"What's going on? What is this drop of blood? "

Xiao nishang stared at this drop of blood with red light and asked.

"Hum! It turns out that everything is a drop of blood playing tricks! If I hadn't been promoted to the foundation period, I really couldn't make this drop of blood. "

Relieved, Lin Feng immediately held the drop of blood red light with the palm of his hand and said with a smile.

"Lin Feng, what's going on? Why do I feel a very powerful force in this drop of blood? And it is similar to the power of our practitioners, but it reveals a very evil smell. "

Seeing this drop of blood, Li Yutong also said with a very dignified expression.

"Sister Tongtong, this time, the dragon group said to us that there were 12 Tianren invasions. This is the second Tianren we caught."

Holding this drop of blood tightly, Lin Feng closed his eyes and felt, "all these Tianren have evolved from such blood. Look at the ninja in front of you. His cultivation is just tolerance. "

"Eh? Really! In this way, the kingdom of Japan has evolved a Shangren into Tianren by relying on such blood, right? "

Xiao nishang was shocked when she found this.

"Oh, my God! Lin Feng, doesn't that mean that Japanese people can rely on such blood to have countless Tianren? " Li Yutong also said strangely, although she didn't know how strong Tianren was.

"Not exactly. Crazy girl, sister Tongtong, please see, is there a trace of the vitality and blood essence of the cultivator in this drop of blood?"

Then Lin Feng showed everyone a drop of blood on his hand.

"Really, Lin Feng, so this drop of blood is the essence of the cultivator? Then the cultivation of this cultivator is too terrible! " Xiao nishang said in surprise.

"Yes, I've found it just now." Li Yutong also frowned.

"Therefore, it can be said that these Tianren of Japan are absolutely manipulated by a cultivator this time. On this point, I am very confused. Can we say that there are other practitioners on the earth besides us in Japan? "

Say it! Lin Feng collected that drop of blood again, but at this time, the Ninja bound by Lin Feng struggled and shouted, "give me back the blood of the evil god! My power! Our strength! "

"Blood of evil gods? It was originally called the blood of evil gods by them, which just allowed him to explain all the facts. "

This time, Lin Feng forced the drop of blood out of the Ninja's body, so there was no need to worry about the Ninja exploding.

"Lin Feng, who are you? Do you want to use the mantra?"

Seeing this, Xiao nishang took the first step and hit a mantra on the ninja.

"Say, what's the matter with your evil god's blood? How much evil god's blood is there? " Xiao nishang immediately turned into a female demon to extort a confession and asked the Japanese ninja fiercely.

"You Chinese pigs, we Japanese have the care of this evil god. We will certainly bring you into our great Japanese co prosperity circle. This time we got 12 drops of blood from evil gods through the altar of evil gods. Every drop of blood can make a Shangren instantly become Tianren. Ha ha ha... "

Under Xiao nishang's mantra, the Ninja gradually said everything he knew.

"Evil god altar? Lin Feng, it seems that there are no practitioners behind them. But through a thing called the altar of evil gods, I got these twelve drops of blood. " Li Yutong was relieved when he heard this.

"No! incorrect! Sister Tongtong, their evil god altar is not so simple. A Tianren I caught with the crazy girl before told them that the so-called evil god gave them a secret task. "

Lin Feng turned to the Tianren and asked, "go ahead! What kind of secret conspiracy do you have when you sneak into our Chinese land? "

"Look for artifact! The artifacts of evil gods are left on this continent. We are loyal believers of evil gods, so the evil gods entrusted us with the task of finding artifacts. You Chinese people, give me the artifact of the evil god quickly... "

Because of the mantra, the Ninja said everything he knew without concealment.

"Artifact, what kind of artifact is it?"

Lin Feng frowned, and then quickly found a picture from the ninja, "there is also such a picture on the water Ninja we caught before. Maybe what is painted on this picture is the general appearance of the artifact. "

"Yes! Lin Feng, before we could search this picture last time, the Ninja blew himself up. " Xiao nishang had also scanned the body of the Tianren with spiritual knowledge before and had found this picture.

However, when Lin Feng opened this picture, it was blank.

"No way! Lin Feng, there must be some mystery in here. Otherwise, how could they carry such a blank picture with them? " Xiao nishang wondered.

"Yes! Lin Feng, this blank painting must have some secrets. It must be some strange way to present the content of the painting. " Li Yutong also nodded.

"Is it not easy to know how to present the content of this painting? Just ask the little devil directly? " Then Xiao nishang pressed up that day, "tell me, what's the matter with this picture?"

"Ignorant and stupid Chinese pig, you will never know that this artifact map can only be displayed by relying on the blood of evil gods. Only by immersing the blood of evil gods in this painting can we show the appearance of the above artifact... Ha ha... "The Ninja said arrogantly again, but the method was also revealed in his words.

"It's like this. Let's see what kind of artifact the evil god is looking for?"

Say it! Lin Feng put the drop of blood god's blood controlled in the palm of his hand into this blank picture.


That drop of blood god's blood was quickly rendered in the blank picture, so a blood red pattern was slowly displayed in the picture.

"This... Lin Feng, why does the artifact they are looking for look very familiar?" Seeing the outline and shape of the pattern, Xiao nishang frowned and said with a puzzled face.

As the pattern became clearer and clearer, Lin Feng realized: "yes, this pattern looks very familiar..."

"Lin Feng, isn't this the one on you..." Xiao nishang said here and immediately changed it into a spiritual voice, saying, "it turns out that the evil god let the little devils find it. It's your demon refining pot?"

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