"Willy bead? What is this? "

With that, Xiao nishang also came forward and looked at the glittering bead in Lin Feng's hand. After staring for a while, she couldn't help but look a little confused. There seemed to be a strong attraction in the wish bead, which almost hooked her soul out of her body.

"Hoo! What's going on? Lin Feng, why did I stare at this wish bead for a while and... Get a little lost? "

Startled, Xiao nishang quickly turned her head away from looking at the wish bead in Lin Feng's hand. She was sweating like she woke up from a nightmare in the middle of the night.

"Crazy girl, this wish bead should also be called resentment bead. In fact, resentment and willpower are forces of the same nature. It is estimated that the resentment accumulated by hundreds of thousands of wronged souls has been resolved at the last minute and condensed into this powerful willpower bead. "

Touching this wish bead, Lin Feng closed his eyes and continued, "in this wish bead, they released their life experience and resentment. I can feel their life, their resentment before their death, and their relief at the last moment..."

"No wonder I feel dizzy after just looking at it. There are so many grievances among the willing beads!"

So Xiao nishang didn't dare to look at this terrible bead again. She wanted to turn her head, but she saw that Lin Feng actually stuffed this wish bead into her mouth.

"Hello... Lin Feng, what are you doing?"

Xiao nishang hurriedly stopped Lin Feng and shouted, "you want to swallow such a big bead? Is your brain broken? "

"Your brain is broken! Crazy girl, I tried so hard just now, but it's not just to help those wronged souls free! This is a wish bead. It's very useful. Just watch. "

Say it! Lin Feng swallowed such a big wish bead several times in one breath, and the powerful wish contained spread instantly and occupied every corner of his body.


In Lin Feng's Dantian, the strength of willing bead was untied, and a huge explosion was sent out, which led Lin Feng's vitality to flow.

This phenomenon is very strange. If an ordinary cultivator is invaded by so many willing forces, he will be possessed or even explode to death. After all, so many wills belong to hundreds of thousands of different souls, and they can't be integrated at all, let alone refine their power.

However, for Lin Feng, there is no such problem at all. Because when hundreds of thousands of wronged souls spit out their golden wishes, they are filled with infinite gratitude and kindness to Lin Feng.

Therefore, these wishes will not hurt Lin Feng at all, and will not exclude him. On the contrary, they are combined in twos and threes, turned into golden spots, and integrated into every trace of his vitality.

"Turn your strength and reverse your will!"

Sitting cross legged, Lin Feng quickly began to control many forces in his body and run all day.

"Lin Feng, are you... Do you think your accomplishments are going to break through?"

Seeing this scene, Xiao nishang couldn't help being frightened. She felt that the breath revealed by Lin Feng began to grow rapidly, far exceeding the energy of a peak friar in the Qi training period.

However, Lin Feng had no time to answer Xiao nishang's words. He was immersed in his body wholeheartedly. He felt that all the vitality forces jumped up, and the vitality in the Dantian began to gather together slowly, and then began to turn into liquid slowly.


When the first drop of liquid vitality condensed, Lin Feng's whole head also exploded. He felt more strongly than the breakthrough in the previous Qi training period. His whole person seemed to roam in the universe, his vision became incomparably broad, and the scope of spiritual coverage expanded again.

At the same time, the vitality in the Dantian began to condense rapidly again. These vitality condensed into a liquid state, especially with so many willing forces. It turned from the usual white form of vitality to gold. Combined with the vitality of willing force, the energy contained in the same component was more than three times that before.

"These wishes are so powerful! Although they don't have very strong power, they can increase more than three times when they are attached to the liquid vitality... "

Lin Feng, whose spiritual awareness soared, has reached the last dividing point between the Qi training period and the foundation building period. He knows that he must seize the time to condense all his vitality into a liquid. In this way, he can really enter the foundation building period.

Before, Lin Feng's accomplishments had been unable to advance, not because of insufficient aura, but because of the lack of a sense of mood change and the most important help of external forces.

General practitioners of physique will encounter such a difficulty when they break through every big realm. It often needs special pills or strength to help. For example, the threshold from Qi training period to foundation building period. Most practitioners must rely on precious foundation building pills to have a chance to break through, or there are ancestors above Yuan Ying period who consume their own skills and use external forces to help them boost.

Lin Feng now relies on the huge willing contained in the willing elixir. As a driving role similar to the foundation building elixir, he suddenly, coupled with some feelings today, finally pried the bottleneck from the peak of Qi practice to the foundation building period.

"Ah! Breach! There's nothing remarkable about the foundation period! Even on the earth where there is a lack of aura, I, Lin Feng, have also broken through... "

With Lin Feng's last roar, the last vitality in the Dantian also condensed into a liquid. His cultivation completely broke through the foundation period with the help of willing bead.

"Lin Feng, your breath is... Really promoted to the foundation period? How powerful! "

Xiao nishang was always nearby, silently protecting the Dharma for Lin Feng. After Lin Feng opened his eyes and stood up, and day and night later.

"Yes! The foundation period, this is the power of the foundation period. Ha ha ha... "

Feeling an unprecedented powerful force, Lin Feng seemed to feel something in his heart, and seemed to mature a lot in an instant. The improvement of realm was not only the improvement of strength, but also his state of mind.

Looking around, he saw the Fengtong sword put aside by Xiao nishang. Lin fengshua waved and shouted, "sword!"


Fengtong sword also gave a happy sword chant and returned to the master Lin Feng's hand.

"When I hold a flying sword, I never want to kill anything, but to think about what I should protect." Holding Feng Tong's sword tightly, Lin Feng, who had just reached the foundation period, smiled and said.

(PS: Sixth change! I can't hold it. That's all. I didn't say it must break out ten more! Just say, I expect ten more, I try ten more! But the result is only six, brother Huo is also very sorry. However, there is another good news is that we will try to update it tomorrow, not only to ensure the minimum! Moreover, the next week or even a month, as long as the results are good, update as much as possible every day! Please subscribe more to support genuine...)

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