"Sleeping trough! what? forbidden area? Boss, don't scare me! "

When Lin Feng said that the exciting place was a haunted forbidden area, Murong Hui sat down on the ground.

"Boss, do you want to go to the forbidden area?"

Ye Baiwei also looked surprised and widened his eyes.


Li kailue thought, as if he had something on his mind.

"Hey, hey! What about? Hui, is the forbidden area an exciting place! In the evening, I'll take you there and have a good time. "

Seeing Murong Hui who was scared to lie down, Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Don't be kidding! Boss, it's... it's Haunted! Who dares to go inside? Don't say it's night. No one dares to go in even during the day. "

Immediately waved his hand, and muronghui hurriedly said far away from Lin Feng.

"I'm not kidding. I'm going to explore the forbidden area tonight. It's up to you whether you want to come and see it or not. "

In order to solve the problem of haunting in that forbidden area, Lin Feng must explore it himself. However, because several people in the devil's dormitory had also been to the forbidden area two years ago, Lin Feng deliberately asked them to come back to see their attitude towards the forbidden area.

"Don't go! Boss, really don't go. It's too dangerous. The legend that the forbidden area is haunted is really not for fun. Didn't Kay and I told you last time? We saw with our own eyes that the people who entered it went crazy and committed suicide. "

At the thought of the terrible scene, ye Baiwei shuddered. He also pushed Li Kai and said, "brother Kai, you also advise the boss not to go to the forbidden area! It's too dangerous! "

Ye Baiwei's original intention was to let Li Kai persuade Lin Feng with his own experience, but Li Kai's face immediately became dignified after hearing Lin Feng said he was going to the forbidden area, and then he looked a little uncertain, as if he was making an important decision.

Until he was pushed by Ye Baiwei, he took a long sigh of relief, clenched his fist, suddenly stood up and shouted to Lin Feng: "boss! I've decided. Tonight, I'll join! I'll go to explore the forbidden area with you... "

"What? Kego, are you crazy? Didn't we go once? That forbidden area is really Haunted! Why are you still going? Don't die! " Seeing this, ye Baiwei also shouted.

"Crazy! Crazy! Brother Kay, you and the boss are crazy. How terrible the forbidden area is! The last time we went in and came back alive, we owe it to brother Xuan who took us. I want to have more girls! I won't stop you if you want to go, but I'm sure I won't go even if I kill you... "

Muronghui firmly shook his head and refused.

"Boss! What is the reason why you have to go? Sometimes curiosity can really kill people! " Ye Baiwei looked at Lin Feng again and asked.

"No, why, Viagra, that land is mine now. You said, "shall I go and inspect it?" Lin Feng said with a smile when he saw everyone's response.

"What? Such a big piece of land belongs to your boss? How much does it cost? Unfortunately, this land is really worthless! No one dares to use it at all. After all, ghosts are so fierce. "

Murong Hui was surprised, then shook his head and said sadly.

"Yes! Boss, aren't you being cheated? Spent so much money on such a haunted land. " Ye Baiwei also said.

"There is no money for this land, but if you want to use it normally, you must get rid of the 'ghosts' in it."

Lin Feng's eyes were firm. He looked at Li Kai and suddenly said in a deep tone, "brother Kai, you must have this knot in your heart in the past two years?"

"Yes, boss! If you can, please take me to the forbidden area. I... Must find out the truth about Wenli's death. "

Clenched his fist, Li Kai's eyes were full of regret and cried reluctantly. When they entered the forbidden area, his girlfriend Chen Wenli died inexplicably to save him. At that time, Li Kai was at a loss. Even Chen Wenli's body didn't come forward to have a good look, so he was dragged away by Xiao Xuan.

So far, although it has been more than two years, every time I think of this scene, it seems that it is still yesterday. Although Li Kai, the top hacker, hid in the dormitory all day and played games decadent, his heart was really suffering all the time. The cry before Chen Wenli died echoed in his ears from time to time.

Many nights, Li Kai was pleasantly surprised from the nightmare, and the pictures in the dream stayed in the picture of Chen Wenli jumping down from the upstairs.

"Brother Kay, don't be silly. Chen Wenli has been dead for two years. Even if you trace the truth now, people can't come back to life after death! "

Seeing that Li Kai was out of control, ye Baiwei immediately went to comfort him.

"Wen Li is dead, but... My heart has been deeply guilty. I often think that if I had another chance, I would not choose to run away alone. Even if I die, I will die by Wenli's side and be with her. "

His feelings were completely vented. Li Kai roared hysterically with a cry.

On the other side, ye Baiwei and Murong Hui seemed to be infected by Li Kai's mood. First, ye Baiwei slapped the table and shouted, "shit! What the hell is in that forbidden area, boss? I'll join you! Two years ago, we counselled and all escaped, causing many students to die miserably in it. Now you have the boss with us. This time, we must find out this ghost... "

"Boss, i... I'll join you. Both Kaige and Viagra have gone. I can't be a coward! Count me in! " Murong Hui also weakly raised his hand.

"Good! In that case, let's pack up some equipment. After dark, we will go to explore the forbidden area at night. Brother Xuan and Miao Yi should be back in more than half an hour. They should not feel like joining... "

Seeing that everyone in the devil's dormitory agreed to enter the team to explore the forbidden area, Lin Feng nodded and began to think about how to deal with the things in his heart.

At this time, Li Kai picked up his mobile phone, sent a group of text messages out, and soon received several reply text messages.

"Boss, I have a request. Can we take a few more people? "

Li Kai handed Lin Feng the text message on his mobile phone and said, "Chen Yuxuan, Liao Xiaobing and he daze, the three of them, also entered the forbidden area with us at the beginning. I just asked them, and they wanted to go in again... "

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