"Wow! Boss, are you going to write Fu? That's classical Chinese! "

Seeing the title written by Lin Feng, muronghui couldn't help exclaiming.

"Fu is a problem in ancient times, but it is much more difficult than writing composition now. People who do not have a certain foundation in ancient Chinese can't write it. Moreover, Fu is like a long poem. It reads catchy and the article is particularly gorgeous... "

Ye Baiwei watched and couldn't help exclaiming, "I didn't expect that the boss can even write ancient Fu. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of general Fu the boss can write?"

"Did stinky Lin Feng start to show off his literary talent again? However, when he took the college entrance examination, he got full marks with an article "Gong boudoir Fu". At this time, if you write another general Fu, it may be what the ghost general wants to see... "

Xiao nishang brushed her lips and remembered that Lin Feng had written poems for Qin Yanran and Xu Minjing, but she had never written anything for herself. She was a little unhappy at once.

Other people also showed a look of shock, because Lin Feng's spirit and state with a brush are much more authentic than the makeup of the actors in the ancient costume TV series, and much better than Murong Hui's posture just now. When he stood there with a brush, he was completely a scholar's spirit.

For Lin Feng now, he wants to write a general Fu about general yuan. In his mind, he constantly reproduces the scenes and pictures in the mural and integrates his thoughts and feelings into it.

Pick up the pen and drop the words!

"Grey face, sideburns, shoulder armor, angry voice, flying hoof horse."

Write down the first sentence. As soon as they saw it, they seemed to see an old general with gray hair but full of strength galloping on the battlefield on a white horse. With a roar, no one dared to fight.

"Good literary talent!"

When he saw the first sentence, Li Kai couldn't help shouting.

Others also nodded one after another. Only this sentence was enough to see Lin Feng's extraordinary ancient prose skills. Even, the whole extremely cold place couldn't help shaking. It was general Yuan who saw this sentence written by Lin Feng.

"There is a response in the extremely cold place, Lin Feng, hurry... Continue to write!"

Feeling this, Xiao nishang was surprised and said to Lin Feng immediately.


After writing the first sentence, Lin Feng closed his eyes again and integrated his mind into the scene of general yuan's life. Then he closed his eyes and wrote on:

"The golden dagger is ruthless. He has drunk hundreds of generals' blood and galloped with a whip. He is proud and cheers. Why? White hair on the temples! "

Seeing this second sentence, everyone was moved by it. They seemed to see a veteran's miserable life, living for the battlefield, growing old for the battlefield, and finally dying for the battlefield.

I don't know how many enemy generals' necks have been cut off. After all, I'm old and my temples are pale.

Before they could sigh, Lin Feng could no longer restrain the feelings he had accumulated in his heart. He closed his eyes and continued to write down happily:

"The beach and Gobi, the remnant walls and broken tiles, are the most eye-catching, with several old clothes and broken armor. Rusty mottled, roaring against the wind. More like that, hundreds of soldiers are choking! "

Writing about the hundreds of soldiers choking, everyone's heart could not help shaking again, the tip of their nose was sour, and tears were about to fall.


That's terrible!

Look at the murals in the back, the tragic battlefield. After the war, countless corpses and armor remained. How many children were dumped on the battlefield. Finally, they could only be blown by the north wind, and no one remembered their names.

Buzzing, buzzing!

The whole extremely cold place sent out bursts of buzzing, which seemed to be shocked by the content written by Lin Feng.

"When the north meets the enemy, the latter will give advice. Fight thousands of generals against the enemy. It's hard to laugh at princes when they are loyal and admonished. A strong man died with a cavity of warm blood. The princes are frustrated and the country has no peace. The frontier war was bitter and powerless, and the dynasty was confused. I hate my old age now. If I return to my old age, I will sacrifice my life to cut it and break it with the power of a sword! "

At one breath, Lin Feng wrote such a large paragraph, expressing the helplessness and grievances of a generation of famous generals almost at one breath.

How sad and powerless is it for a general who has lost his power and combat power?

If he was young and vigorous, even if he risked the world, he would raise his sword, break it with the power of a sword, and cut off all the disordered subjects and thieves with a sword before he could stop!

When I wrote here, everyone had been silent and involuntarily fell into the mood of great sadness and grievance for the general. It seems that those grievances are suffered by themselves, as if every part of the body is being cut by a knife.


The solid ice in this extremely cold place began to break and melt slowly. Everything around it was no longer cold. It seemed that there was a sound of sobbing and weeping in the air, and then suddenly turned into a long roar looking up to the sky.

"Yes! Lin Feng, the general Fu you wrote successfully moved general yuan and wrote it in his heart... "

Seeing this, Xiao nishang wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and cried in surprise.


The surrounding solid ice has begun to melt, but Lin Feng's brush hasn't stopped yet. He paused for a moment, slowed down and continued to write slowly:

"Sad rivers and mountains, beautiful miles, poor and extravagant beauty!"


When the last sentence of this finishing touch was written, the whole extremely cold land completely burst open, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and everyone suddenly felt that the ground under their feet seemed to be rising, surrounded by a dazzling white light.

When I could see everything around me again, I was pleasantly surprised to find that they had returned to the ground, and everything had returned to normal without any illusion. Next to them were the uncompleted residential buildings.

"I... we're out? We really came out! "

Seeing this, muronghui jumped with joy.

"Yes, the boss's general Fu completely moved the ghost general, and he let us all out..." Li Kai was also relieved and hugged his girlfriend Chen Wenli tightly, "Wenli! We're out. It's a dream. I'll never be separated from you again... "

"Great! Lin Feng, I didn't expect that your writing was not bad. I almost cried. "

Smiled. Xiao nishang was about to say a few words about kwalin Feng, but suddenly found that the ghost general with iron armor appeared again not far in front

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