Because the magic device was designed by Chen Zhong himself, the secret door of the box inside has a switch, and only the remote control in his hand can open the switch.

Now, the remote control is still in Chen Zhong's hand. He immediately pressed the button with his hand. The secret door inside the box was completely locked. In this way, even if Lin Feng really knew where the magic trick of the big change into a living man was, he couldn't perform at all.

Moreover, in this way, Lin Feng will also encounter the accident encountered by Fu Yangxu just now, that is, Zhao Zhong's sharp sword stabbed down before others moved away from the box.

"Ha ha! Lin Feng, I'm just waiting to see your ass blossom! "

Holding the remote control to death, Chen Zhongxin is already in full bloom. At this time, Fu Yangxu lying on the side was awakened again. He was confused when he saw that Lin Feng and Zhao Zhong on the stage were also performing a great change of life.

After Chen Zhong and he explained the reason, Fu Yangxu laughed bitterly: "this damn Lin Feng still wants to pick up a bargain and perform magic with our props. It depends on how he died this time. It's better to be like me, with a big hole in his ass...... "

At this time, under the stage, Qin Yanran saw that Lin Feng and Zhao Zhong on the stage were also going to perform a big change, and immediately worried: "what's going on? Didn't Lin Fenggang already perform a chorus? Why go on stage to perform magic? This magic is dangerous? "

In fact, not only Qin Yanran, but also other audiences experienced the scene of Fu Yangxu's injury just now, and were still terrified of the magic of the great change into a living person.

After all, if it was an accident free performance at the beginning, everyone would think that magic was safe and there was no danger, but now there had been an accident before. Lin Feng was not afraid of death to perform the same magic, which immediately increased the thrill of the whole magic. Of course, it also made the audience look forward to it while they were afraid.

"Does Lin Feng want to perform the same magic temporarily? It's really an expert in art who is bold! "

"Can Lin Feng really do Chen Zhongdu's failed magic?"

"After a while, Lin Feng was stabbed in the ass, which would be fun! ha-ha! Why do I think it's acrobatics rather than magic? "


The audience under the stage said everything, including those worried about Lin Feng and those waiting to see Lin Feng's jokes.

However, in the face of these, Lin Feng standing on the stage did not care at all. He still held his head high and encouraged Zhao Zhong around him: "Lao Zhao, don't be stunned. Let's start! Otherwise, the audience will be impatient... "


How the fuck did I start!

When Zhao Zhong was urged by Lin Feng, he was in a fog. Because he can't do this magic at all! It was brought up by Lin Feng, who completely disrupted his magic show plan.

Looking at one box after another, Zhao Zhong has no clue. How can he calm down!

"Didn't I tell you just now? Just say as Chen Zhong did during the rehearsal... "Lin Feng whispered.

"Ah? Lin Feng, is this really OK? "

Zhao Zhong has no other way. She's already on the stage. Can't she wait to perform? So he coughed, forced himself to calmly point to the box in front of him and said, "fellow students, I'm sorry that a tragedy happened here just now. However, I can only blame the magician for his lack of magic! Now, I'll continue to complete his unfinished magic... "

With a stiff head, Zhao Zhong can only choose to fully trust Lin Feng. His opening remarks immediately made the following laugh, which made the magicians Chen Zhong and Fu Yangxu face hot and very ugly.

"The dead duck has a hard mouth! This Zhao Zhong, he can't even perform such a simple goldfish magic. Do you still want to perform the big change? Hum! The switch has been locked by me. After a while, I'll see how they have disappeared? "

Chen Zhong was so sarcastic on stage by Zhao Zhong that his whole face turned green and said gnashing his teeth.

"Yes! Ouch... I can't hurt myself today. I'll wait to see Lin Feng. That guy is as embarrassed as me... "Fu Yangxu even got up a little gloating and waited to see Lin Feng stabbed in the ass.

On the stage, after Zhao Zhong entered the state, he also threw himself out and began to perform like a model. Holding a magic wand, he pointed to the box in front of him and introduced it to the audience.

"This box has incredible magic. Combined with my magic, it can make people disappear completely. Now, Lin Feng, please check if there is anything wrong with this box? "

With that, Zhao Zhongxin imitated Chen Zhong's appearance, pointed to the box and asked Lin Feng to check it.

Like Fu Yangxu just now, Lin Feng walked into the box, touched it a few times, and then suddenly knocked off the mechanism closed by Chen Zhong's remote control with his hand. Unexpectedly, he opened the secret door inside and shouted, "there's a problem with this box! Look, there's a mechanism here... "


Suddenly, the audience all leaned out their necks and looked at the mechanism box on the stage.

"Wow! The original mechanism of the box is like this. A mirror in front makes us have visual errors, and then we can't see the door and mechanism in the back. "

"Yes! After that, people can squat down from this door and climb out secretly. By the way, those decorated boxes in the back are estimated to be a secret way? "

"Hahaha... Lin Feng is also true. Zhao Zhong just asked him to check whether there was a problem with the box. Generally speaking, according to the routine, shouldn't he perfunctory say there was no problem before he can continue his performance? Why did he expose the mechanism of the box at once! How can we continue to perform? "


Lin Feng exposed the mechanism of the box so violently that everyone was stunned, and then the audience burst into a burst of laughter.

However, several people couldn't laugh.

The first is Chen Zhong, the original performer of the magic. What is the most embarrassing and embarrassing moment for a magician? Needless to say, it must have been when the mystery of his magic mechanism was exposed on the spot.

Although Chen Zhong is not on the stage now, his props and mechanisms are on it. Lin Feng exposed it naked in front of so many audiences, which makes his secret as a magician disappear.

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