"What? Talk about it all? Boss, I'm afraid you have a big appetite! Really take money is not money! According to me, as long as you buy about two, it will be enough for your sales of Aiqing soup. "

Even Zhang Miaoyi, who is often engaged in commercial acquisitions, was startled by Lin Feng's great pen.

After all, although each of these beverage manufacturers is relatively small and can not compare with the national industry leading enterprises such as Wang Laoji and JDB, after all, the total amount of each is not low.

Moreover, the function is repeated. If Lin Feng only wants to sell Aiqing soup on the national network, there is no need to buy so many.

However, Lin Feng's eyes are not only here, because some truth repair formulas in his mind are not only Aiqing soup.

After combining some methods of traditional Chinese medicine, we use the method of practitioners to make medicine, and then sell it to all parts of the country and the world as a beverage or health care product. It's sure to make a lot of money.

Therefore, in Lin Feng's view, it is indeed necessary to acquire more beverage manufacturers.

"Don't worry! Miao Yi, I have a plan. You can talk about it! The price is still secondary. The main thing is to hurry up. Talk about it as soon as possible, and we can start arranging the production of Aiqing soup. "

Driving the car, Lin Feng has arrived at the headquarters of the first Jade Leaf Herbal Tea in Beijing under the guidance of navigation. Just now Zhang Miaoyi has communicated with their board of directors on the acquisition.

These small beverage enterprises can always be said to survive in the cracks of big brand manufacturers. The sales volume of their products is often relatively general, and they can barely survive. The output is not very high, the profit is relatively low, and many of them are even insolvent.

So, at this time, it would be great if someone came to be the disk catcher.

In addition, Zhang Miaoyi knew the market share status of various industries very well. At the beginning, the board of directors of jade leaf herbal tea also asked the lion for huge prices, but after Zhang Miaoyi pierced some problems in their financial statements, they became honest one by one.

The acquisition plan has been discussed on the same day, and the process is very smooth, because when Zhang Miaoyi selects this manufacturer, he is optimistic about their single equity structure. The acquisition is almost signing and various equity changes, without much trouble and disputes.

Even Lin Feng didn't expect everything to go so smoothly. Zhang Miaoyi is indeed a powerful figure in the mall. He doesn't have the super memory ability of Lin Feng, but all kinds of business data and terms jump out of his mouth one by one.

Moreover, Zhang Miaoyi is also very deceitful. The mall is like a battlefield. You have to see the moves of the other party.

In this regard, if Lin Feng came by himself, because he was not familiar with this aspect at all, he would probably be fooled and finally purchased at a price of two or three times.

However, Zhang Miaoyi can pierce the other party's bluff, even break their psychology, make them feel crisis, and finally complete the acquisition below the market price

"Miao Yi! Well done. I'll immediately send people from Dasheng group to receive and take care of things here. At the same time, we'll pursue the victory. Which manufacturer's headquarters are we going to next? "

It can be said that this is the first time Lin Feng has experienced commercial negotiation and acquisition, which is really not as simple as he thought. On the surface, it seems that everyone is talking with Heqi, but the knife and blood can't be seen.

Lin Feng was unprepared in the face of these even though he had super force and the ability to repair the truth. It all depended on Zhang Miaoyi to control the overall situation and kill the other party. The price was pressed to the point where there was almost no water.

"The next one is nearby, baldheaded herbal tea!"

Aiming at the next target, Zhang Miaoyi was like a runaway wolf. After a cry, he rushed out.

In this way, after a whole day, there was Zhang Miaoyi, a senior general, and Lin Feng achieved remarkable results.

Of the six beverage enterprises, five have been talked about, and one is because of a family business, and the other is unwilling to sell.

After continuing the negotiation for an hour, Zhang Miaoyi also gave up this negotiation.

However, the five beverage manufacturers that basically cover the national channels are enough for Lin Feng to promote the use of Aiqing soup, and some subsequent plans can be implemented smoothly.

After a whole day of acquisitions and mergers and acquisitions, even Lin Feng, a cultivator, felt a little backache.

After sending Zhang Miaoyi away, Lin Feng didn't go back to school. He had to hurry up and arrange some preparations for channel trademarks.

In this regard, Li Yutong is a good hand.

During the day, he had asked Li Yutong to fly to the capital first and set up a special office group of Aiqing Tang within Dasheng group.

During this time, Dasheng group began to wash white and recruit many capable employees.

Immediately, the trademark was registered, the further development and mass production process planning of Aiqing Decoction were carried out, and it was sent to the State Drug Administration and the food safety administration for review.

In the evening, when he returned to the villa in the capital, his parents had already slept. Li Yutong smiled and handed Lin Feng the fruits of today's whole day's work in Lin Feng's room.

"How's it going? Sister Tong Tong, you've had a hard day today. This time, things are really a little urgent. "

Seeing these materials, all of them are complete, including trademark registration. Because Dasheng group has a green channel, all kinds of procedures and licenses are almost given priority to special personnel for examination and approval, and came down in half a day.

"Lin Feng, actually, I wanted to tell you about Aiqing Tang a few days ago. But I felt a little difficult at that time. After all, the national beverage marketing channel can not be opened up overnight. "

Li Yutong smiled and said, "I just didn't expect that you bought so many beverage companies directly. As long as you sell with their existing channels, there will be no problem."

"Yes! Sister Tong Tong, don't use the on-site channels. You have to build them yourself. Isn't it time-consuming and thankless? What's more? We are not short of money now. The important thing is to take advantage of the popularity of Aiqing soup and immediately start throughout the country... "

Looking at Li Yutong's small waist, Lin Feng's hands became irregular and climbed up directly. A pair of small hands were also grasped by him.

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