"Tens of thousands of dollars? Victory, you think too simple. How can they look up to tens of thousands of dollars? "

Hearing what Lin's father said, Lin Maosheng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"How much does it cost? Is it difficult or can it cost tens of thousands of yuan? That's too much. Those gangsters in Zhi'an City charge revenge fees from those restaurants, which is only a few hundred yuan a month, or just a few meals for free. " Lin Fu stared and said.

However, Lin Maosheng shook his head, then stretched out four fingers and said, "it's 400000. When they came a few days ago, they asked us to pay 400000 as members!"

"What? Four hundred thousand? Why don't they rob the bank? How dare you charge 400000 for protection? "

Hearing this amount, Lin Mu was even more angry.

"More than that, if it's only 400000, it's easy to do. I was going to pay them the money today, but just now their people rushed in again, and the conditions changed. They not only asked for 400000 dues, but also asked me to give them half of the equity of hero restaurant... "

Lin Maosheng said shamefully, "but the hero restaurant is a gold lettered signboard that your husband and wife worked hard! Where am I qualified to give them shares? "

"Yes! Landlady, you don't know. These people of the Beijing Food Association have always been like this. As long as they are famous visitors in the capital, they can't escape their clutches. They have to scrape a layer of skin off before they can operate normally. " Ye Xiong also sighed.

Together with the chefs and employees nearby, they all sighed when they heard the specific situation.

"It's over! It's over... It's estimated that our hero restaurant can't open completely? "

"I finally found a job. I thought it would open in a few days. Now it seems that the boss, they will not take out the shares of hero restaurant to the people of Beijing Food Association for no reason, so... They will not be able to start their business. "

"What a pity! With such a good location, the decoration is so retro, and the dishes of the hero restaurant are so delicious. If the hero restaurant is really opened, it will be popular in the whole street! "

"What! What is a hot street? It's the whole capital! "


"It's all my fault. Victory, Guizhu. I'm afraid big brother will live up to your expectations. This shop really can't open... "Lin Maosheng cried bitterly. Such a big man thought that the carefully planned restaurant plan would be ruined. He completely destroyed the only way to prove his ability. He couldn't help but collapse and hide his face.

"Big brother! It's not your fault. We... Let's try again... "Lin Shengli said with a sad face.

"Find a way? What else can I do! These turtle grandsons dare to smash my hero's restaurant, and dare to ask for our protection fee and equity? Dream! If I don't settle accounts with them today, I won't call Zhang Guizhu... "

After a while, Lin's anger rose completely. Thinking of such rampant Wang Ba eggs at the foot of the emperor, she immediately grabbed Ye Xiong and asked, "where is the address of the capital food association?"

"Ah? Landlady, what are you doing? " Ye Xiong was also stunned and was severely startled by Zhang Guizhu's momentum.

"Don't worry so much. Hurry up and tell me the address of the damn capital food association!" Cried Lin Mu.

"At... At No. 8, Guang'an Street, Xicheng, landlady, you... Don't be impulsive! They are very powerful... "Ye Xiong hurriedly advised.

"Impulsive? I'm really going to be impulsive today. Others bully us to shit and pee. I'm still calm! "

After knowing the address, the real mother Lin immediately turned and walked outside the restaurant.

"Hey... Guizhu, what are you doing?" Lin Fu was stunned and hurried to catch up.

However, Lin's mother's footsteps were very fast. She went out of the door and sat in the Maybach sports car. Then the accelerator rubbed to guess the end. The motor blew, and the sports car rushed out directly.

"Guizhu! oh dear! Guizhu... You... Don't be impulsive! Wait for me... Wait for me! "

Lin Fu, who didn't catch up with him, saw the racing car whizzing out. The secret road was bad. He knew his wife's temper very well. These Beijing food associations really deceived people too much this time, and angered her completely.

"Oh! Sister in law, victory, why don't you stop a little sister in law! There are many bodyguards of strong men in black in the capital food association! She rushed over like a woman. She must suffer a lot... "

Lin Maosheng, who also followed him out, shouted badly.

"Brother, didn't I catch up? Guizhu has always been such a hot personality. Even if I catch up with her, I can't stop her! " Lin's father was also bitter and worried, "what can I do now?"

As for the chefs and employees who chased out, they couldn't help but open their mouths in surprise.

"Isn't the landlady... Too cool? If you don't agree, drive... Bah! It's a matter of racing to find someone to settle the account? "

"How handsome! The landlady is a heroine! That momentum, towering! "

"What's the use of momentum! It's not that you don't know who the people of the Beijing Food Association are. They are cruel and ruthless one by one. No hotel in Beijing dares to confront them directly... "

"You too! The landlady ran there alone. Is there anything wrong? Boss, Mr. Lin, should we call the police? "


On the contrary, ye Xiong, the deputy general manager, was more experienced. He immediately drove out his car and shouted, "boss, President Lin... Come on! Hurry up and get on the bus together. Let's see if we can stop the landlady! "


They hurried into the car. Ye Xiong stepped on the accelerator and flew out. However, Lin's mother has been away for a while. She has been driving at high speed and taking shortcuts all the way. Now it's not rush hour. There is no traffic jam. They can't catch up with Lin's mother at all.

"Oh! Why doesn't Guizhu answer the phone? Her temperament is really... What should I do? What should I do? "

Lin Fu, who was in a hurry, couldn't get through several calls. In a hurry, he suddenly thought, "that's right! Xiao Feng seemed to go back to school yesterday, right! I'll call him and ask him to come quickly. At least I can stop Guizhu... "

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