattle, ghosts and snake gods, so of course we ignored the rumors of haunting here... Naturally, we had to transform this open space next to Qingbei University into a student dormitory... "

"Well! I know. The history of Qingbei University said that it was at that time that we began to plan the use of this open space. Moreover, it was at that time that the rumor of haunting was really true and spread. " Lin Feng looked at the old photos, which were basically the same as those he saw in the school history museum.

"Yes! Think about it. People in that era were so fearless that they were not afraid of any demons and ghosts. At that time, there were also some martial artists who built this area. They were full of blood and gas. Ordinary kids didn't dare to approach when they saw them. "

Elder Wang nodded and continued, "at the beginning, everything was normal, the random burial post was almost cleaned up, and the main school building was also built on it, but... On the 15th night, there was a sudden gust of wind in the whole forbidden area, and all the workers who stayed on the night watch saw the strange image..."

"What vision?" Lin Feng immediately asked.

"Thousands of troops and horses, blood stained the setting sun! The surviving workers later recalled that it was as if they were on an ancient battlefield and watched countless soldiers in armor fight to the death with the Qing army. The whole scene was very tragic! " Elder Wang said.

"And then?" Lin Feng asked again. He was curious about what happened to the workers.

"Later? Inside, all the female workers died, while although all the male workers were alive, most of them went crazy after they came out. Only a few remained awake, and most of them became silent after they came out. If they could not mention the original things, they would not mention them. "

Elder Wang said, took out another one from the thick files, handed it to Lin Feng and said, "look! At the beginning, our dragon group was also responsible for investigating this matter and wrote the detailed process in it. "

"All the dead are women? What is the reason? Elder Wang, are you sure there was no error in the data statistics at that time? It's impossible that all the female workers are dead. Are all the male workers okay? "

After receiving the file handed over by elder Wang, Lin Feng grasped a key point from his words. Why are there so many workers in the forbidden area? All the female workers died, but none of the male workers had anything to do. Even if they were crazy, they escaped alive after all.

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