fierce wind! rainstorm!

Everyone thinks it's a natural disaster!

However, Lin Feng and Xiao nishang knew very well that this was a man-made disaster.

Where is the man behind the scenes? How can they jump out by themselves?

Lin Fengqiang called out his Fengtong sword, and then hugged Xiao nishang in his arms, whizzing away.

"Lin Feng, wait! Where are you taking me? Why go that way? Isn't that the suburbs of the city? "

Standing on Lin Feng's flying sword, Xiao nishang shouted.

"You'll know later, crazy girl, although I don't know what these people's ultimate goal is. But don't they rain just to make a flood? Well, look at me... How much water I want them to make doesn't work... "

Lin Feng's mouth turned slightly. He had already inquired when he was wandering around before. A total of 13 low-lying areas in this area are the final rainwater storage areas. Because the rainfall is far greater than the amount of rainwater that can discharge flood, it will cause the rainwater in the city to be full and lead to various crises.

Now, what Lin Feng has to do is very simple, that is to take advantage of the power of Shenshui space to collect all the rainwater stored here.


When Lin Feng's flying sword reached the first place, which was a reservoir in the suburbs, the flood from everywhere had reached the maximum peak of the reservoir.

At this time, the water level of the reservoir has approached the warning line due to the influx of rainwater. The staff in the reservoir are sweating. They reported the situation to their superiors an hour ago. However, there is no other way. How can there be a way to empty the water in the reservoir in such a short time?

"What should I do? Director Wang, if the rain continues to gather, our dam will completely collapse. " The staff at hand are ready to run for their lives at any time.

"Damn, why? Why does it rain so hard? There's no way now. It's broken! If the reservoir collapses, what can the people around do? "

Director Wang wept bitterly, but he was so powerless that he wanted to jump into the reservoir and die.

"Let's go! Director Wang, since it's irreparable, let's get out of here quickly? Otherwise, it will be washed away by the rain... "Several staff members of his team advised director Wang to run away from the office.

"No! I won't go, Xiao Zhang, Xiao Liu, you go! You are still young and can make more contributions to the country in the future. There can't be no one here. We must transmit the latest data of reservoir water level in real time. Let me stay! "

Director Wang resolutely sat on the console and watched the water level rise bit by bit. He was determined to survive with the whole reservoir dam.

"Director Wang, I'll stay with you..."

"I will stay, and I will live or die with the reservoir!"


Several young employees were immediately ignited by director Wang's blood and shouted to stay.

"Xiao Zhang, you are still young! Be obedient and get out of here. This is no joke. It's life-threatening. "

Director Wang was also very moved, but he knew that these young children were different from him, and they had a broader future.

"No! Director Wang, if you can do it, so can we. "

The young employee named Zhang Haolin stopped in front of director Wang and quickly copied the latest figure of the water level in front of him.

"The water level of the reservoir is 98 meters, director Wang. It has exceeded the warning line by 8 meters..."

However, when Zhang Haolin just finished reporting this sentence, he suddenly stared and exclaimed strangely, "no! Director Wang, and everyone, come and have a look. What's going on? I only saw that the water level reached 98 meters last second. How can it suddenly become 88 meters now? Can't I be wrong? "

"What? 88 meters? How is this possible? Our cordon is 90 meters. It was 95 meters when I looked before. How can it fall to 88 meters in an instant? "

Director Wang was also stunned, and then hurriedly looked at the number displayed on the instrument, "it's 88 meters. What's going on? Is the instrument broken? "

"Look! Director Wang, I lost it again... I lost it! Fell to 78 meters, my God! It dropped another 10 meters. " Zhang Haolin shouted again.

"It's broken! The meter must be broken. Otherwise, why doesn't the water level rise and fall down? " Director Wang sighed.

"No! no Director Wang, come out and have a look! Look outside, the water level is really falling, and it's very fast! "

Other employees looked out and shouted in surprise.

"What? Did the water level really drop? How is this possible? Absolutely impossible! "

Director Wang didn't believe it and went out of the office to have a look.

I don't know. I was shocked at the sight. I saw a huge vortex in the center of the whole reservoir, and then the water in the whole reservoir rushed into the vortex quickly.

As a result, the water level of the whole reservoir is rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What the hell is going on? Why is there so much less water in our reservoir? Where's all that water? What is that vortex? "

Director Wang was stunned. Some of them were speechless. He has been working in this reservoir for nearly 30 years. He has never seen such a situation from a clerk to the current director.

"Ha ha! Director Wang, the water level has really dropped! It seems that an underground hole suddenly appeared under our reservoir and sucked all the water in? "

Zhang Haolin clapped his hands and shouted, "in this way, no matter how much rain comes in, our reservoir is not afraid..."

Next to the reservoir, all the staff were elated. Although there was a steady stream of rain rushing into the reservoir, the water level of the reservoir dropped rapidly, and finally fell to the lowest water level in history of less than ten meters. The whole reservoir seemed to become a grand canyon.

"All right! okay! Lin Feng, if you absorb water again, the whole reservoir will dry! "

In the middle of the sky, Xiao nishang, who was invisible, hurriedly shouted to Lin Feng, who used Shenshui space to absorb water.

"Yes! When the reservoir reaches the water level of eight meters, it should be enough to absorb more rain. OK, crazy girl, let's go to the next place... "

With a whoosh, Lin Feng stopped absorbing water, then quickly controlled the flying sword and quickly flew to the next water storage site with Xiao nishang.

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